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Will you buy the Razer Artemis controller?

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#81 Major Bill Curtis


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Posted 05 June 2012 - 08:59 AM

I'm guessing that the members of the mouse and keyboard crew have never used a good joystick (note: Saitek does not make good joysticks - sorry to break it to you X52 users, but those things are junk, really, I feel for you because I know you blew your cash . . . maybe you like your X52, but they're just not very accurate . . . they look pretty).

I already have a good flightsim setup, so I can't imagine getting this thing. If it's of high quality - Hall sensors and the like - it might be worthwhile for someone, especially given the rarity of force feedback these days . . . but that's a very big "if."

I'd be interested in the screen by itself, as it looks like that would add a lot to my situational awareness (I'm old, so more screens are better). I'd think the screen would be particularly useful for command 'mechs.

Anyway, if I can get the screen separately for a reasonable price, I'll go for that.

#82 Seal9


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Posted 05 June 2012 - 09:01 AM

Awesome, I love it.
I might get it, depends on what it will go for in the store.

#83 Ronan


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Posted 05 June 2012 - 09:02 AM

Did I miss it somewhere? Are there specs for this thing? Has anything like release date, price, _functionality_ been given? All I can see are concept art pics and reuse of trailer footage. Is there even a picture of a real, physical prototype? Any word on what the middle-screen will do?? (If I have to take my eyes off the main screen for any important info on that sub-screen, its a bad design... but if the info on that screen isn't important, why have it??)

I was very let down by the whole Artemis hype being a controller setup, I'll admit that. I'm just not a fancy controller kinda guy. But since they went with a controller announcement, it would have been nice to actually have, you know, THE CONTROLLER at E3. C'mon, at least some real info on what it does and when it comes out.

And if there's some gems of info on Artemis I just plain missed, my bad ;-)

#84 Frostiken


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Posted 05 June 2012 - 09:04 AM

View PostMajor Bill Curtis, on 05 June 2012 - 08:59 AM, said:

I'm guessing that the members of the mouse and keyboard crew have never used a good joystick

Speak for yourself. Joystick / throttle and maybe even pedals is the worst setup you could use. Even an XBox controller would probably be better. The fact is, joysticks for aiming are inferior to mouse, and that's the end of that story. I could go more into things about how far / much you have to move your body around to control the mech, but the discussion, in my eyes, ends at the virtue of aiming with a mouse.

#85 ArcaneIce


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Posted 05 June 2012 - 09:04 AM

It's Razer so no... And besides I have a decent joystick that I just got a couple months ago when I built my new computer.

#86 Euphor Kell


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Posted 05 June 2012 - 09:05 AM

i already have my saitek x52 AND a Razer Nostromo... i don't really have room for this yet.
that said, were i to get the room, tax time is comming round, so yeah, i'll pick it up if it aint terribly overpriced.

really interested in what the centre screen is capable of, and i hope to god its a modular system like the saitek x52 (i need to be able to move a bit rather than have both arms in front of me)

#87 IIIuminaughty


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Posted 05 June 2012 - 09:05 AM

If they giving some out for free hell yeah ill take the 1 in a million chance and if not it depends on how much it will cost

#88 Major Bill Curtis


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Posted 05 June 2012 - 09:09 AM

View PostRonan, on 05 June 2012 - 09:02 AM, said:

Did I miss it somewhere? Are there specs for this thing? Has anything like release date, price, _functionality_ been given? All I can see are concept art pics and reuse of trailer footage. Is there even a picture of a real, physical prototype? Any word on what the middle-screen will do?? (If I have to take my eyes off the main screen for any important info on that sub-screen, its a bad design... but if the info on that screen isn't important, why have it??)

I was very let down by the whole Artemis hype being a controller setup, I'll admit that. I'm just not a fancy controller kinda guy. But since they went with a controller announcement, it would have been nice to actually have, you know, THE CONTROLLER at E3. C'mon, at least some real info on what it does and when it comes out.

And if there's some gems of info on Artemis I just plain missed, my bad ;-)

Unfortunately, it's apparently only a concept currently. Then again, that could be a good thing: lots of people are asking for left-handed version and for modularity, so this could very well be the market research phase.

View PostFrostiken, on 05 June 2012 - 09:04 AM, said:

Speak for yourself. Joystick / throttle and maybe even pedals is the worst setup you could use. Even an XBox controller would probably be better. The fact is, joysticks for aiming are inferior to mouse, and that's the end of that story. I could go more into things about how far / much you have to move your body around to control the mech, but the discussion, in my eyes, ends at the virtue of aiming with a mouse.

Who said I was using the joystick for aiming? Also, cool story bro :mellow:

#89 McScwizzy


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Posted 05 June 2012 - 09:09 AM

If I had extra money just lying around then yes, but unfortunately I don't so no.

#90 a rabid chihuahua


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Posted 05 June 2012 - 09:12 AM

Im in the air about it . I have had good luck with razer stuff for the most part. I am a collector so I did buy hte entire SWTOR set up, and have to say I a mhappy with all but the headset. The system works fine ,but the ear buds where made for someone with smnall ears and get uncomfortable within an hour or less. All the other stuff is great IMO. as far as going for this setup will wait to see whats available when it hits market and much better it can be .

#91 CoffiNail


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Posted 05 June 2012 - 09:13 AM

#92 Cerlin


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Posted 05 June 2012 - 09:16 AM

I voted no. Why?

I do think this is an awesome idea, but I JUST bought a new joystick (I havent had one for 10+ years) and my wife would never let me hear the end of it. So if I was single, maybe but I am not. :P

#93 Thorqemada


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Posted 05 June 2012 - 09:17 AM

I once was a fan of CH-Products but it seems they be no serious competitor anymore and ceased to do business in Europe.

I want to see the Artemis live and get Reviews of it and it would have to be modular so i can change the space usage to my needs.

For lefthanders the right-hand-stick is ingenious bcs you can steer with the right hand and aim with the mouse at your left hand.
That is a very usefull way to control your mech the moment you get used to it - i tried it opposite with the CH-Flightstick that had a symmetric Grip and used it at my left hand and aimed with the mouse in the right hand.

Time will tell...

#94 Infine


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Posted 05 June 2012 - 09:20 AM

First, it's Razer. It's like Apple, only worse. If I wanted a throwaway controller, I'd by a genius. If I wanted an expensive controller, I'd by a logitech. An expensive AND throwaway controller is not something I consider a good mix.

Second. The ergonomics. The screen is cool but useless. Even modern cars try to move to HUDs. A dedicated screen you need to refocus your eyes at is a bad idea. Next, I prefer individual triggers for different weapon groups. Doesn't look like the joystick is designed for that. 12 buttons aren't enough for MechWarrior. Well, they certainly were not enough for MW4. Probably with modifier keys...

Third. Versatility. For the money this thing is most likely going to cost, I'd rather buy a real HOTAS setup. You know, with a real stick and a real throttle, not a thumbstick (which doesn't look comfortable for long game sessions). Oh and a new PC for the remaining money.

#95 Silent


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Posted 05 June 2012 - 09:21 AM

View PostMonthar, on 05 June 2012 - 08:33 AM, said:

No! This kind of marketing stunt has me seriously reconsidering my previous decision to buy the Elite Founders package. If I decide not to buy the Founders package, I'll likely just skip this MW game all together.

Before anyone asks why, I'll tell you. It's because all this hype to promote a product by another company that you just happened to have consulted on says PG is more interested in publicity stunts than putting out a good game. Sure these kinds of stunts draw in a few more players at the beginning, but most of them will be less likely to spend money on the game itself and/or stick around for any length of time. However, a good game would draw in a LOT more over the long haul and keep them around and actually paying for stuff.

No-one in their right mind is going to fork over the kind of money this controller will sell for if the full functionality of it only works with one game.

To put it bluntly, this marketing stunt pretty much shattered my faith in PG.

Your faith must have been hanging by a thread if an announcement about a peripheral specifically for MW:O (which has been requested about a million times on these forums) completely shatters your opinion of a game which you have never played.

Edited by Silent, 05 June 2012 - 09:22 AM.

#96 Siebzhen


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Posted 05 June 2012 - 09:26 AM

I was a huge fan of Steel Battalion. loved that controller! It was the next best thing to being in a mech dealing out 10 lb slugs of pure death!

So yes i will prolly buy it if i like MWO.

#97 Aelos03


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Posted 05 June 2012 - 09:31 AM

View PostManDaisy, on 05 June 2012 - 08:13 AM, said:

A fair move by PGI in my opinion. Honestly I think only the most sim fanatic base is gonna go for this however, they are also potentially the biggest spenders for the online store. Catering to them and having them dedicate more money into MWO will increase PGIs profits although not necessarily thru the sale of the controller but thru the subsequent migration of income earning player base, and dedicated hobbyist. Its a move in the right direction to secure that high paying niche. To most of us casuals and in between however, its a facepalm because nothing can beat the mouse and keyboard.

1) Shows dedication to simulation rather then arcadey gameplay for MWO from PGI
2) Shows detail orientation, realism focus, immersion are high in priority
3) Shows that PGI is willing to gamble and won't make a safe boring game

1) Hype dissapointment for casual gamers... buts thats it.

blabla its joystick with a monitor nothing special , its hype disappointment for many people because its just a joystick i would be more hyped if it was a mech, So competitive players don't use mouse and keyboard ????????

#98 Lonestar1771


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Posted 05 June 2012 - 09:33 AM

I would rather have a dual joystick setup like in Heavy construction equipment. Now as far as aiming goes... these are sophisticated pieces of death dealing, gun slingin, behemoths, which means they should have some kind of targeting system, so why would you need to manually aim anything?

#99 Hellzero


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Posted 05 June 2012 - 09:33 AM

Give me the Specs of the Artemis, especially the Display, one "Hands on Review", and if it has a Throttle that doesn't squeak, and a Joystick that works its magic without breaking/wearingafter a month of intense hammering in the field(Goodbye Saiteks that I've had when trying to replace my Sidewinder Precision Pro in flight/mech sims; CH being the only one which has lasted for me), then I'm all go.

#100 Tearalum


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Posted 05 June 2012 - 09:33 AM

Great. I'm watching the last minute of the countdown and when it reaches zero I rage on the inside as I just - this - moment unpacked my new Saitek X52 Pro HOTAS :P

And by the way, no throttle? Whats up with that!?

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