Thontor, on 25 April 2013 - 02:09 PM, said:
it's clear from the notes that it's not the finished product... since they say to "reduce windshield size".. not sure if, or by how much, the windshield size was reduced for the final model

I'd also point out as someone who has worked around heavy earth movers most of his life.. if the pilot in that Catapult is to scale, the Cat is WELL north of 100 tons in that picture. Each of it's legs would mass nearly as much as that Jenner. (not to mention you could fit a jacuzzi and a couple of mech-bunnies in that cockpit, no sweat) The Jenner is actually pretty close to perfect.
thanks for re-digging this out, as I remember it being in one of my art posts about scale back in Closed Beta, before they nuked the forums the LAST time.
Edited by Bishop Steiner, 25 April 2013 - 02:31 PM.