Melee weapons. Yes or No?
Posted 08 November 2011 - 12:49 AM
What's your take on this?
Posted 08 November 2011 - 12:52 AM
Posted 08 November 2011 - 12:59 AM

Maybe more of close range combat maneuvers like ramming, kicking or stomping since not all mechs have anthropomorphic arms,
Posted 08 November 2011 - 01:06 AM
Mechs having big axes and swords just reminds me too much of some kind of *** catroon and i really hate those..
Sure ramming another mech to try and knock it over could be a good tactic but of course that would damage you as well..
Posted 08 November 2011 - 01:18 AM
I agree it should not be a 'gun' but more of a 1 melee attack per round (whatever that is going to be). If they add solaris type match modes then even more so please!
This also allows a 'purchase' option for players to unlock or quickly access melee type mechs.
Posted 08 November 2011 - 01:19 AM
In the city scape, close ranged fights they are hoping for it would be ideal, but when using weapons like axes it should be noted that if you mis-judge the attack you could end up burying the weapon into a building rather than a mech by accident, delaying its recovery and your maneuvering for several seconds whilst you rip it out of the rubble.
Just a thought.
Posted 08 November 2011 - 01:25 AM
They'd also somewhat level the playingfield against Clan mechs.
Posted 08 November 2011 - 01:50 AM
Of course no one wants to see some Atlas' fencing with giant swords looking like dumb Power Rangers Mega zords...but it schould be possible to get advantage of sneaking up behind some bigger Mech with your e.g. Scout.
Pushing someone down a steep hill should result in big damage...i mean there is a lot of kinetical force in a fast moving body of 75 Tons!!! If you kann knock on of the bigge ones over, their own weight should result in big damage to the arm he fells on for example!
And if you got an Atlas hammering his fist onto the cabin of a Madcat or so, should this be fatal as well.
Melee YES, Big fencing stuff NO - Instant Knife kills like in CS 1.6? Only if a super weight mech stomps on a scout ore something like that
Posted 08 November 2011 - 01:53 AM
Posted 08 November 2011 - 01:54 AM
Do we want it? Yes, for the most part.
Is it possible to do it without making it feel clunky or tacked-on? I doubt it.
Would we want it as a gameplay element if it were clunky and badly done? I can at least speak for myself when I say "No". If they can make it feel natural to the keyboard + Mouse layout, than sure. If it's something clunky like "Press V or F11", then I'll be glad if we do without.
Posted 08 November 2011 - 01:59 AM
Melee should not become a one hit kill mechanic like in Modern Warfare or Battlefield games. The reason for this is it completely invalidates brawling range mechanics when an Excalibur can jump-jet forward and "hit you with his sword".
To be honest? I'd like to see contextual situations, depending on the battlemech one is piloting, where an option becomes available to perform a melee attack. (Think Deus Ex, for example.) For an Axeman, it may be press action key to swing your axe, for a Warhammer, it may be an option to ram it's PPC into the torso of a mech and fire a point blank shot, or ram it's shoulder into another mech. The system could take the speed of the battlemech currently being piloted, the speed and mass of the other battlemech, and the skill scores of the pilots to determine the hit and damage done, up to a certain cap. It should also be based on the weight of the mech - an Atlas punching a cougar, for example, should do more damage than a Valkyrie punching an Awesome.
Either this, or moving the pilot into a third person view to coordinate the use of a melee weapon, such as an Axe or Sword.
This, and actuated arms which interact with the environment around it, would take intense codeing and testing to implement properly, but would be an interesting addition and a welcome and refreshing mechanic.
Posted 08 November 2011 - 02:38 AM
If an assault mech moving at flank speed rams a stationary mech of similar or lower weight, there should be some sort of knock back or staggering mechanic due to the impacts. Same for light mech pilot s who run head long into buildings because they misjudged a turn, etc.
As long as they have at least that in, then Close Combat is at least an option for a later update.
Posted 08 November 2011 - 05:04 AM
Posted 08 November 2011 - 05:22 AM
Posted 08 November 2011 - 05:56 AM
TT damage system works. Damage done based on weight of the mech. Give all physicals a global cool down just like weapons.
Punch...wait for cool down...Kick...wait for cool down...hatchet....wait for cool down...etc.
Keep their DPS roughly the same as an equivalent weapon. Atlas Punch = Inner Sphere PPC. Hunchback Punch = IS Med. Laser.
I think of Physicals like gravy for the dinner. Not the main course...but adds to the meal.
Even on mechs that have Hatchets or Swords...you are going to have to work to get close enough to use the thing.
Chances are you could do more damage with that same tonnage with ranged weapons over the same period of time, that it takes for you to close with your opponent.
Besides...the only one that will close with you is another Hatchet/Sword armed mech...most everyone else will throw it into reverse and try to drop you on the your way in.
Edited by RangerRob, 08 November 2011 - 06:48 AM.
Posted 08 November 2011 - 06:47 AM
Also, physical damage should not only be done by "melee weapons". If a 70 ton Thor jumps from a high cliff and lands on a Jenner at 86.4kp/h, then the result should be a mech with broken legs and another with a smashed cockpit.
Edited by Zakatak, 08 November 2011 - 06:47 AM.
Posted 08 November 2011 - 07:09 AM
Edited by adridos, 08 November 2011 - 07:09 AM.
Posted 08 November 2011 - 07:25 AM
YES YES YES on melee, it's in the rules, always has been but the previous versions of the game and designers were to scared to incorporate it, or maybe the actual computer technology wasn't there. Now it is!
And for those of you not wanting to use melee, then don't. But why should you ban the rest of us from using it just because you don't want to.
As for me, I plan on putting an axe in the left hand of my EXT Exterminator as soon as I can. (If the Exterminator is in game.) Freddy Kreuger, Jason, and Michael Meyers have nothing on me.
Posted 08 November 2011 - 07:29 AM
Posted 08 November 2011 - 07:41 AM
Edited by Joseph Mallan, 08 November 2011 - 07:42 AM.
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