DaZur, on 10 April 2013 - 07:00 PM, said:
Re: Stupid logic of citing forum / community growth...
People join forums / communities because they have vested interest in the game and or seek knowledge as it pertains to said game.
While not a perfect metric for growth, there is a plausible correlation between the two, thus if the forum / community grows then so to does the pool of players... theoretically.
... Just say'n.

Im not saying thats an accurate measure, nor am I saying it is not. Im looking for a way to measure it. I knida figured it wasnt, and figured since only pgi can see the shrowded player counter, we might have to look at their monetization scheme to glean from it whether growth is occurring, but even in saying all that, am pretty sure its not a reliable indicator either.
Really looking for a way to measure this with some degree of accuracy, and figured you all probably have better ideas than myself.
Hawkeye might have it, and I am eagerly awaiting his explaination of how he comes to 3800. Even if he did get that number accurately, is 3800 good. CoH has about that many on, on a slow day, and thats an old title with its newer version now available in beta. (pretty sweet by the way) If it really is 3800, Id guess thats not very good, unless you call 3800 the avg pop for a niche title, and "that its ok, this is all we are expecting". Are you?
Still, I am dying to hear how he came to that number, because perhaps he has figured out something we havnt. I hope he didnt just make it up.
Inkarnus, on 10 April 2013 - 07:01 PM, said:
you mean old accounts making new ones since there mechbays are full!
I have done this, and so has everyone I have ever played this game with.
One more thing, where is the "doubling of the staff size" data coming from? Id call that a sign of growth, though im not a statistician.
Edited by I am, 10 April 2013 - 07:12 PM.