TB Freelancer, on 10 April 2013 - 09:49 PM, said:
....I skimmed over mostlly a bunch of garbage answers and maybe one or two solid ones but....
...when our base is being capped and I hear a guy say lights RTB here's my typical response...
"I'm in a position to go back, but they can have the damned base if you expect me to go there without backup." Its as simple as that. Particularly on the smaller maps.
For all the whining I see about base capping, just about every 'good' player I see tends to completely ignore that part of the game and play pure deathmatch. I can't count the times I've been stuck on teams full of fools who get half way across the map by the slower (going upper on River City for example) route with absolutely no sign of the enemy and yet they keep pushing forward. In that situation, if it turns into a base race, its already lost. The only hope for victory in that situation is to turn back, defend and...well do exactly what they wanted....
Instead most people prefer to be passive aggressive, allow themselves to be outmaneuvered then cry about it.
(Pssst. . . these guys aren't "good players" at all.)