DCLXVI, on 20 April 2013 - 08:30 AM, said:
pause the dumb act for one second, pick up a dictionary and look up the words that I am typing. >>>>> What is this reward/benefit we are entitled to? <<<<<< im seriously dying to know what everyone feels they are entitled to. dictionary.com please I need to know!
Let me see if I can find the nicest, most PC way of saying this; bare in mind these are my thoughts and not anything scripted or endorsed by The Powers That Be.
Individuals, sometimes those who have purchased Founders Packs, feel that they are entitled to come on here day in and day out and berate PGI, IGP (whomever) because they spent X # of dollars and the game isn't headed in the direction they want. They feel that their purchase gives them the right to state their opinions (which it does) and then vehemently argue against every other single person who disagrees with them (which it does not).
Everyone has opinions, right or wrong doesn't matter. You have yours, I have mine, so-n-so has his. I may not agree with it and I may offer a rebuttal but I would never go off on someone for stating what they feel is right. However, there are those (and you may not see this aspect of the forums as it isn't your "job") who come on here day in and day out and post the same thing, as many different ways as possible, in as many different threads as possible, thinking that it will come to pass or have some profound impact. All it does is provide toxic feedback and
that is against the Code of Conduct.
They feel that their purchase entitles them to demand that (insert object of their rage here) gets fixed right away or that (insert object of their desire here) needs to be implemented now. We have even seen rage over consumables and coolant flush because people were told "That was our position at the time". Plans change and development vision changes yet some people want to complain because they hold what they were told as gospel without once considering that business plans are fluid and flexible in nature. This
IS a business.
All I can say is "Buyer Beware". Learn what you purchase and read the fine print before you do so. The egg isn't on PGI but on the individual who didn't follow that simple credo.
When people purchased a founders pack they contributed to the continued development of the game, and in return they received access to a closed beta and some mechs and MC etc. They did not receive the right to demand the vision that PGI has for the game head in a specific direction, nor did they receive the right to come on here day in and day out and inject toxicity into a community who, for the most part, is made up of like minded, intelligent and passionate people.
And that... is how I see it.
Edited by Mason Grimm, 20 April 2013 - 08:48 AM.
Fixed FIND to FINE and cbills to MC (my son was distracting me when writing this)