This makes pinpoint damage so much harder to arceive and you don't need to do all these little balance fixes.
Edit 1: The fire mechanic would of course have to changed so that it would be impossible to macro-alpha. Few posters have been postive to chained weapons fire to now.
Edit 2: Having unsinked heat actually affect your mech in a negative manner would help prevent alpha strikes.
In table top games heat buildup would slow down your mech and make aiming harder.
Edit 3: why is there no spread when firing on the move?
It is not some fps game inspired mechanic.
Even table top had penalities when firinmg on the move, but it was based on if you walked or ran, so light mecs could move swiftly and suffer few penalties, while assault class mechs can hardly move before suffering "running" penalties. Jump jetting also affected your aim.
Edited by Liberator, 30 April 2013 - 07:45 AM.