When I have the desktop, though, I definitely don't even look at the laptop.
If PGI thought they could really push the GPU requirements down, so far that it might start including people with even slower integrated graphics, that would expand their market, yes, but do you really think that's even possible? I mean, by the time they went to sufficient lengths, would the game even be playable? They could go so far as to seriously compromise view distances, object placement (so as not to give an unfair advantage to one side), many of the effects (again, can't just make things like smoke "go away" at low settings), and things in game would not only have to stay present, but would have to look the same, again, so as not to confer visibility advantages.
As it is, I think the the number of systems that can support the game, at least on paper (that is to say, no silly performance glitches) is really pretty huge. I'm not sure how much further they could go without compromising the game. Low is already pretty darned ugly
Edited by Catamount, 04 May 2013 - 06:54 PM.