Collisions: Why Are You Not Up In Arms About It?
Posted 09 April 2013 - 09:15 AM
CSLaoch: With the addition of the highlander, is there a chance that "death from above" may become possible, ex: crushing light mechs, or at least causing structural damage?
A: Yes when we re-introduce collisions after launch.
It seems to me that people have either forgotten about PGI's promise to replace collisions 'as soon as they are working properly' or have just given up on complaining about it in lieu of ecm/team drops/community warfare/stability issues. Well this just wont do in my opinion as collisions are the #1 thing that I'm currently pissed off about in mwo. So denizens of the mwo forums i ask you to remind PGI that 'after launch' is not an acceptable time to return collisions given that:
1) "after launch" doesn't actually mean anything, especially given PGIs track record with deadlines and promises.
2) Collisions will undoubtedly be broken as **** when they are reintroduced; just like everything else is when PGI adds it to the game and the game no longer being in "beta" will hinder fixing them.
3) Collisions were working fine in closed beta apart from the cosmetic issue of mechs teleporting around during the knockdown/get back up animation. Mechanics wise they were perfectly fine and the game is much worse off without them.
TL;DR - don't let our discontent with the way collisions are being handled get buried/forgotten under the s***storm of other complaints.
bonus rage: the login server went down literally as I finished typing this.
Posted 09 April 2013 - 09:16 AM
Posted 09 April 2013 - 09:16 AM
That, and a good number of us realize that we would much rather have a working collision system, then the stupidly broken(and easily abused) system we had before.
That, and theirs waaayyy more things that are much higher priority that need to be dealt with first. Like fixing netcode, stabilizing the build, fixing the bugs, optimizing the game, fixing the balance issues ect...
Megalosauroid, on 09 April 2013 - 09:15 AM, said:
No, its just not working properly yet.
Or did you miss that last part of what you quoted?
Edited by MrPenguin, 09 April 2013 - 09:24 AM.
Posted 09 April 2013 - 09:19 AM
I rather mechs be where they are at when I shoot/charge/dfa before I worry about adding in the last two
Posted 09 April 2013 - 09:22 AM
MrPenguin, on 09 April 2013 - 09:16 AM, said:
That, and a good number of us realize that we would much rather have a working collision system, then the stupidly broken(and easily abused) system we had before.
No, its just not working properly yet.
Or did you miss that last part of what you quoted?
What part of the sentence "A: Yes when we re-introduce collisions after launch." indicates that to you? reading between the lines much?
Also there is a difference between a "temporary measure" and "we'll do it when we can be bothered, probably 6 months from now when we finish adding this load of monetisation content". I think if PGI had said the latter rather than the former when they removed collisions people would have been a lot less amicable about it.
Posted 09 April 2013 - 09:24 AM
Launch is September, so 10 months after the Goons beat up Paul with a stack of dragons.
Posted 09 April 2013 - 09:25 AM
A example being one light mech colliding with a second light in front of many heavy's for a quick kill. Colliding to break streak locks. Colliding to break LRM lock. FF collisions huge reason there gone.
We really don't want to put them back in.
Posted 09 April 2013 - 09:26 AM
I don't really know what else to do with these devs...I've turned from a wide-eye'd happy youth, to an angry disgruntled nasty nelly.
None of it works, I really don't know what they are doing at this point.
But I'm going to torture them as much as possible on the boards and via twitter by linking posts they should read every day.
Posted 09 April 2013 - 09:27 AM
Posted 09 April 2013 - 09:27 AM
Corbon Zackery, on 09 April 2013 - 09:25 AM, said:
You example's suck
Corbon Zackery, on 09 April 2013 - 09:25 AM, said:
Valid tactic
Corbon Zackery, on 09 April 2013 - 09:25 AM, said:
Also a valid tactic
Corbon Zackery, on 09 April 2013 - 09:25 AM, said:
Go read the 50 or so threads complaining about streaks and lights being imbalanced.
Posted 09 April 2013 - 09:27 AM
Corbon Zackery, on 09 April 2013 - 09:25 AM, said:
A example being one light mech colliding with a second light in front of many heavy's for a quick kill. Colliding to break streak locks. Colliding to break LRM lock. FF collisions huge reason there gone.
We really don't want to put them back in.
How are any of those exploits? Those fall under what i would call 'strategy'. The abuse was repeatedly knocking down paul in is catapult which resulted in the devs QQing are removing collisions from the game for 10 months.
Posted 09 April 2013 - 09:28 AM
Megalosauroid, on 09 April 2013 - 09:27 AM, said:
How are any of those exploits? Those fall under what i would call 'strategy'. The abuse was repeatedly knocking down paul in is catapult which resulted in the devs QQing are removing collisions from the game for 10 months.
Posted 09 April 2013 - 09:28 AM
Nicholas Carlyle, on 09 April 2013 - 09:26 AM, said:
If by beat them up, you mean constantly give them impossible demands until you raged and stated "I'm going to quit and your game is going to die!!!!!!!!!!!1111" then yeah, you sure did beat them up alright.
Posted 09 April 2013 - 09:28 AM
Posted 09 April 2013 - 09:29 AM
Megalosauroid, on 09 April 2013 - 09:27 AM, said:
The fact you have no idea about the exploits shows you have no idea what the hell you're talking about and lack complete understanding of why it was removed in the first place.
Edited by MrPenguin, 09 April 2013 - 09:29 AM.
Posted 09 April 2013 - 09:29 AM
MrPenguin, on 09 April 2013 - 09:28 AM, said:
If by beat them up, you mean constantly give them impossible demands until you raged and stated "I'm going to quit and your game is going to die!!!!!!!!!!!1111" then yeah, you sure did beat them up alright.
Impossible demands...seriously.
Aren't you the guy threatening to kill people's kids? Go away troll.
Posted 09 April 2013 - 09:31 AM

Posted 09 April 2013 - 09:31 AM
Corbon Zackery, on 09 April 2013 - 09:25 AM, said:
A example being one light mech colliding with a second light in front of many heavy's for a quick kill. Colliding to break streak locks. Colliding to break LRM lock. FF collisions huge reason there gone.
We really don't want to put them back in.
You become a better pilot. Your one of the slight few that don't want them back in. Pfft knocking over ECM ravens with there streak locks, or swarms of lights and any other mech for that matter knocking each other over is a good thing. Means they wont hug you or each other. No knockdowns need to come back. Some of the best pilots during knockdowns were jenners. They knew not to get to close and to wiz around on the outside.
Posted 09 April 2013 - 09:31 AM
Megalosauroid, on 09 April 2013 - 09:27 AM, said:
How are any of those exploits? Those fall under what i would call 'strategy'. The abuse was repeatedly knocking down paul in is catapult which resulted in the devs QQing are removing collisions from the game for 10 months.
That and the fact that the system looked idiotic, played badly, and turned the game into bowling.
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