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Just What Is A "good" Kdr?

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#181 M0rpHeu5


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Posted 09 April 2013 - 10:46 AM

1+ if you are mostly pugging
2+ if you are mosly in group

#182 Chip Danger


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Posted 09 April 2013 - 10:47 AM

Kills / Death 3,410 / 965 C-Bills 68,463,520 Experience Points 2,037,469 Wins / Losses 1,892 / 967 Kill / Death Ratio 3.53 Accumulative C-Bills Per Match 140,416.74 Avg. XP Per Match

I'm more of a hard core player but most the Mercs in My group try to run a 1.50 or better.

#183 Walk


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Posted 09 April 2013 - 10:50 AM

View PostGrabes, on 09 April 2013 - 05:00 AM, said:

To everyone that has replied in this post;

how can you take any of the two stats, KDR, W/LR, as being indicators of player skill when the game is so buggy and so player dependent that you can be handed a loss before the countdown timer even finishes?

Prevalent bugs that cause people to be unable to play even at any kind of level does not bode well for any kind of statistical showing.

All of you can recall a game I am sure where you had a disconnected player, or someone screaming in pure rage that all they see is yellow, or have no HUD at all.

For as long as I have been playing, I have been trying to tell myself not to care about these stats. Not to worry about them, to not give a damn if a game is ruined because we lost two and a third has no mini map. i have only been fairly successful at that, and I am writing this now to urge, to guide others into not caring.

We can not care yet, we can not promote, we can not try for a goal right now with the state of the game and how it is.

Maybe someday this game will be E-Sports material. Maybe someday there will be rabid foaming at the mouth for contested premier spots on top Merc corp teams, or even exalted status in ones houses, just not now.

We can not live by these stats, we can not worry about them. Not with the dread four fps bug, or the yellow skies over caustic, the sudden load and drop to your wallpaper.

Stand firm! The only one who judges you right now is yourself! Play this game for fun, play it for nostalgia!

For the love of everything that is the internet, deliver us from our notions of leetness that we thrust upon ourselves in other games! it does not apply here!

Here's the thing, all those factors you mentioned cancel out over a long period, leaving the ONLY common factor being... you guessed it, YOU. If you are a positive influence and play in a way that benefits your team, your win% will be over 50. If you play in a way that detracts or hurts your team, your win% will start dropping below 50. Tbh, the only real stat that shows how good you are is win%(note: this applies ONLY to pugging, 4 manning it makes this meaningless to measure individual skill). KDR, damage done, etc can give hints as to what your playstyle is, but it is absolutely possible to have a 70+% win rate without doing a single point of damage by playing incredibly smart in assault and using your wits to scout, distract the enemy, lead your team into superior fire positions, or capping when it is needed. It is also possible to have a 70+% win rate by being a ******* monster with aiming, positioning, and picking targets in a way that throws the odds in your favor, which will lead to a higher KDR and higher overall damage as well as a high win rate. Either one of these players described is highly skilled, and there is no question of that.

#184 Jman5


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Posted 09 April 2013 - 11:40 AM

In my opinion, the only solid gauge of value is whether it's over or under 1. Anything beyond that depends on too many unknown variables.

1. Your flat KDR is accumulative from way back when. There have been several loopholes that people used to inflate their KDR such as Disconnecting before dying. These were eventually corrected, but the damage was done. The individual mech stats are probably a better idea of your real KDR.

2. There are people out there who run and hide when things go south just to preserve their KDR. This inflates their score quite a bit.

3. Snipers vs Brawlers. In general the snipers will kill more and die less than their brawler allies. Just the fact of life when you are way in the back with a lot more firepower.

4. Lone wolf, 4 mans, or 8 mans. If you lone wolf or just play 8 mans your KDR will be much lower than if you tend to stick to 4-man teams.

Don't let your stats consume you. There are many people out there who obsess about these things when really they should just be an interesting statistic about your playstyle. Remember. No one sees it but you.

Edited by Jman5, 10 April 2013 - 09:42 AM.

#185 Tesfurdo


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Posted 09 April 2013 - 11:40 AM

View PostHawkwings, on 09 April 2013 - 10:30 AM, said:

Nope. Atlas is not going to average 1000 damage a game unless both your teammates and your enemies are incompetent.

My enemies and teammates are often incompetent....
...in equal measures.

Edited by Tesfurdo, 09 April 2013 - 11:42 AM.

#186 Tekadept


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Posted 09 April 2013 - 03:41 PM

A good KDR is whatever you are happy with, no matter what other people think. You might perform as part of a team and not get a single kill but help the team immensley and hence have a **** KDR, or you may pug run around blowing **** to oblivion randomly or kill stealing or having High alpha builds etc and have a massive KDR, or just be an alround player with a KDR of 1.

No matter what, it is whatever you are happy with knowing how you play. There is so many ways to play and it will affect your KDR. FUN to UNFUN Ratio should be implemented :D

Edited by Tekadept, 09 April 2013 - 03:42 PM.

#187 MrDingDong


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Posted 09 April 2013 - 04:23 PM

Kills / Death 4,508 / 908

C-Bills 18,254,888

Experience Points 2,491,576

Wins / Losses 1,586 / 1,258

Kill / Death Ratio 4.96

Accumulative C-Bills Per Match 155,929.12

Avg. XP Per Match 876.08


Edited by MrDingDong, 09 April 2013 - 04:21 PM.

#188 Krinkov


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Posted 09 April 2013 - 04:31 PM

I don't judge my mechs by KDR or damage done. I divide my damage done by the time played in that mech. It gives me a damage per minute rating that I can compare between the different chassis. I seem to be averaging 60 DPM on most of my mechs.

#189 WardenWolf


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Posted 09 April 2013 - 04:37 PM

View PostStaplebeater, on 08 April 2013 - 07:10 PM, said:

What is a good KDR?

Anything higher than 1 means you are defeating more opponents than the losses you are personally sustaining, but it doesn't tell the whole story.

Overall, your team needs to average >1 KDR in order to win (discounting capture mechanics for the moment). However, a bigger mech with more weapons should be dealing more of the overall damage for a team - and so also is likely to get more of the kills. I would say those in Heavy and Assault mechs are doing okay with a KDR of 1.5 or 2+, right around where you are at, and doing well with a 2.5-3+

Lighter mechs can still be doing well even with lower KDR, though the *really* good light pilots often have some of the highest ratios - because they are *dying less*. Even if they only get the same number of kills as bigger mech pilots, or even less, if they manage to make it out of more fights alive thanks to their maneuverability and skill they can rack up amazing KDR.

Now personally, for each individual player, I would be encouraged if your KDR is above 1 and your WLR is around 50% or better. Remember, though, for everyone with KDR above 1 and WLR above 50% there are others who have worse scores... so if you fall in that later camp, keep at it! Practice, work on your mech designs, and above all find people to play with. That alone can make all the difference in both success and enjoyment :D

#190 WardenWolf


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Posted 09 April 2013 - 04:43 PM

View PostThontor, on 09 April 2013 - 11:01 AM, said:

Soulscour, on 08 April 2013 - 09:48 PM, said:
"Mine was at about 3.4 but has dropped steadily since elo. Here it is currently but its still going down."

About the same here. Dropped since Matchmaking phase 3 started. Base stats KDR dropped From around 3.2 to 2.6

Going by total kills and deaths on my mech stats, my KDR is 1.58 since mech stats started being tracked.

I was right around 3 KDR before ELO, after which it climbed to 3.25 or so. Then I started to branch out and play more than just my Atlases, and it has been dropping as a result - approaching 3 again now.

What is most interesting I think is that my Atlases still get 3+ KDR, especially my D-DC (not a big surprise, right?). I also have well over a 2:1 W/L ratio in that mech. However, I have been doing decently (2-3 KDR) in a couple of Heavy mechs as well... but I have *horrible* W/L ratio in them. Take my Flame for instance: 2.64 KDR, but only 0.67 W/L (winning only 40% of matches). I can't figure that one out...

#191 ArcDemon


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Posted 09 April 2013 - 04:49 PM

Your KDR will depend a lot on what mech(s) you pilot and whether you are playing as a lone wolf, dropping with a small group, or playing full prebuilt 8v8. KDR can also be affected by if you are playing to win or playing to preserve your KDR - there are people who will disconnect or otherwise do whatever they can to grab easy kills and avoid dying even if it means losing the match.

I will agree with what most people have said here: Any KDR over 1 is good. It means you are giving at least as good as you are getting and anything more then that should be channeled into winning the match, not grabbing personal glory. Unless you PUG stomp (and thus have high ratios handed to you) there is a lot of pride for a new player finally getting to that 1.0 KDR. Next step is getting the Win/Loss to 1.0 which can be a lot harder if you aren't stacking the deck.

#192 Gremlich Johns


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Posted 09 April 2013 - 05:18 PM

If you are having fun playing the game, KDR does not matter unless you are bayonet brandishing with other players. It says more about either the team you are on than anything or the mech you've chosen (like a 3L or Splatapult). A good team wins more often in the PUGs or 8v8 and can also contribute to your KDR indirectly.

You should be more worried about your weapons efficiency percentages.

However, since the KDR is being provided, then the percentage amounts of the mechs used to achieve that statistic should also be provided, by variant and also class if possible. That way if someone has a KDR of 3.25 and all they piloted is the Raven 3L during the no knockdown phase of this Open Beta, then maybe the 3.25 is deceptively high regarding a pilots overall skill.

Edited by Gremlich Johns, 09 April 2013 - 05:24 PM.

#193 JudgeDeathCZ


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Posted 09 April 2013 - 05:24 PM

I dropped from 2.xx to 1.5x bcuz I finally learned some tactics...and I rly go dmg/disarm mech with weapons like roaming AC/40 jager pointing those big weapons on me or teammates than kill walking sticks like Stalkers/Atlases w/o weapons or mechs with one weapon(laser in head on hunch/awesome)...

#194 Grabes


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Posted 09 April 2013 - 05:27 PM

View PostWalk, on 09 April 2013 - 10:50 AM, said:

Here's the thing, all those factors you mentioned cancel out over a long period, leaving the ONLY common factor being... you guessed it, YOU. If you are a positive influence and play in a way that benefits your team, your win% will be over 50. If you play in a way that detracts or hurts your team, your win% will start dropping below 50. Tbh, the only real stat that shows how good you are is win%(note: this applies ONLY to pugging, 4 manning it makes this meaningless to measure individual skill). KDR, damage done, etc can give hints as to what your playstyle is, but it is absolutely possible to have a 70+% win rate without doing a single point of damage by playing incredibly smart in assault and using your wits to scout, distract the enemy, lead your team into superior fire positions, or capping when it is needed. It is also possible to have a 70+% win rate by being a ******* monster with aiming, positioning, and picking targets in a way that throws the odds in your favor, which will lead to a higher KDR and higher overall damage as well as a high win rate. Either one of these players described is highly skilled, and there is no question of that.

Agree to disagree.
Frankly I think you need to learn to hit enter man.

#195 SnuggleBug


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Posted 09 April 2013 - 05:32 PM

This stat drives me insane. Why am i going to bother killing an atlas missing his right torso(and the oft carried a/c 20 that goes with it) when there is a 90% splat cat or gauspult hammering away at my teammates. I cannot tell you how many easy kills I have walked away from in the name of team play. I hope that they never make player stats public. Mostly because mine suck.

#196 Hauser


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Posted 09 April 2013 - 05:55 PM

View PostSnuggleBug, on 09 April 2013 - 05:32 PM, said:

This stat drives me insane. Why am i going to bother killing an atlas missing his right torso(and the oft carried a/c 20 that goes with it) when there is a 90% splat cat or gauspult hammering away at my teammates. I cannot tell you how many easy kills I have walked away from in the name of team play. I hope that they never make player stats public. Mostly because mine suck.


1) 3 medium lasers, 2x srm6 is still a powerful load out.
2) It will now take much longer to destroy that Atlas. Having fewer people shooting at you makes blocking damage with the arms easier.
3) Splatcats are not a threat to anybody who can turn their torso.

#197 kitazari


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Posted 09 April 2013 - 06:24 PM

I have a 0.46 KD ratio.
What does this mean?

1. I play the game for fun(Not SRS competition).
2. I pug.
3. If I have"skill", it doesn't show in my KD ratio.

I always wonder why people seek to raise and stroke egos.
When life throws you a lemons, you make a lemon-measuring contest.

#198 Voidsinger


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Posted 09 April 2013 - 06:24 PM

KDR is entirely meaningless.

Aside from the numerous exploits that led to these insane KDRs (Ravens, disco before death (I believe in Death before Disco!), LRM rain, the splash damage debacle, Gausscats, Streak Cats, Splatcats), game instability also adds in now.

Example, my changes in the last 9 weeks?:
Was Now
Games played 5940 9278
Win/Loss 0.727 0.805
KDR 0.51 0.61

What changed?
Host state rewind, I finished grinding up all mechs, and now just do new mechs. I play in groups more.

Every stat is rising.

Specialists have an edge of being in familar designs, known quantities. So the more people master other mechs, the bigger the price they pay now. PGI has huge balance swings, which means that mech of the month designs are in rotation. There are also real world matters. Bring on the Stat Wipe. A great many top KDRs are there due to exploits, bugs and in a few cases abuse of disconnecting.

I think people missed a question far more important than KDR. Do you play the brawl or the mission?

#199 Mycrus


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Posted 09 April 2013 - 10:59 PM

Ping comes into play as well.

Want to increase your kdr?

Have a <50 ms ping and then play in Asia primetime.

Don't forget your dual AC20s...

#200 p00k


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Posted 09 April 2013 - 11:52 PM

all these warm fuzzy hugs and kisses noncommittal answers

all right, i'll draw a hard line. a good kdr is double your win/loss ratio. doesn't matter if you solo pug, pugstomp, or 8man

better than double your w/l and you're a credit to your team
better than your w/l but less than double, and you're a contributor to your team
worse than your w/l and your team is carrying you

blah blah exceptions blah role warfare blah blah

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