Clantech Coming Within Six Months After Launch
Posted 18 April 2013 - 10:50 PM
Posted 18 April 2013 - 11:21 PM
Posted 18 April 2013 - 11:31 PM
Zerberus, on 17 April 2013 - 11:14 AM, said:
I don`t think forcing Zellbrigen onto the clans vs opponents that have proved for 6 months that they don`t deserve it is going to do anything but **** off the clanners that are in it for the philosophy and not the equip.
Especially in this fashion. If Zellbrigen is in place, and ANYONE shoots a mech they are not dueling, a grand melee /Free for all is started. So due to some freebirth dev`s halfass definition of Zell and it`s even more hjalfass implementation I get shackled to a 1:1 while my enemy is free to focus entire lances on me, even though the rules of Zell say I`m free to shoot anything I want???
THAT whoud be a guaranteed QQ moment for most clanners that understand the philosophy, I think, and not a "post whining why, I qq, Whine bawl" post, but a "You know exactly how you ****** this up, Pgi, I`m not even going to explain it to you. Farewell" post.
Zellbrigen post initial invasion was more of less exclusively between the clans as IS units had regularly broken the rules turning the battle into a grand Melee durung the initial invasion. Chivalry and honor are words the IS has forgotten, and we will not let out honor be used against us twice.
Honestly, Clans and their rules are by far the easiest to add to the game.
- Just remove the credits (clan dont care for money).
- Add repair and rearm for clans.
- "payment" for the matches are honor points. Honor points are earned by playing by set clan rules. If you break the rules you get no honor.
- Honor points are used to unlock mechs, variants, equipment and to repair and rearm.
The rules are set by each clan and can change during the time. Depending on the rules there will be a factor to the honor gain (for example Clan Wolf, who were most turning away from the honor duels, have more free room to not lose the total honor, but dont get this much when doing all right).
Posted 18 April 2013 - 11:38 PM
MWO will launch with poor balance, no knock downs, CW barely out the gates and tested, no Clans, and Star Citizen will be launching its dogfighting alpha at around the same time.
Sad times to be a Mechwarrior. Good times to be a Star Citizen.
Posted 19 April 2013 - 01:29 AM
Ari Dian, on 18 April 2013 - 11:31 PM, said:
Honestly, Clans and their rules are by far the easiest to add to the game.
- Just remove the credits (clan dont care for money).
- Add repair and rearm for clans.
- "payment" for the matches are honor points. Honor points are earned by playing by set clan rules. If you break the rules you get no honor.
- Honor points are used to unlock mechs, variants, equipment and to repair and rearm.
The rules are set by each clan and can change during the time. Depending on the rules there will be a factor to the honor gain (for example Clan Wolf, who were most turning away from the honor duels, have more free room to not lose the total honor, but dont get this much when doing all right).
The problem is that this does not change that there is NO honor to be had in conflicts with IS units after the end of the first wave, Zell post 3050 was almost uiniversally applied only within the structrure of the clans tehmselves, with the vast majority of IS units and houses having been declared dezgra afterthe initial phase
So you would essentially be using a theoretically good system to force players to play by a flawed set of rules that have no validity in the current context.
To paraphrase: If we have 20 boxing matches and you hit me with a low blow in every one, do you honestly think I`m going to even shake your hand before the 21st and still fight clean? No, my first shot will be a nutshot, just like yours were every match before that. Why should I get punished for that if it`s historically accurate to do exactly what I did?

That is the point I was making. Even by the rules of zell, if the clan star chooses their opponents and ONE IS mech decides to shoot another opponent, a Grand Melee is declared and every mech on the field is fair game for everyone. Anybody that thinks that exactly this will not happen within the fiirst 30 seconds of a non-private match is, with all due respect, delusional.
This is what I have a problem with... Shackling players to a system that has no validity ingame and if implemented would only serve to alienate those unversed in lore, alienete those versed in lore even more, and artificially slow down clan player progression by unwarrantedly forcing them to either fight by the uneven rules of engagement of a system that they themselves no longer apply, or simply not progress further in the game.
This is more or less equivalent to making all wins that are not cap wins grant zero xp for everybody on the winning team (using progress to enforce a rule that itself has no place being in the game), but the losers get full XP either way. How long you you think it will take before people stop playing or start losing on purpose? I`d say 2 months absolute tops, by which time you may as well not drop against clanners because all 10 (assuming 2 stars vs 3 lances) will regularly be drop AFK in every match, ensuring the lose, ensuring progress.
Side note: Adding R+R to the clans makes absolutely zero sense. I don`t know of any military in any universe that makes soldiers pay for theit own aircraft, tanks, ships, ammunition.... last time I checked here on Earth if you qualiify you can get strapped into 500 million dollars worth of hardware without even having liability insurance.

Edited by Zerberus, 19 April 2013 - 01:49 AM.
Posted 19 April 2013 - 04:29 AM
If it will be new UI with map of galaxy with 5 maps and their night/fog alterations and 3 game modes which basicly its same one just little bit changed i will be really laughing a lot.
Posted 19 April 2013 - 05:02 AM
Posted 19 April 2013 - 10:24 AM
They are working to get the game right, more content, new mechs each month, new features each month and new ways to make money each month. Even with a 40 or 50 man team do you know how much game programmers are paid to program? A lot more than most of us make, they are not there for the love of MWO they are there to program and earn a living and if they like MWO then so much the better. They have bills to pay just like the rest of us and if they don't have a lot of money coming in each month then they can't hire more programmers. So it's people like you that play for free and then WHINE about no content, not enough content, no clans coming for another year, blah blah blah. You could possibly be the one hurting this game because unless people buy things (mechs, vanity items, premium time, etc) then where do you think they are getting the money to pay the rent, pay the utilities, pay the programmers that have families and bills to pay themselves. They don't pull it ouf of thin air and they don't have a Daddy Warbucks to give them money when they need it either. (play for free is good for people to experience the game, to see if they like the game before commiting any money to it, though once you decide you like it, then you should support it!)
I Love Mech Warrior ever since I saw my first Titanium colored box for MW2 Titanium Pack and started playing it on a computer that was so underpowered that it reverted it to Wireframe graphics (though that was interesting in it's own right), Mech Commander, MWO3, Mech Commander Gold, MWO4 with Mercenaries and Black Knight and Mech Commander 2. When I ran across this on google last July 2012, I felt like a kid at christmas WAHOO and YEEHAAAAA, where do I sign up. Founders pack, sign me up for the Legendary Founder; Premium time, I buy it monthly or on sale; Hero Mechs, I own them all except for Fang (bad weapons placement); number of mechs I own, 60, sometimes the entire variant line up, DHS-all, better belive it, endo-most, ferro-some; am I a Supreme Mech Warrior-hell no, do I do ok, Yeah Baby! I play the game, if I have problems I let tech support know, if I have a suggestion I put that out there too; do I support PGI, Yeah Baby, because if they don't get the support they need because Whiners won't spend their MC or whatever Until this or that is done then guess what? My, no, OUR beloved Mech Warrior Online game will close it's door because it does not have the resources to do what it needs to make this game great.
You want to know how to make this game succeed, how to help them to be able to hire the extra programmers they need to move this game along faster?
Then just get premium time, the last time I checked it was like $10 monthly which is what, about .33 cents a day and the more time you buy the better it gets. Just think .33 cents a day and you get an additional 50% more C Bills and 50% more XP, I won't play without premium time, I don't believe in gaming for 50% less pay and yes my time that I have to play this game is very valuable to me. Buy a camo, buy paint, shoot you only need 1 camo and 3 paints, get whatever but help to support the team that is trying to bring this game out of beta and into the world so that hopefully it will be really great and we will have Millions of people playing this game wouldn't that be awesome?
Sorry to have carried on this long, but I can not stand whiners who want something for nothing and don't hand me the line of: "Well I bought a founder's pack", wow, that's great, thank you, but that was so last summer and you got more than your money's worth back too. Now tell me, what have you done for PGI lately? As I see it, PGI has been putting out new mechs every month, a couple of new huge maps and fixing all sorts of bugs and yes new bugs crop up too, but they are advancing every month and admit it, you can't wait for the first and third tuesdays of every month to come, because you know something new and wonderful is coming in that next 2 hour patch.
Kind Regards,
Wheels - Legendary Founder
Battle Cry: Yeah Baby!
Favorite Mech: ALL (except Fang)
Posted 19 April 2013 - 11:30 AM
Wheels, on 19 April 2013 - 10:24 AM, said:
You "HERE?"... You mean "HEAR" LOL

And yes players will grow tired of MWO if it doesn't deliver on time, or more importantly before they get bored with MWO and then move on.. Regardless of how long it takes to develop a title, said title has a window of opportunity, if that window is missed, then it is missed... Reality, get some.
Posted 19 April 2013 - 11:51 AM
If that tanks PGI, it's their fault for lousy planning. Lots of other companies make that model work just fine.
Edited by SteelPaladin, 19 April 2013 - 11:51 AM.
Posted 19 April 2013 - 11:59 AM
SteelPaladin, on 19 April 2013 - 11:51 AM, said:
If that tanks PGI, it's their fault for lousy planning. Lots of other companies make that model work just fine.
And people said popeye didn't teach anyone anything
Posted 19 April 2013 - 12:04 PM
Posted 19 April 2013 - 12:12 PM
Posted 19 April 2013 - 12:11 PM
Posted 19 April 2013 - 12:23 PM
The houses are unclear in their status, why does anyone expect that Clans to be treated any better?
Posted 19 April 2013 - 12:30 PM
Wheels, on 19 April 2013 - 10:24 AM, said:
They are working to get the game right, more content, new mechs each month, new features each month and new ways to make money each month. Even with a 40 or 50 man team do you know how much game programmers are paid to program? A lot more than most of us make, they are not there for the love of MWO they are there to program and earn a living and if they like MWO then so much the better. They have bills to pay just like the rest of us and if they don't have a lot of money coming in each month then they can't hire more programmers. So it's people like you that play for free and then WHINE about no content, not enough content, no clans coming for another year, blah blah blah. You could possibly be the one hurting this game because unless people buy things (mechs, vanity items, premium time, etc) then where do you think they are getting the money to pay the rent, pay the utilities, pay the programmers that have families and bills to pay themselves. They don't pull it ouf of thin air and they don't have a Daddy Warbucks to give them money when they need it either. (play for free is good for people to experience the game, to see if they like the game before commiting any money to it, though once you decide you like it, then you should support it!)
I Love Mech Warrior ever since I saw my first Titanium colored box for MW2 Titanium Pack and started playing it on a computer that was so underpowered that it reverted it to Wireframe graphics (though that was interesting in it's own right), Mech Commander, MWO3, Mech Commander Gold, MWO4 with Mercenaries and Black Knight and Mech Commander 2. When I ran across this on google last July 2012, I felt like a kid at christmas WAHOO and YEEHAAAAA, where do I sign up. Founders pack, sign me up for the Legendary Founder; Premium time, I buy it monthly or on sale; Hero Mechs, I own them all except for Fang (bad weapons placement); number of mechs I own, 60, sometimes the entire variant line up, DHS-all, better belive it, endo-most, ferro-some; am I a Supreme Mech Warrior-hell no, do I do ok, Yeah Baby! I play the game, if I have problems I let tech support know, if I have a suggestion I put that out there too; do I support PGI, Yeah Baby, because if they don't get the support they need because Whiners won't spend their MC or whatever Until this or that is done then guess what? My, no, OUR beloved Mech Warrior Online game will close it's door because it does not have the resources to do what it needs to make this game great.
You want to know how to make this game succeed, how to help them to be able to hire the extra programmers they need to move this game along faster?
Then just get premium time, the last time I checked it was like $10 monthly which is what, about .33 cents a day and the more time you buy the better it gets. Just think .33 cents a day and you get an additional 50% more C Bills and 50% more XP, I won't play without premium time, I don't believe in gaming for 50% less pay and yes my time that I have to play this game is very valuable to me. Buy a camo, buy paint, shoot you only need 1 camo and 3 paints, get whatever but help to support the team that is trying to bring this game out of beta and into the world so that hopefully it will be really great and we will have Millions of people playing this game wouldn't that be awesome?
Sorry to have carried on this long, but I can not stand whiners who want something for nothing and don't hand me the line of: "Well I bought a founder's pack", wow, that's great, thank you, but that was so last summer and you got more than your money's worth back too. Now tell me, what have you done for PGI lately? As I see it, PGI has been putting out new mechs every month, a couple of new huge maps and fixing all sorts of bugs and yes new bugs crop up too, but they are advancing every month and admit it, you can't wait for the first and third tuesdays of every month to come, because you know something new and wonderful is coming in that next 2 hour patch.
Kind Regards,
Wheels - Legendary Founder
Battle Cry: Yeah Baby!
Favorite Mech: ALL (except Fang)
whoo whining about whining. So do you count in that first part where you say youre gonna do something if you see onew more whiner or are you exempt?
SteelPaladin, on 19 April 2013 - 11:51 AM, said:
If that tanks PGI, it's their fault for lousy planning. Lots of other companies make that model work just fine.
Honestly, if they tank I forsee sweeping screams of "you criticizers did this to us!!!"
Posted 19 April 2013 - 12:37 PM
Where is this so-called evidence?
- No more repair and rearm. This was to be an integral part of the meta-game as stated in their early design docs. Mercs would be able to supply their employees through contracts with Houses, and House players would get discounts on this sort of thing. Getting of R&R only benefits the tournament style, E-Sport model they are now working with.
- Still no lobby. No effort at all being made towards increasing the sense of community in the player base. Despite this being clamored for early on, it has largely fallen on deaf ears and instead of being made a priority, it has been back burnered.
- ELO system introduced. Why would we need such a system if they ever expected to give us a galaxy map with RPG like elements that drives a system of intentional encounters between hostile forces? The ELO ONLY supports and benefits a tournament/E-Sport style format. Side balance only matters to Clan warfare, and match based gameplay. Typically military units in military engagements don't go out of their way to ask their opponents what they are bringing, just so they know it will be a fair fight.
- Consumables. I'm not going to even get into how the devs said they totally weren't going to put in coolant flush because it would break the damage output model they had in place, and then turned right around and did it anyways, no thats another discussion. No, see consumables point to a shift in design direction for the game. They had one idea in mind, and suddenly (probably an investor) came along and "persuaded" them to do it differently. I mean, why else would we have an MC version available, if not to generate more cash. Oh, and while we're on the topic, MC versions of the coolant flush are absolutely pay to win. Take two mechs and set them up identically, and put the MC flush in, vs the C-bill flush. Let them duke it out until they are overheating and flush. MC Flush will flush more, and let it put out more damage after the flush before the heat gets too high again. Yes you can increase the ability of the C-Bill flush, but you're talking about MONTHS of GXP grinding to get there.
- Endless parade of new mechs instead of bug fixes. This one doesn't really point to anything indicative of the community warfare being axed, but it does indicate that the emphasis is now on making the newest, greatest shiny come out every month to get the whales to plop down more cash, rather than fixing some pretty gnarly bugs that have been around for a LOOOONG time.
- Community warfare "Delayed" to just a little under a year from NOW. Long after the game will have become stale and player interest will have waned. And I betcha that it will probably have to be purchased with MC to be able to play it. It will be the first "Paid expansion!"
Posted 19 April 2013 - 12:42 PM
Wheels, on 19 April 2013 - 10:24 AM, said:
They are working to get the game right, more content, new mechs each month, new features each month and new ways to make money each month. Even with a 40 or 50 man team do you know how much game programmers are paid to program? A lot more than most of us make, they are not there for the love of MWO they are there to program and earn a living and if they like MWO then so much the better. They have bills to pay just like the rest of us and if they don't have a lot of money coming in each month then they can't hire more programmers. So it's people like you that play for free and then WHINE about no content, not enough content, no clans coming for another year, blah blah blah. You could possibly be the one hurting this game because unless people buy things (mechs, vanity items, premium time, etc) then where do you think they are getting the money to pay the rent, pay the utilities, pay the programmers that have families and bills to pay themselves. They don't pull it ouf of thin air and they don't have a Daddy Warbucks to give them money when they need it either. (play for free is good for people to experience the game, to see if they like the game before commiting any money to it, though once you decide you like it, then you should support it!)
I Love Mech Warrior ever since I saw my first Titanium colored box for MW2 Titanium Pack and started playing it on a computer that was so underpowered that it reverted it to Wireframe graphics (though that was interesting in it's own right), Mech Commander, MWO3, Mech Commander Gold, MWO4 with Mercenaries and Black Knight and Mech Commander 2. When I ran across this on google last July 2012, I felt like a kid at christmas WAHOO and YEEHAAAAA, where do I sign up. Founders pack, sign me up for the Legendary Founder; Premium time, I buy it monthly or on sale; Hero Mechs, I own them all except for Fang (bad weapons placement); number of mechs I own, 60, sometimes the entire variant line up, DHS-all, better belive it, endo-most, ferro-some; am I a Supreme Mech Warrior-hell no, do I do ok, Yeah Baby! I play the game, if I have problems I let tech support know, if I have a suggestion I put that out there too; do I support PGI, Yeah Baby, because if they don't get the support they need because Whiners won't spend their MC or whatever Until this or that is done then guess what? My, no, OUR beloved Mech Warrior Online game will close it's door because it does not have the resources to do what it needs to make this game great.
You want to know how to make this game succeed, how to help them to be able to hire the extra programmers they need to move this game along faster?
Then just get premium time, the last time I checked it was like $10 monthly which is what, about .33 cents a day and the more time you buy the better it gets. Just think .33 cents a day and you get an additional 50% more C Bills and 50% more XP, I won't play without premium time, I don't believe in gaming for 50% less pay and yes my time that I have to play this game is very valuable to me. Buy a camo, buy paint, shoot you only need 1 camo and 3 paints, get whatever but help to support the team that is trying to bring this game out of beta and into the world so that hopefully it will be really great and we will have Millions of people playing this game wouldn't that be awesome?
Sorry to have carried on this long, but I can not stand whiners who want something for nothing and don't hand me the line of: "Well I bought a founder's pack", wow, that's great, thank you, but that was so last summer and you got more than your money's worth back too. Now tell me, what have you done for PGI lately? As I see it, PGI has been putting out new mechs every month, a couple of new huge maps and fixing all sorts of bugs and yes new bugs crop up too, but they are advancing every month and admit it, you can't wait for the first and third tuesdays of every month to come, because you know something new and wonderful is coming in that next 2 hour patch.
Kind Regards,
Wheels - Legendary Founder
Battle Cry: Yeah Baby!
Favorite Mech: ALL (except Fang)
Wait.... you want people to funnel even MORE money into this fail game in the hopes they will make it better? Sorry but that line of reasoning does not work. Businesses should have a good products and then IMPROVE upon them to make money. Not have a good product and make it worse and expect to make money.
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