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Do You Think Mechwarrior Should Support A Lower Graphical Setting To Give Players Higher Fps?

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Poll: MechWarrior should offer better performance. (374 member(s) have cast votes)

Do you think MechWarrior should support a lower graphical setting to give players a higher FPS?

  1. Yes (210 votes [50.97%] - View)

    Percentage of vote: 50.97%

  2. No (78 votes [18.93%] - View)

    Percentage of vote: 18.93%

  3. For players who need it. (113 votes [27.43%] - View)

    Percentage of vote: 27.43%

  4. FPS means Frames Per Second? (11 votes [2.67%] - View)

    Percentage of vote: 2.67%

What graphic settings do you play MechWarrior on?

  1. Low (170 votes [40.96%] - View)

    Percentage of vote: 40.96%

  2. Medium (59 votes [14.22%] - View)

    Percentage of vote: 14.22%

  3. High (27 votes [6.51%] - View)

    Percentage of vote: 6.51%

  4. Very High (31 votes [7.47%] - View)

    Percentage of vote: 7.47%

  5. Maxed (102 votes [24.58%] - View)

    Percentage of vote: 24.58%

  6. I don't know. (8 votes [1.93%] - View)

    Percentage of vote: 1.93%

  7. Pie. (18 votes [4.34%] - View)

    Percentage of vote: 4.34%

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#161 kesuga7


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Posted 23 June 2013 - 11:17 AM

This really is Min-Max Warrior :D

one of my worst jokes.... :lol:

#162 Flying Judgement


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Posted 23 June 2013 - 11:48 AM

yeah some ppl in an insane advantage over the rest... and since the last few pach i pres the mouse button then my weapons fire 0.5 second latter or straight away absolutely unpredictable to shoot and haveing 9 fps at best. well once i had 21 fps too i dont know what changed since then the game looks the same on low settings...

#163 DroLongShot


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Posted 23 June 2013 - 11:55 AM

Might as well put it on console...

#164 ROJ


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Posted 30 August 2013 - 05:52 PM

I dont think really the graphics settings are the main issue.. I personally use my laptop, which is not the ideal platform for such a game but I noticed that my FPS fluctuates on average between the below digits, according to the following game modes/settings on a 1024x768 resolution:
- Training Grounds (Low settings, Terra Therma, 60-41 FPS)
- Training Grounds (Medium settings, Terra Therma, 50-28 FPS)
- Actual Match/ Drop (Low settings, Forest Colony Snow, 28-12 FPS)
- Actual Match/ Drop (Medium settings, Terra Therma, 31-15 FPS)
- Mech Lab (Low settings, 34-14 FPS)
- Mech Lab (Medium settings, 25-20 FPS)

I dont understand why but it does not seem like the Graphics settings really are the reason why this game runs on poor FPS at many times.. It works perfectly well on training grounds but in the mech lab and the actual match the FPS dramatically goes down.
I hope it has to do with the game's optimization and that it will be sorted after launch..

Edited by ROJ, 30 August 2013 - 06:20 PM.

#165 Lord of All


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Posted 30 August 2013 - 07:34 PM

View PostROJ, on 30 August 2013 - 05:52 PM, said:

I dont think really the graphics settings are the main issue.. I personally use my laptop, which is not the ideal platform for such a game but I noticed that my FPS fluctuates on average between the below digits, according to the following game modes/settings on a 1024x768 resolution:
- Training Grounds (Low settings, Terra Therma, 60-41 FPS)
- Training Grounds (Medium settings, Terra Therma, 50-28 FPS)
- Actual Match/ Drop (Low settings, Forest Colony Snow, 28-12 FPS)
- Actual Match/ Drop (Medium settings, Terra Therma, 31-15 FPS)
- Mech Lab (Low settings, 34-14 FPS)
- Mech Lab (Medium settings, 25-20 FPS)

I dont understand why but it does not seem like the Graphics settings really are the reason why this game runs on poor FPS at many times.. It works perfectly well on training grounds but in the mech lab and the actual match the FPS dramatically goes down.
I hope it has to do with the game's optimization and that it will be sorted after launch..

Correct, as has been proven multiple times this game is CPU bound. therefore all setting the engine supports should also be supported by the game.

I really don't even understand why this is a point of contention.

#166 ArmageddonKnight


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Posted 31 August 2013 - 12:08 PM

Ignoring the shambles that are the feautres PGi are putting into the game and the horrible game balance, the games graphics are not all that good tbh.
Even on max settings you get Terrain morphing and texture poping all over the place as things get near to you. The textures themselves are not all that high quality and the knife edge straight lines between terrain objects where they meat are all over the place.
I honestly cant wait for DX11, and sure do hope they put in a whole heap of work on DX11 features so that, if anything..ignoring bad game balance , and bad game features, MWO will look great.

#167 nrg9x


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Posted 02 September 2013 - 05:37 PM

wow , kinda stopped reading 4th page somwhere , lucky its just beta hey fellas ?

im gettin the ol bottleneck fps thing on my lappy but the pc at home has no probs except for a crash here and there. i can semi play on the lappy but theres no pride in reaction time. i run in , do as much damage as possible , die like a man , jump on next mech. my real play time happens at home when i can play smoothly but i too would like to see compatibility with some older cards as i get the graphical unsupported message starting it on the laptop ( which has a i3 dual quad somthin somthin , SHUT UP NERDS !)

2 yr old lappy btw , yes id like to see a broader option of graphical capabilities. still early days tho :)

#168 StainlessSR


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Posted 03 September 2013 - 08:45 AM

You will never get the same fps in training grounds as you will in a match (unless you have a system good enough to max fps in match). Saying that is the same as saying your Honda Civic doesn't overheat while sitting still, so it shouldn't when going down the highway doing 60 towing a 20,000lbs trailer, uphill.

The reason is that in training grounds there are less mechs, and all mechs are static (except yourself). The number of mechs matters because the more mechs there are the more information the game has to keep track of, the more textures that have to be updated on each frame refresh, the more environmental effects the game engine has to keep track of (you hear the laser and gun sounds, well the game engine has to determine how far away from you the sound is to determine how loud to make the sound, whether or not you can see the shot, reflected effects and other environmental variables.

The only type of comparison that would be accurate is if in another Cryengine3 based game you received better fps, or your fps immediately prior to an update (not 2-4 months ago). This is not saying a trend in fps loss from one update to another isn't a valid concern, however, this should also point out that you need to start considering upgrading your hardware (unless you already have good mid - high end hardware).

New games are going to start to be developed for the next generation of consoles, so if your system does not meet or exceed the new PS4 or XBOX 1 you need to upgrade as once these units are mainstream console platforms, all new games will be based on them (as new games that are multi-platform are usually based on the current generation of consoles then ported to PC). Dual core is not going to be able to keep up with newer games, not just this one.

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