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Community Forum Referendum - 26/04/2013

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Poll: Community Forum Change Poll (237 member(s) have cast votes)

Workarounds & Help a Player

  1. Keep Workarounds as a section of Support & Feedback. (118 votes [49.79%] - View)

    Percentage of vote: 49.79%

  2. Move Workarounds to rest under Help a Player. (69 votes [29.11%] - View)

    Percentage of vote: 29.11%

  3. Abstain (50 votes [21.10%] - View)

    Percentage of vote: 21.10%

BattleMech Guides

  1. Keep BattleMech Guides divided by Weight-class. (126 votes [53.16%] - View)

    Percentage of vote: 53.16%

  2. Unify BattleMech Guides into a single-forum. (95 votes [40.08%] - View)

    Percentage of vote: 40.08%

  3. Abstain (16 votes [6.75%] - View)

    Percentage of vote: 6.75%

Other Guides

  1. Keep the various Guide sections divided in their subjects. (85 votes [35.86%] - View)

    Percentage of vote: 35.86%

  2. Unify the other Guides into a General Guides section. (127 votes [53.59%] - View)

    Percentage of vote: 53.59%

  3. Abstain (25 votes [10.55%] - View)

    Percentage of vote: 10.55%

Menus & UI Game Discussion

  1. Do Not create this subforum. (133 votes [56.12%] - View)

    Percentage of vote: 56.12%

  2. Create this subforum. (68 votes [28.69%] - View)

    Percentage of vote: 28.69%

  3. Abstain (36 votes [15.19%] - View)

    Percentage of vote: 15.19%

Mech Decor Discussion

  1. Do Not create this subforum. (140 votes [59.07%] - View)

    Percentage of vote: 59.07%

  2. Create this subforum. (59 votes [24.89%] - View)

    Percentage of vote: 24.89%

  3. Abstain (38 votes [16.03%] - View)

    Percentage of vote: 16.03%

Ready Room and Debriefing Room

  1. Keep the two sub-forums distinguished. (30 votes [12.66%] - View)

    Percentage of vote: 12.66%

  2. Merge the two sub-forums into the Barracks. (163 votes [68.78%] - View)

    Percentage of vote: 68.78%

  3. Abstain (44 votes [18.57%] - View)

    Percentage of vote: 18.57%


  1. Leave Factions sections under MWO Universe. (146 votes [61.60%] - View)

    Percentage of vote: 61.60%

  2. Seperate Factions section into their own forum category. (49 votes [20.68%] - View)

    Percentage of vote: 20.68%

  3. Abstain (42 votes [17.72%] - View)

    Percentage of vote: 17.72%

Fan Movement

  1. Keep the Fan Forums on the Front Page to increase their visual presence. (132 votes [55.70%] - View)

    Percentage of vote: 55.70%

  2. Create a Fan Movement Section to reduce the visual presence of the Fan Forums. (40 votes [16.88%] - View)

    Percentage of vote: 16.88%

  3. Abstain (65 votes [27.43%] - View)

    Percentage of vote: 27.43%

BattleTech Discussion

  1. Keep the Novels & Lore, Table-Top, and Video Games sub-forums. (76 votes [32.07%] - View)

    Percentage of vote: 32.07%

  2. Revert and merge all back into BattleTech Discussion. (124 votes [52.32%] - View)

    Percentage of vote: 52.32%

  3. Abstain (37 votes [15.61%] - View)

    Percentage of vote: 15.61%


#101 Purplefluffybunny


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Posted 28 April 2013 - 02:26 AM

The arguments from Blinkin and others have no relevancy to our request to have an additional question on that poll, that asks us if we would like the 'general' forum space back. I do not understand why having that question in the poll is viewed as so much of a threat. Anyway, even if that question were added now, it would be unfair to add it to this poll as many that have voted would be unlikely to spot the addition and come back to vote. The only fair way would be to scrap this poll and do a proper referendum rather than this token gesture.

When CW goes live and the other revenue streams come online, and given that there will be so few maps and actual content come the summer, I fear many will just say screw it and go play another game. I think there are going to be some tough times ahead for PGI, even at this early stage

#102 Sedit


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Posted 28 April 2013 - 04:55 AM

a general forum would be great a place where we can talk about the game, without having to try and guess where we should go or posting in the wrong place. How about a flow chart showing us what forum to post in.

Edited by Sedit, 28 April 2013 - 04:55 AM.

#103 Skulli Bloodspiller


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Posted 28 April 2013 - 04:56 AM

View PostSedit, on 28 April 2013 - 04:55 AM, said:

a general forum would be great a place where we can talk about the game, without having to try and guess where we should go or posting in the wrong place. How about a flow chart showing us what forum to post in.

Over 50 branches, it'll be one helluva big chart!

#104 Dishevel


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Posted 28 April 2013 - 08:21 AM

I abstained on every question.
The reason I did this was simple. This poll in my opinion was a farce.
There is no way that I can bring myself to believe that those who came up with the newest forum change or this poll did not have the capacity to understand what the community wanted.
Overwhelmingly it was obvious. We still do not have our General Discussion back.

This is what we asked for.

This poll is so that IGP can implement the stuff in this poll and state proudly that they listen to the whims of the community. In my opinion it is a slap in the face.

It is purposeful and deliberate. This poll is the reason for days of meetings.
Because not one of those meeting was about doing what we were asking for.

Those meetings were all about coming up with a strategy to keep General Discussion gone and shut us up.

Almost $300 spent on this game so far (I know there are many who spent more.) and right now I do not feel like playing this game at all. I tried a few days ago but all I wanted to do was ***** in chat about it. I had no fun. I like the game. I play it at work all the time :D .

My feelings for the people who are going to make money off the game though is getting so bad that I can not enjoy playing due to the fact that they might feel they are doing something right.

I will give it a few more days, but this poll has sucked most of the hope I had out of me.

Edited by Dishevel, 28 April 2013 - 08:22 AM.

#105 Roadbeer


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Posted 28 April 2013 - 08:30 AM

Lulz... I'm quitting a game I like because I don't like the way the forum is set up. :D

#106 Rick Rawlings


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Posted 28 April 2013 - 08:33 AM

While I have tried to remain positive about what is still a pretty fun game despite the seeming increase(?!?) in bugs lately (for example, I have client crashed more times in the last month than since open beta started), this forum reorg is pretty sad. You can say that it was not to hide and disperse negative comments but I'm not buying it. I can't see how anybody would seriously construct a web site with this many subforums and think it was a good idea unless there were some pretty strong ulterior motives driving it. Most of the threads in the old General Discussion had a kernel of truth to them at least and were fun to read. I was able to find out if others were experiencing the same game state I was and then decide if I needed to post about it. For the most part, I saw that almost all of the bugs I experienced were already being discussed and I was able to get this information quickly and efficiently.
If you thought the forums were overly negative, you could always use that little button at the bottom of the page that lets you select the next page and you could see if there is a thread on there that you want to post about. Then, when you find your little special snowflake post that means so much to you, you can just post on it and then guess what? it would be right back on page 1 again! Then, if it didn't stay there on it's own accord, well, probably all the forum subdivisions in the world wouldn't help...

Seriously, you really just need general discussion and a couple of other forums at most...


#107 Dishevel


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Posted 28 April 2013 - 08:51 AM

View PostRoadbeer, on 28 April 2013 - 08:30 AM, said:

Lulz... I'm quitting a game I like because I don't like the way the forum is set up. :D

I thought I was fairly clear. I do not want to quit. I like the game.
They are making it hard for me to want to play though. That is sad.
If the number of members on the forums continues to drop and they are able to keep many of the players playing then maybe they have a chance of getting what they want.

The problem is the way they are making some of us feel with this poll.
This poll is a statement of a specific intent. It was put together after days of meetings. Not some mistake on the fly.
So it is up to you to see that intent for what it is or not. Then you can feel however you do about it.

#108 Roadbeer


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Posted 28 April 2013 - 08:54 AM

Which is, as I said, funny. You are letting the format of the forum affect your enjoyment of the game.

#109 RG Notch


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Posted 28 April 2013 - 08:59 AM

View PostRoadbeer, on 28 April 2013 - 08:30 AM, said:

Lulz... I'm quitting a game I like because I don't like the way the forum is set up. :D

Actually people are quitting because they feel the game they like is run by people who are out to ruin it. But feel free to get blame the community. Still awaiting the explanation of how other games manage to not have everything in General Discussion devolve to dev bashing as the mods apparently believe. I guess those other games aren't getting slammed in the gaming press for having embarassing forum revolts. Oh well I guess all that Founder's money comes with pressure, sad the pressure is apparently too much for PGI. Don't even blame IGP, MWT still has a General Discussion.

#110 Mechwarrior Buddah


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Posted 28 April 2013 - 09:06 AM

View PostDishevel, on 28 April 2013 - 08:21 AM, said:

I abstained on every question.
The reason I did this was simple. This poll in my opinion was a farce.
There is no way that I can bring myself to believe that those who came up with the newest forum change or this poll did not have the capacity to understand what the community wanted.
Overwhelmingly it was obvious. We still do not have our General Discussion back.

Given that theyve told us that they dont care what we say in polls on forums because the silent majority speaks far louder than us poor forumites on all subjects, why not empathically glean what THEY want for the forums like you have for thew idea that they want 3rd person view?

View PostRoadbeer, on 28 April 2013 - 08:30 AM, said:

Lulz... I'm quitting a game I like because I don't like the way the forum is set up. :D

Well, when the only thing youre doing in said game IS the forum because youre waiting and hoping they pull their heads out of their ***** eventually and make the game good, it doesnt seem that bad an idea really

View PostRG Notch, on 28 April 2013 - 08:59 AM, said:

Actually people are quitting because they feel the game they like is run by people who are out to ruin it. But feel free to get blame the community.

Everyone else is, why not

#111 Lonestar1771


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Posted 28 April 2013 - 09:09 AM

So.... when will you guys be rolling back your stupid *** changes to the forums to when it actually worked (and made sense)?

#112 Vassago Rain


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Posted 28 April 2013 - 09:13 AM

Look, I'll be honest, and in your own house, no less. I even logged in, and everything.

It used to be this funny gag that 4chan had a much more comprehensive and accessible 'forum' than the game itself, and it was really funny, so we all laughed at it. Haha, really funny. It is a joke, yes.

But now you don't even have a normal place where players can go and spend the downtime between patches. News and numbers are still not posted here. The joke isn't funny now, because it's become reality. You can't have a community if people aren't allowed to gather, and the very existence of your forum comes into question when it ceases being a forum. For the record, absolutely no criticism has been silenced, and every online game ever has had a general gathering place for people - no matter the players or company. Yes, even War Z.

It looks childish and immature. What are you trying to accomplish, except the obvious kneejerk reaction to critics?

Edited by Vassago Rain, 28 April 2013 - 09:15 AM.

#113 Mechwarrior Buddah


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Posted 28 April 2013 - 09:14 AM

View PostBryan Ekman, on 21 March 2013 - 03:58 PM, said:

This thread is not about whether or not 3rd person should it exist. Rather, we want your feedback on how it should be implemented. Understand we're not debating the merits of having 3rd person or not.

but in this case its


This thread is not about whether or not the new forum setup should it exist. Rather, we want your feedback on how it should be implemented. Understand we're not debating the merits of having the new forum setup or not.

View PostVassago Rain, on 28 April 2013 - 09:13 AM, said:

Look, I'll be honest, and in your own house, no less. I even logged in, and everything.

It used to be this funny gag that 4chan had a much more comprehensive and accessible 'forum' than the game itself, and it was really funny, so we all laughed at it. Haha, really funny. It is a joke, yes.

But now you don't even have a normal place where players can go and spend the downtime between patches. News and numbers are still not posted here. The joke isn't funny now, because it's become reality. You can't have a community if people aren't allowed to gather, and the very existence of your forum comes into question when it ceases being a forum. For the record, absolutely no criticism has been silenced, and every online game ever has had a general gathering place for people - no matter the players or company. Yes, even War Z.

Hey you know whats funny? I read that its entirely your fault and mine that this happened. Just us.

#114 Purplefluffybunny


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Posted 28 April 2013 - 09:33 AM

View PostRoadbeer, on 28 April 2013 - 08:54 AM, said:

Which is, as I said, funny. You are letting the format of the forum affect your enjoyment of the game.

For me, I am just bored of the same maps and the unimaginative game modes. There is just so little content right now. Add to that all of the issues over community development since MWO first came online, well, I am not inspired in terms of looking forwards to CW.

Mechwarrior Buddah, those two quotes you cite with the first one being from Bryan. Is that second one just your own bastardisation or is that something that has actually been said too? If so who said it?

Edited by Purplefluffybunny, 28 April 2013 - 09:34 AM.

#115 Mechwarrior Buddah


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Posted 28 April 2013 - 09:34 AM

View PostPurplefluffybunny, on 28 April 2013 - 09:33 AM, said:

For me, I am just bored of the same maps and the unimaginative game modes. There is just so little content right now. Add to that all of the issues over community development since MWO first came online, well, I am not inspired in terms of looking forwards to CW.

Mechwarrior Buddah, those two quotes you cite with the first one being from Bryan. Is that second one just your own bastradisation or is that something that has actually been said too? If so who said it?

It was my modification of the way things are going, yes it wasnt a real quote lol

#116 Purplefluffybunny


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Posted 28 April 2013 - 09:38 AM

View PostMechwarrior Buddah, on 28 April 2013 - 09:34 AM, said:

It was my modification of the way things are going, yes it wasnt a real quote lol

Cool, thank you. It does seem appropriate as the staff and owners do seem a little authoritarian in setting the terms that are 'open for debate'. It 'aint democratic when such terms of reference are not allowed to be debated or voted on.

Edited by Purplefluffybunny, 28 April 2013 - 09:39 AM.

#117 Vassago Rain


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Posted 28 April 2013 - 09:39 AM

View PostPurplefluffybunny, on 28 April 2013 - 09:38 AM, said:

Cool, thank you. It does seem appropriate as the staff and owners seem a little authoritarian in setting the terms that are 'open for debate'. It 'aint democratic when such terms of reference are not allowed to be debated or voted on.

It was their position at the time,

#118 Purplefluffybunny


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Posted 28 April 2013 - 09:40 AM

View PostVassago Rain, on 28 April 2013 - 09:39 AM, said:

It was their position at the time,

Sorry dude, I am not following you here. What do you mean?

#119 Vassago Rain


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Posted 28 April 2013 - 09:44 AM

View PostPurplefluffybunny, on 28 April 2013 - 09:40 AM, said:

Sorry dude, I am not following you here. What do you mean?

I would post about it, but we're at a point where I can't even be bothered. Someone else will do it for me. I've got maximum armor and predator bows calling my name.

#120 Roadbeer


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Posted 28 April 2013 - 02:12 PM

View PostMechwarrior Buddah, on 28 April 2013 - 09:34 AM, said:

It was my modification of the way things are going, yes it wasnt a real quote lol

And yet, you represented it as a real quote. Fail.

Think you need to follow that link in your sig. It applies to 90% of what you post.

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