SirLANsalot, on 16 April 2013 - 02:11 PM, said:
2 of the Highlanders are very different from the HM. The 733 is 4 missile 2 energy 1 ballistic. Don't tell you you can't make a very strong LRM boat out of that, AND have defensive guns like an AC10 or 5 with a pair of ML.
Or the 733P and go the OTHER way with it, and make a very nice energy boat with PPC40's or 4 LL and still take some nice SRM4's or LRM15's or 10's.
Both of those mechs are VERY VERY different then the HM, its just the HM is the most well ROUNDED mech with its hardpoints where they are. You can't boat the PPC on it, you can't run LRM spam on it, and you can't run UAC spam either. All of those are the "boats" people whine about. Yet I still love my HM with 3 LL gauss and SRM4's, its got punch at any range. The other Highlanders are a little more specialized.
So what if the energy is in the torso? You just got to know how to USE it, and it also means you cannot skimp on eng rating, meaning you will need to have a bigger 250+ eng to get good torso twisting out of it.
The missile builds on Highlanders right now are just not that good due to the recent missile nerf, and that goes for both LRMS and SRMS. They will be fixed in May but in what way we really can't say, maybe the end up being "working as intended", who knows? All I know is right now lasers and ballistics are better.
As for arm laser vs torso laser, I mean do I really need to say once more why arm lasers are better? I said it in the original post, I've repeated it several times in this thread. If you still have to ask then please just read what I wrote the first time. In short: lights and torso laser = sad Highlander
Narcisoldier, on 16 April 2013 - 02:15 PM, said:
Sorry guys but any fool can see that the 732 is going to be the FoTM. Hero mechs are still Pay 2 Lose.
I don't know about you, but in the past 2 weeks I've seen plenty of HM doing quite well in matches.