FupDup, on 22 April 2013 - 11:27 AM, said:
References which don't contradict the fact that MGs in the lore are able to do 2 damage to mechs. Delicious red herrings, those are.
They're certainly a lot better against infantry than mechs, but they're not useless against mechs. There are better anti-mech weapons out there that are of similar weight and have more range without the ammo asplosions. An example of similar logic but a different topic: A UAC/5 is pretty much always more effective than an AC/5. Does that mean the AC/5 is useless? No.
I'm going to now deploy a hyperbole to show the issue with the Sarna descriptions:
Does that mean that Jagermechs shouldn't be able to damage anything but aircraft? Let's try another:
Does that mean the LBX cluster shots can't damage anything other than mechs?
I think you get the idea.
No Red Herring, you are one of several people that don't seem to grasp how combat machines are built. Ignoring that doesn't prove a red herring.
Thanks for bringing up the LBX, you should see why in my previous post to this.
Esplodin, on 22 April 2013 - 11:38 AM, said:
Nope, I pay attention to the methodology as to why combat machines are buil the way they are. Ever since BT was made, players have had issues regarding stock builds, a long standing argument that you clearly don't get or ignore. Ignoring it doesn't make you right.
stjobe, on 22 April 2013 - 01:23 PM, said:
Falcon - In 3050, it's a clan 'mech. Production restarted by Wolf's Dragoons in 3060.
Firefly - In 3050, it too is a clan 'mech, used only by Wolf's Dragoons.
Hermes - Only has two variants usable by MWO
Hussar - This could work, but it's a really weird-looking 'mech. Chicken-legs and arms on the nose? WTH?
Javelin - This could work too, but it has nothing that either the Commando or Jenner doesn't have
UrbanMech - No comment.
Valkyrie - Unseen design
Seems that you could stand to think a bit more about this topic as well as on the topic of MGs.
Nope, you should especially in light of the pictures you post about MG damage (more on that in my previous post to this).
As for the Mechs listed, you have got to be kidding. Look at what is in game already.
The Cataphract is a pure Liao design used by Liao and maybe merc units. Davion stole plans to make the Caeser off it. Do you see nothing but Liao players driving Cataphracts?
Certain variants are supposed to be limited to only certain Houses, maybe mercs. Are players limited by faction choice to only what they should have available?
Kaiser R Metzger, on 22 April 2013 - 03:20 PM, said:
I love the SPD-5D
I've playd the 5k enough to realize its worthless in what MWO has become. MG are worthless. Simple as that. I ran a 4 MG 5K. There is no point in going in for a crit kill if it wont ensure its death. Why would you do that when you could hit that same spot form a distance with your ER laz? You are completely exposing yourself. Now with projectile roll back getting legged is almost assured with every assault Bpat with Gauss, Ac/20s and PPC's. Personally I run a 5D with a single PPC and ECM. I'd be luck too get a single kill with the 5K but with the 5D I get 2-4 kills and assists on the whole enemy team with 500dmg.
If mg where ever to be useful would be against light mechs and brawls. Probably still be useless no matter what devs change to the long range combat that has become standard.
Don't get the point here. Sure you love the 5D for a reason you don't list that a lot of people know, it is better than even the 5V because of that. You mention having only 1 weapon on the 5D despite having 3 Enmergy Hardpoints, you can run 1 Energy weapon on all Spiders. We know the real reason the 5D is so good.
You cannot compare an ECM variant to others and expect the same results.
General Taskeen, on 22 April 2013 - 03:25 PM, said:
Yo Merchant, check this out:
"If attacked by infantry, or as a last resort, the tank commander can aim a single ASL Small Laser."
Don't be a cherry-picker, you copied descriptions, and bolded things, who cares? There is no infantry in MWO. Period. Never will Be.
By your logic, the Small Laser should be nerfed into nothing, for non-existent anti-infantry duty. There are plenty of the same Small Laser "shooting infantry" descriptions in Battle Tech too. Go browse the hundreds of TROs. MWO has followed basic TT damage values for 92% of the weapons, guess what the other ones that aren't are?
Its time to put an end to that tired logic. Forever. And provide logic to balancing the game with logical suggestions.
MW3 MG damaged Mechs, because the MG could damage Mechs. They did it right. MWO did it wrong. End of story.
Not cherry picking, people really need to get over that. Again, you are just going back to the years old argument of how players do not like how stock designs are made similar to how RL combat vehicles are made. Put an end to your illogic just because you don't like the method behind combat vehicle design.
Curccu, on 22 April 2013 - 10:37 PM, said:
"The Piranha's main threat is its twelve Series XII Rotary Machine Guns. These are a serious threat on such a speedy 'Mech to any foe, especially if a Star of Piranhas operate in a pack, and such a large array allows a Piranha to chew through an opponent's rear armor almost instantly."
Star of them, meaning 5.
5 x 12 = 60 MGs.
Do you have a way to test the effects of 60MGs in MWO?
TOGSolid, on 23 April 2013 - 10:44 PM, said:
Does rabble rousing for information really count as evil? I thought it was more "being intentionally annoying for the greater good." Ends/means etc.
You do know what type of people use the End/Means belief?
HammerSwarm, on 24 April 2013 - 05:31 AM, said:
Well the we agree(I think) that the end goal here is that we need something between .5(1.5) and 6(7) tons. In regular table top battle tech what was the weapon that did this?(3050 rules, no clan tech) I and I think most here would contend that it was the machine gun. The machine gun also had the role of protecting mechs with minimum range weapons when and if something closed in. From a mech design standpoint this makes sense. You don't want a range where you are defenseless for a skilled pilot to take you apart.
This is a design choice by the devs but in table top the A/C 2 has a minimum range. Not so much in MWO. In table top what ballistic weapon would you use to fill that minimum range in 3050(no clan tech)? Now how about in MWO?
Now in table top small mechs use machine guns such as the Piranha. Do you think a Piranha would work as intended in MWO?
I am interested to hear your thoughts.
I have registered for access on the Catalyst BT Forums there to start such discussion regarding the Ballistic gap.