Dang, I was just writing a reply to Bagheera in another MG thread regarding the critical hit system:
Bagheera, on 13 April 2013 - 09:25 AM, said:
Agreed. With the current system, you're nearly always better off doing raw damage to an exposed section. I'd like to think there's a way to make it viable, but not really sure what that might be.
If you have an opinion on the current crit system:
I am not sure the current system can be "salvaged" like that. Maybe if they doubled internal armour again?
But I'd like a crit system.
What I can come up with:
0) Ditch individual item hit points.
1) For every 8.33 % of internal structure you lost, there is a 33 % chance to get a single crit, a 11 % hance to get two crits, and a 6 % chance to get three crits. If you lost the damage from a "crit-seeker", the chance for a single crit is increased to 60 %.
2) Crits are determined randomly as now.
And a bunch of optionally ideas.
3) Optionally: Items can have multiple crit states. Undamaged, lightly damaged, severely damaged, destroyed. Most items go directly from undamaged to destroyed, except the engine, which uses all 4 states, and the AC/20 and AC/10, that use Undamaged, Severely Damaged and Destroyed. A "Severely" Damaged weapon has its rate of fire halved. Lightly Damaged Engines lose half their internal heat sinks, and severely damaged engines lose all their interhal heat sinks. (If we want a backdoor single heat sink buffs, they could also use all 4 sates, lightly damaged losing them 0.5 of their heat capacity bonus and severely damaged 0.5 of their heat dissipation bonus.)
4) Optionally: Ammo and Gauss Rifles explode with 90 % chance. Ammo explosion damage equals 20 damage for all ammo, and is scaled down by ammo count. (THis is a severe explosion risk increase for ammo bins, but the damage is in turn severely lowered, making it overall more predictable for the attacker but less devestating for the target.)
5) Optionally: Through Armour Critical Hits occur when armor is reduced to 50 % by an attack.
6) Optionally: Crit Seeker Weapons deal 50 % extra damage against internal structure (regardless of crits.)