228Th Independent Battlemech Regiment
Posted 17 September 2013 - 01:35 PM
Posted 20 September 2013 - 10:14 PM
Goth5150 (Team Hazard)
Deadfire (Team Hunter)
grim57 (Team Patriots)
Queenblade (Team Tiger)
Posted 23 September 2013 - 09:17 PM
Posted 25 September 2013 - 09:00 AM
The 228th has executed an audacious raid on the planet of Hellos Minor. The planet was under the defense of the Remnant, a notorious unit of the Principality of Regulus. Despite the heavy ionic storms raging across the planet surface during the time of the raids Captain Panicbutton identified three locations vital to securing the planet and its valuable mineral resources.
“You all know the mission, and what is at stake.
I have come to trust each of you with my life -- but I have also heard murmurs of discontent. I share your concerns.
We are trained for war; we would be legends, but our glory has been forgotten. Glory in battle is our way.
Think of our heroes; The wall of Irvine, who led the charge that decimated an entire company. Or Damion Stranik, who crushed the rebels with his outstanding courage.
These giants do not seem to give us solace here, but they are not all that we are.
Before fighting for the Free Worlds League, we fought for the Star League. Before mercenaries, we were soldiers!
Our strength stopped the usurper, but before that we held the line!
Our loyalty kept us in the Inner Sphere while Kerensky left, but before that, we held the line!
Our strength will unite the Free Worlds League; in the battle today, we will hold the line!”
-Corporal Rez “Squid” Kalamari addressing the pilots before planet fall.
The first target was a volcanic power station located on the equator of the desert planet. Captain Panicbutton led a daring strike force to take out the generators which were keeping the planets communications online. It was during the first shots of this battle that the Captain went down. Ejecting from his Cataphract in the nick of time. He managed to land safely and reorganize his pilots to a rousing victory losing only one Jenner in the process.
The second target was the capital city of New Thebes. The port city contained one of the only working starports on the sparsely inhabited world. With hardly a thought for the loss of his Cataphract Captain Panicbutton powered up his Highlander with revenge set firmly in his sights. The mission only required a few major objectives to be brought under 228th control, but the captain had other ideas. His unit formed a firing line and swept into the enemy garrison. The result was total carnage for the defending Remnant forces. When the smoke cleared every 228th mech stood intact and victorious.
In the final battle the 228th IBR found themselves in the canyons outside the city. An unsecured landing zone had been identified and Captain Panicbutton set out to take the LZ to prevent further reinforcements from entering the area. With the battle taking place mere hours after the attack on the capital city there was not time for to adequately repair and rearm. This would prove dangerous during the fighting. Both Private ROFLwaffle and Lieutenant Grim had near lethal malfunctions with their neural helmets, leaving them stranded and without the ability to control their ‘mechs. To add to the 228th’s dire situation it was discovered that the Remnant was broadcasting their location to the orbiting Dropship Kolechian Wind, which would deliver a fatal bombardment on the planet-side forces of the 228th. Putting all caution to the wind Master Sergeant Queenblade threw his Spider into the enemy position, using its sophisticated ECM suite to disrupt the transmission mere seconds before target confirmation. Tragically, Queenblade’s Spider was already heavily damaged and went down following his heroics. Not letting his sacrifice be in vain, the remaining 228th ‘mechs moved into position before contact could be reestablished to the dropship and neutralized the remaining opposition.
A raucous cheer went up across all channels as the planet was secured (including a now very banged up Master Sergeant Queenblade). With off-world communications down and no contestable LZ the 228th has successfully taken Hellos Minor for the Stewart Commonality.
- ROFLWaffle and NeilStranek
Edited by Simon Osis, 25 September 2013 - 09:02 AM.
Posted 27 September 2013 - 01:34 AM
As for myself I was removed first round by Ed's team, I ain't even mad
Posted 30 September 2013 - 07:23 AM
Posted 01 October 2013 - 08:20 PM
Earlier today the Stewart Commonality manufacturing planet of Irian was attacked by the Blazing Aces. The B. A., seeking to take the planet for the control of the Duchy of Oriente, tried to disable the most prevalent production factories on the planet as a means of control.
The B.A. first tried to take over the O’Brian Mech Repair station, a massive installation servicing many of the Commonality’s mech units. However, the O’Brian station was under renovation, as many of the machines were woefully out of date and needed to be re-tooled to handle the current conflict. The 228 abandoned the target as it held no strategic value. This information had not been discovered by the Blazing Aces, and they wasted their first incursion on an undefended, unusable asset.
The second target was the Tanari Bay Aero Company. Located on the Tanari River delta this company is responsible for the production and maintenance of a majority of the Commonality’s air forces. As the facility could not be evacuated in time, Captain Panicbutton lead the defense of the bay. Under cover of night the B. A. dropped into the edge of the city. The Captain arranged his forces protecting the main entrance to the factory. After, a quick battle the 228 emerged victorious. As a testament of the strength of the 228, Lieutenant Defunked brought 4 enemy mechs to the ground by himself, his Cataphract a constant beacon of laser fire and autocannon blasts.
After the interrogation of an B. A. pilot, the 228 learned of the final push taking place near the Marrius Foundry. The Foundry produced all of the raw components for the planets vast manufacturing centers. Bringing the heaviest mechs at the 228th disposal, Captain Panicbutton and his company set down outside the Thermal Geysers that powered the Foundry. In the fires of the wasteland the final clash began. The B. A. took a position on a strategic geyser in an attempt to control the Foundry’s energy. However the Light pilots of the 228 had other plans for the B.A. They managed to catch an B.A. Quickdraw out of position and bring it down in a matter of seconds. With that advantage in mind the captain decided on a brave push into the defensive line of the B. A. Marching into the geyser, side by side with his brother Sergeant R13, Panicbutton began the systematic extermination of the B. A. ‘mechs. The brawl that ensued was the stuff of legends, the captain fell to the combined efforts of the enemy mechs. With rawr over the com’s at the fall of his brothers mech, R13 began to lay waste to everything in sight, shearing components and pilots from their mechs.
When the thunder of auto cannon fire stopped echoing in the geyser the 228 emerged victorious. The only enemy mech not accounted for was that of Commanding Officer Victor Morson, a threat sure to plague the Stewart Commonality in months to come.
Planet Held.
-ROFLwaffle and Neil Stranik
Edited by Deadfire, 01 October 2013 - 08:21 PM.
Posted 03 October 2013 - 07:12 AM

Posted 07 October 2013 - 12:34 AM
Posted 09 October 2013 - 08:42 PM
Posted 09 October 2013 - 08:42 PM
BSK match 14th
CJF match 15th
BA match 18th
Posted 09 October 2013 - 08:43 PM
Posted 09 October 2013 - 08:43 PM
Posted 09 October 2013 - 08:43 PM
Posted 10 October 2013 - 11:14 PM

Posted 12 October 2013 - 08:16 AM
Posted 14 October 2013 - 06:24 AM
Posted 21 October 2013 - 10:36 AM
Marik League Breaking News: The 228th IBR successfully defended the planet Irian from yet another attack by the Blazing Aces. The Blazing Aces made an attack on the capitol of the planet to try to take it in a quick blitz. The 228th made a speedy defense, and managed to stop the blitz before it really got started. The BA then moved over to try to take out a comm outpost so that the planet couldn't call for reinforcements. The 228th came in to defend the outpost, but due to a comms malfuncion orders were misconstrued and a lot of the 228th mechs went down rather quickly. Thanks to the regrouping effort of the light lance and the efforts of Seargent Pikachar the remaining 228th forces were able to take down the Blazing Aces forces. The BA forces then made an attack on one of the cities of the polar regions. The 228th, then defeated the BA on this front thanks to the efforts of Lieutenants Defunked and Grim and sent the rest of them packing. Irian stays in the possession of the Stewart Commonwealth.
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