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The Base Cap Thread To End All Base Cap Threads

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#41 Taemien


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Posted 04 May 2013 - 02:59 PM

View PostDimento Graven, on 04 May 2013 - 11:08 AM, said:

Unfortunately it's the majority of those nitwits who do NOTHING BUT cap that are the problem, that make capping a problem.

The game gives rewards based on the level of destruction meted out, and a mech that is cap'ing is not rewarded to any extent the same as 'mech that battles, because it has a significantly less amount of risk in doing it, especially on the larger maps. Those that go exclusively for the cap are doing it ONLY FOR the "win", artificially inflating their W/L ratio, and preventing their team from maximizing their battle based rewards.

I'm going to both agree to agree and agree to disagree on this subject. I have mixed feelings about the carrot on a stick approach and right now my stance is that its a necessary evil. The gaming community needs to be led by the nose by such rewards to get them to perform objectives outside the norm. But I realize this isn't a problem with game design, but with the current generation of gamers in general. And I'm not suggesting you are one of these players, and I'm not pointing my finger at anyone who plays MWO, its every multiplayer team based game that has this issue. But its not something I can change.


Again, there's no real logic to cap'ing in Assault in the first place, OTHER THAN having a mechanism where by if a 'mech client goes 'ape do-do' and you've got a DC'd mech dry humping a mountain, or have some jerk who found a hiding spot and shut down and now wants everyone to wait the remaining 8 minutes for the game to end, a way out.

Placing a single cap point equidistant to the drop points still gives that way out.

I think a single base is too simple. It turns the game into a snipe fest if there is no cover, or a brawl fest if there is cover while in the base. Right now with two bases, the battle happens inbetween with multiple avenues of approach. And you have to make decisions at the start that all have consequences. Do you stay back but prevent yourself from getting a cap win, or do you press forward and possibly expose yourself?

I'm actually surprised not many try the total defense. I did a few times in Closed Beta just for kicks and giggles and the results were sporadic, but still pulled off a win more times than not (times we didn't were against 5+man premades when they allowed it back then). I say sporadic because you never know how your opponent will react. But its usually in your favor.

The hard part of course is getting the team to cooperate outside a 8man. But it can happen. But here's the gist of how it works. Your team is already in a dug in position. The enemy is already committed and do not realize the crapstorm they are walking into. You focus fire anything that comes in. Usually their lights first as they try to cap or ping the base and walk into a trap. Then you just mop up the rest of their slow movers.

I dare say its the most effective tactic a PUG can do. Even against premade 4mans. But I'm getting off topic there.


Devs put out a lot of stats and have done a lot more significant things based on much smaller percentages than that (ala: only 10% of pug stomps were happening with premades of more than 4 people, yet they totally f'd up match maker to limit pre-mades to no more than 4, or a hard 8, didn't they?) so quoting their statistics (which I don't neccessarily believe are ALWAYS presented to the player community accurately) and saying "it's ok as is because it's a small number" won't wash here.

By my own account I have seen less caps in Assault than what many people make there out to be. So while I'll agree that the numbers given aren't entirely accurate. I would dare say its lower than they claim. Whether I trust PGI or not is irrelevent here. I trust my own experiences.


The single base in the middle circumvents that problem nicely, UNLESS they happen to 'bunch up' on the cap point, in which case your superior tactis will be neccessary to pull them off. After all, the cap point still provides you and your team the avenue of practicing "capping tactics" if you want, it's just not going to be such an overwhelmingly finale tactic, especially on the larger maps.

I still think a single base idea is just a simplified conquest mode and we'll not ever see it. Its not realistic to argue for something that likely will never see the light of day.


Heck, you could even improve the quality of neccessary tactics needed by making the cap point a random spot each drop so that the point has to be located by scouts.

Now this is an interesting idea. I would use the bigger maps coming out to accommodate this and up it to at least 3 points scattered throughout the map. Would work great with 12v12 in the future too. Ties in well with the lore of BattleTech too, could be like a search for lostech and the like. Perhaps once you find one of the points and start capping it, it becomes visible to the other team so now you have to defend your prize. Capture 2 out of 3 and you win. Get more points for all 3. And capping takes a bit longer than a base cap to give the opponent time to react.

I like it because the scouts have to go look for them. But they don't want to immediately start capping if they feel they can't defend it themselves and don't want to quite give away its location yet. These little strategies and decisions are what I think this game needs more of.


It's not been proven that less than 12% end in cap, it's only been stated. To "prove" it, we'd need access to the actual statistics, not to have it propagandized by PGI, beyond that again, the cap'ers get to have their way, but the majority of us just have to "deal with it", being held hostage to lazy minority, dumbing down the gaming experience.

As far as what PGI says, and what actually comes to pass, I only believe what I actually see when its delivered. PGI has back peddaled, 'reversed course', and otherwise changed their mind so often on what they've said, promised, and otherwise communicated that I've got a bad case of propoganda whiplash.

If the 10% or less of pugs that were getting stomped can influence PGI to bastardize grouping to the point they have, surely 12% of cap'ed games should influence a change in/addition of the game modes.

I have no doubt that PGI is truthful in the things they say. With being said, you have to understand that what they said on a subject last is what is true, not what is before. I know that sounds very convenient for them and it makes it sound like they can simply break promises. But you have to take things as they are and not promises. Businesses don't deal in promises. Promises have no value. Guarantees and warranties do, but we weren't given guarantees on things like coolants or 3rd person (both things I dislike).

Now there is a difference when it comes to straight up numbers. It would not be in their best interest to outright lie to the customer, thats a horrible business practice as we all know. So i doubt when they quote a 12% (or whatever the number is), that it is actually 30%+. They have no reason to lie about that. There's no motive behind a lie like that. So even if you don't trust them, you don't have much of a reason to think they are lying about this. Information given by a criminal isn't all false simply because they can't be trusted. You always have to look at the circumstance and in this case, I think they are telling the truth simply because they have no reason to lie about the statistic.


As far as the personal insults go, I give when I receive. Insult me, and I'll be happy to insult you back. I realize that you probably don't 'notice' the insults from those that are posting in agreement with your POV, but they are there, and they've been just as vehement in telling me how "I" should play as I've been about getting either a new game mode, or the Assault game mode updated.

I understand and I am the same way, come at me and I'll return it. Though I neither personally insulted you nor did I tell you how to play. But I think you've realized that now and all is water under the bridge. And I will say this, they are pieces of crap for trying to tell you how to play. I guess I could have come out and said it, but the focus of the topic was on base capping, not on community etiquette. Though I did use it to my advantage for my own argument. But hey, thats the nature of the game in debating ;)

You've been a good opponent thus far and mostly sporting especially towards the end. Its good that we see eye to eye, even if we don't agree. Good luck to you.

#42 Galenit


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Posted 05 May 2013 - 01:43 AM

View PostDimento Graven, on 04 May 2013 - 08:11 AM, said:

Gee, what is the primary purpose of a 25 to 100 ton machine, laden with ballistic, missle, and energy weapons?

Oh I KNOW, to drive around with and stand on a square!

Note: That was sarcasm.

Their primary purpose is to win a mission by completing one of the two possible mission goals and stopping the enemy to complete both of this goals.

#43 DrunkDrivin


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Posted 05 May 2013 - 03:39 PM

View PostDimento Graven, on 03 May 2013 - 08:49 PM, said:

About as much as I struck on you, apparently from your earlier response, which you should apparently re-read and see why I called you the "Lazy Cap Troll."

Interesting thing is, in your oh so clever response, you never actually deny anything I say.

Yes, very interesting.

So as was mentioned earlier, the best thing to do is to adjust the game mode so that BOTH parties are happy. Put a single cap point equa-distant from both spawn areas, and you and the rest of you who think that standing on a square is a skill, can go for while the WARRIORS actually get down to some battle.

I totally agree with you that the list of 'mechs mastered has ZERO to do with qualifying anyone's opinion, you missed the point I was making on that, which was to show DrunkDrivin that BY HIS standards I actually DID have a right to post my thoughts about the subject on this forum. He's the jackass, not me. You... A bit dense...

You cap'ers accuse us warriors of wanting to "...force you to play the way we want to play...", yet your actions actually force people to play the way you want to. Yes, you're absolutely right, there's NOTHING I can do to make you man up and pit your warrior skills against mine. If you want to avoid battle completely and do nothing but park. Not a damn thing I can do to stop you. So you go do your thing, and FORCE THE REST OF US to play the way YOU want, because you're The Lazy Cap Troll.

You claim to not tell others how they should play, but you'd best re-read what you've been telling us people who want a different mode, or Assault mode to ACTUALLY BE "assault", because junior, there's quite a bit of "Hello Mr. Kettle? Yes, this is Mr. Pot, I'm calling to tell you you're black."

Anyway, if you were as good at what this game was actually about, as opposed to a small portion of a left over mechanic, you'd know how us warriors feel when some one pre-maturely ends the game in the middle of a battle that was just getting good.

I am a Jack ***? Amazing. I didn't realize you knew me so well. Way to take this to an extreme.
I question anyone who tries to label what is and is not skill. Especially ones who think their play style is the only way to play correctly.

#44 Nonsense


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Posted 05 May 2013 - 07:09 PM

View PostGalenit, on 05 May 2013 - 01:43 AM, said:

Their primary purpose is to win a mission by completing one of the two possible mission goals and stopping the enemy to complete both of this goals.

Just because a mechanic exists means it's fun and thematically enjoyable? I mean, if they added a golden snitch like in Harry Potter quidditch that only lights could capture to win the game, would that be acceptable to you?

I realize it's a ridiculous example, but I'm just highlighting the idea that "winning" the mission is arbitrary since it can be changed to whatever the devs/players want. The actual objective is irrelevant in the end, it's the fun you have while achieving it that makes the game enjoyable or boring.

This is what people who advocate for the status quo don't understand.

#45 DrunkDrivin


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Posted 05 May 2013 - 09:06 PM

View PostNonsense, on 05 May 2013 - 07:09 PM, said:

Just because a mechanic exists means it's fun and thematically enjoyable? I mean, if they added a golden snitch like in Harry Potter quidditch that only lights could capture to win the game, would that be acceptable to you?

I realize it's a ridiculous example, but I'm just highlighting the idea that "winning" the mission is arbitrary since it can be changed to whatever the devs/players want. The actual objective is irrelevant in the end, it's the fun you have while achieving it that makes the game enjoyable or boring.

This is what people who advocate for the status quo don't understand.

I was so sure I was going to read this post objectively...then I saw Harry Potter. Sorry man, I just can't do it.

#46 XSerjo


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Posted 05 May 2013 - 09:08 PM

I [almost ]cap every time when I'm light (full cap - if my team is yet-another-mathcmaker-fail).

Me and my friends cap every time when we face poptard/PPC teams. Because we don't want to play their game.

So, it totally depends on matchmaking.
Are couple of 0-0 caprace matches problem? Think no, because they take 1-2 minutes. The real problem is PPC/Jumpsipe fests and mathcmaker fails, they are wasting much more of your online-time.

#47 Galenit


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Posted 06 May 2013 - 01:32 AM

View PostNonsense, on 05 May 2013 - 07:09 PM, said:

Just because a mechanic exists means it's fun and thematically enjoyable?

I know what you mean,
its not fun as a light or cicada to have your centertorso without armor and internals yellow or orange after 1 hit from a ppc/gauss boat/jumper.

What can you do in this situation?
Die by the next hit (not fun) or go to their base knowing that they cant move fast with that much weapons (punishing them for taking that much weapons over speed, (if you would have taken 1 ppc less, you could make it back to base in time with the 7 tons heavier engine)).

The other reason to cap is, when my team is 3 mechs down.

Edited by Galenit, 06 May 2013 - 01:34 AM.

#48 Dimento Graven


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Posted 06 May 2013 - 06:38 AM

View PostGalenit, on 05 May 2013 - 01:43 AM, said:

Their primary purpose is to win a mission by completing one of the two possible mission goals and stopping the enemy to complete both of this goals.

So your viewpoint is that the 25 to 100 ton death machine you're driving was built to park?


#49 Dimento Graven


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Posted 06 May 2013 - 06:44 AM

View PostDrunkDrivin, on 05 May 2013 - 03:39 PM, said:

I am a Jack ***? Amazing. I didn't realize you knew me so well. Way to take this to an extreme.
I question anyone who tries to label what is and is not skill. Especially ones who think their play style is the only way to play correctly.

When 15 other people's 'fun' can be interrupted by one lone jackass, bent on preserving is W/L ratio by any means, one that typically requires little risk, and only the basic ability to use the WASD keys at at least a 5 year old competancy level, yeah, I'm going to label that as 'no skill'.

Call me silly but, it's certainly easier to drive your 'mech around the edge of the map, hopping on a square and standing on it than it is to seek out upwards of 8 other 'mechs and do maximum damage to them while allowing them the least amount of opportunities to do the same to yourself.

View PostDrunkDrivin, on 05 May 2013 - 09:06 PM, said:

I was so sure I was going to read this post objectively...then I saw Harry Potter. Sorry man, I just can't do it.

I stand by my 'jackass' assesment...

#50 Dimento Graven


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Posted 06 May 2013 - 06:51 AM

View PostXSerjo, on 05 May 2013 - 09:08 PM, said:

I [almost ]cap every time when I'm light (full cap - if my team is yet-another-mathcmaker-fail).

Me and my friends cap every time when we face poptard/PPC teams. Because we don't want to play their game.

So, it totally depends on matchmaking.
Are couple of 0-0 caprace matches problem? Think no, because they take 1-2 minutes. The real problem is PPC/Jumpsipe fests and mathcmaker fails, they are wasting much more of your online-time.

A great tactic to use on poptards (one I've employed myself quite a few times of late), a full lance of fast moving light 'mechs flank them come up behind, and then 'shark attack' the guy. Run in circles continuously firing at him. It's very funny to watch those 'one trick ponies' flail around, or try and run away...

But then again, as I mentioned before, this is yet another example of those who have the penchant for cap'ing to also try and tell everyone else how they're supposed to play (who's to say 'poptard'ing' isn't a viable play style in this game) yet at the same time scream when we ask for a simple mode change.

However, a bit off topic but because I understand the frustration with poptards, there have been a few threads with some pretty 'reasonable' discussions on how to handle the poptard phenomena in the game, the one I like most is the 'jump jet use gives lots of cockpit shake'. Then they'd only be able to fire when the jump jets are off, on their very fast descent...

#51 Dimento Graven


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Posted 06 May 2013 - 07:00 AM

View PostGalenit, on 06 May 2013 - 01:32 AM, said:

I know what you mean,
its not fun as a light or cicada to have your centertorso without armor and internals yellow or orange after 1 hit from a ppc/gauss boat/jumper.

What can you do in this situation?
Die by the next hit (not fun) or go to their base knowing that they cant move fast with that much weapons (punishing them for taking that much weapons over speed, (if you would have taken 1 ppc less, you could make it back to base in time with the 7 tons heavier engine)).

The other reason to cap is, when my team is 3 mechs down.

In a situation where it's a mostly disabled 'mech, say like a walking pencil of a hunchie (no arms, side torso's and therefore no weapons), I'm fine by him attempting a cap. That's almost all he has left to contribute to his team besides finding some really cute and creative means to die in an entertaining fashion.

However, to complain that a larger 'mech can devastate a light (of course they can, that's what the weight differences are all about) and then use that complaint as a justification for a 'cap only' mentality (I'm not saying that's what you're doing, but there are those out there who have come extremely close) is silly.

Yes, lights can get devastated when hit by larger 'mechs, but light mech manueverability can allow skilled pilots the chance to take down weakened heavier 'mechs by dashing in, hitting, dashing out. The best light pilots I know will never go for a cap, UNLESS, they've had all their weapons blown off, and then MAYBE, because a functioning light 'mech can still provide intel, damage assessment on the enemy, helping focus fire on the weakest of the enemy, and on their weakest locations, to get them taken out more quickly, and help like that can even turn the tide when it's a 3-v-7, and one of the 3 is a light that can't fire weapons.

When you just run to the cap point you can't provide ANY of those services to your team, at best you're a distraction, at the worst, you're a waste of match making tonnage...

Edited by Dimento Graven, 06 May 2013 - 07:00 AM.

#52 zraven7


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Posted 06 May 2013 - 07:07 AM

I'm still a fan of automated base defenses. 4 medium laser turrets, auto-targeting within their normal range, with 50 armor and 25 structure each. If one takes damage, you get a "Base Under Attack" alert, similar to the "Base Being Captured" alert. Would stop 2 minute lights from just wandering up, turret distruction could be worth C-bills, making capturing more appealing to those who oppose capping, and would encourage teams to consider capping as a option. On the large maps, such as tourmaline, perhaps increase the lasers to large, or add 2 additional turrets.

And yes, an Assault may be able to just tank the damage, but if you let an assault get to your base, well, you deserve it.

#53 Dawnstealer


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Posted 06 May 2013 - 10:59 AM

View PostFierostetz, on 30 April 2013 - 09:54 AM, said:

Capping should probably involve some sort of an activity, i.e. there's a shield protecting the cap point. You have to disrupt 4 power stations to kill shield power, then you can start capping. If you leave the cap square for 15 seconds, the first power station comes back online, then the second, etc. That way someone returning to base can chase you off the cap point and hold you off long enough for partial shielding? Or something along those lines.. Just some sort of early warning system that enemy units are en-route. Or sensors at base that'll allow you to identify what's there, how many, something. Hard to believe that our magic stompy robots have sensors but our base would be totally without sensors.

I like the idea of a shield being there; just something to slow a "capper" down. I'm not as entirely "anti-cap" as some in this thread: I mean, capturing the base is the POINT of that particular game - the other mechs are just the obstacle.

In pick-up games, though, with a bunch of strangers, there just isn't that level of specialization. In the point and c-bill driven game right now, there's almost no incentive to sit at base and guard it from the 10% of times that some scout bombs around the fringes and goes for the cap. But when you're playing with friends, especially once there's 12 mechs to a team, having a small group stay back and defend and protecting the base will make a lot more sense. People will be specializing more once they don't have to have a jack-of-all trades mech focused exclusively on doling out as much damage as possible.

I like the capture-the-base aspect of the game, but right now, in pick-up games, it doesn't work as well. It can be frustrating, especially when you're piloting a gigantic slow tub like a Stalker, to FINALLY reach the battle and then hear "Base is being captured..." "Base is 25% captured..." and then half the force begins slowly trudging their way back towards the base, and the whole game becomes a slow-motion race in which you get very few c-bills or XP.

So once the game goes gold? I think this will be fun. Right now? Not so much.

And a shield, or some kind of defense, would be a great balance and would make a lot of sense. Actually, I don't think shields exist in Fasa's battletech, so maybe just point defense. Even a nest of four small lasers would inflict enough damage to a lightly-armored scout to at least slow them down.

Edited by Dawnstealer, 06 May 2013 - 11:00 AM.

#54 Galenit


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Posted 07 May 2013 - 05:00 AM

View PostIbrahim al Arkab Hatomoto, on 06 May 2013 - 07:28 AM, said:

Why not allow a defending player to re-cap the base?

That would help a lot and make the game better.

Edited by Galenit, 07 May 2013 - 05:05 AM.

#55 Echo6


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Posted 07 May 2013 - 05:59 AM

View PostDimento Graven, on 04 May 2013 - 08:11 AM, said:

Nothing you've stated goes away if a capture point is placed some where equidistant from both spawn points, OTHER THAN, the ONE capture point becomes a natural where the battle takes place.

Again, the cap'ers ignore the tendancy of the majority of cap practicioners, namely, EVEN IF THE BATTLE IS GOING IN THEIR FAVOR, they'll still cap.

How can it be that they're so good at battle, but even when their team has a 2 to 1 advantage in bodies, THEY STILL cap?

At that point it should be obvious that you've "drawn them out", and no longer need to stand on that square, you can come and actually join the battle, get some shots in, but no, you don't. You keep right on cap'ing. Even when your team is asking, begging, SCREAMING for you to get off the f'ing cap point, YOU STILL stand on that damn square.

There's MORE reasons to actually get out and fight than there is to drive around and park.

And yeah, if someone on MY team is cap'ing I ask them to stop, I've asked them to stop when it's been the ONLY means by which we could win. If the only way you can is via a technicality, you really didn't win.

Of late, more often than not, you cap'ers have been driving assault 'mechs to the caps, and that hurts everyone who drops with you. You take an assault 'mech off the battle line and the other team has tonnage advantage from the get go. It's extremely frustrating to die, pop into spectate mode, and see an untouched Awsome, Stalker, Highlander, Atlas standing on the enemy's square. What's worse is watching this guy defend himself when what's left of the enemy gets back to him (on the smaller maps, on Tourmaline and Alpine, seldom is there ever an expectation that it's possible) you quickly realize why this guy avoided battle, in his rampant display of lack of aim or any level of 'hand eye coordination' beyond the level of cocker-spaniel.

Yes, you cap'ers keep forcing your game play on us warriors, there is nothing we can do about it. Maybe soon everyone will just give up and you'll see games where everyone spawns and then just sits there without moving minutes on end waiting for the cap'ers to show up.

That sounds mind numbingly 'fun' doesn't it?

Gee, what is the primary purpose of a 25 to 100 ton machine, laden with ballistic, missle, and energy weapons?

Oh I KNOW, to drive around with and stand on a square!

Note: That was sarcasm.

I don't understand what makes capping a "technicality". The way I see it, the only point in killing the enemy mechs is to secure the cap zone; sometimes you don't need to do that (because the enemy forgot what the objective was or decided to institute a different one). If the enemy is always prepared to defend their base, a capper will always have to fight them.

The easiest way to force a fight in every single match is to defend your objective.

Edited by Echo6, 07 May 2013 - 06:01 AM.

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