That describes how I feel about this thread. We go a troll trying to rage its Pay to win when PGI has gone out of there way to make sure its not that. They end up crossing that line at some point, but as of now there is nothing to see here.
Also I do agree the MC variants are a bit pricey. I would buy more if they where cheaper but as of now I will buy some cbill highlanders with a ac20 (mc version gets no ac20, can i clame that makes it weaker, all subjective ) and whoop someone.
Ihasa, on 16 April 2013 - 11:35 AM, said:
I'm no BT purist, but I think this thread begs the question:
Are not the variant hardpoints already dictated by canon that PGI is following? Doesn't sarna and lore already tell us where the hardpoints are supposed to be, especially in regards to lore Hero Mechs like the HM?
And if PGI did not follow this canon, would not all the BT fans be up in arms?
Or what if they made up their own variants? Then we'd hear about "there are so many variants available, why waste time re-inventing wheels?".
While I see the disadvantages but forth fromm the thread of the CBill mechs, what could PGI possibly have done differently? Because it looks like unintended consequences to me, not nefarious P2W planning.
TT tells you what weapons a mech had in what location. there is no hard points set for TT. So they use the weapons config and figure out what hard points seam fair for that version.
Edited by GT Hawk, 16 April 2013 - 11:39 AM.