1. Doubling Armor
Effect: Weight class balance is destroyed. Light mechs can easily get in a brawl with mechs 5 times their size and beat them with their lag shields. And combined with...
2. Tripling weapon RoF
Effect: Weapon balance is destroyed. Gauss is the only ballistic worth using, all canon designs are way overheated, Energy boats are forced to boat heat sinks.
3. No guidance on SRMs.
Effect: By treating SRMs like Rocket Launchers, They are useless at anything other than point blank. I mean that literally, I can count on one hand the number of times an SRM boat killed me. Every time was at point blank. They literally have no range.
4. Treating ECM like Stealth Armor, AECM, and a regular ECM all at the same time.
Effect: I think you know just how badly this is screwing up the game. ECM doesn't stop missile locks in canon, or reduce detection range.
5. Treating BAP as... a targeting system?
Effect: BAP is supposed to act as a better sensor system. That it does do. But it is also supposed to be a Counter-ECM. Any ECM field it's near is nullified. In here, it... isn't. That's why nobody uses BAP.
6. Streak SRMs always hit.
Effect: SSRMs are only supposed to be perfectly accurate IF you actually get a hit. That is, it's just as accurate as any other weapon, except more missiles hit, and if you miss, the weapon doesn't fire. Instead, we get a weapon that almost never misses, and does tons of damage for low heat and weight. Also it goes great on ECM mechs.
7. Unjammable U/AC-5s
Effect: U/AC-5's still suck.
8. Machineguns not doing 2 damage.
Effect: MGs are useless.
9. Less than Double Double Heat Sinks.
Effect: EVERYTHING past intro tech was designed with DHS in mind. ERPPCs, ERLLs, MRMs, ect.... Effectively reducing heat sinking across the board just ***** them even more than already. Heat was ALREADY A PROBLEM TO BEGIN WITH.
10. No heat scale effects.
Effect: With only "shutdown" and "perfectly fine", there's absolutely no reason not to alpha strike. In TT you would slow down, become less accurate, and maybe blow up with too much heat. NOPE! Not here!
Continue to ignore canon Piranha, I'm sure it will end up just as well as Duke Nukem Forever did.
Edited by CloaknDagger, 09 March 2013 - 11:21 AM.