I've been running the 5D for the longest of my three SDR's. Right now it's the ERPPC setup with the extra sensor range module, ECM, endo, ferro, TAG, XL 245 engine, etc. That one is easily the most effective SDR of the bunch. I generally run the flank, get to the enemy rear, and either spot/TAG, snipe or cap depending on the scenario. Or all three.
The 5K is just fun, mainly because I get to make airplane and RAT-A-TAT-A-TAT noises when I swoop through enemy formations with 3 MGs and 1 ERLL blazing. LOL! It isn't effective, but it's insanely fun.
The V model is painful, generally. I am only grinding through it to get the other 2 models to elite status. With 2 energy hardpoints in the CT, all you can do with a V is an ERLL or 2 MPL's. Sure, it has a super long jump, but if I am in the air that long someone is locking on and sending loads of LRM's for mid-air interception. Thanks, but no thanks.
I totally agree with not going toe to toe in a SDR vs the other lights. They are just geared for close in work.
Edited by Shuyen, 15 May 2013 - 10:24 AM.