Skylarr, on 05 June 2012 - 06:25 PM, said:
Is Non-Canon
Not sure if this is canon. It is only a rumor.
The Ares represents a series of 'Mechs that are built to exceed the 100-ton mark. The Ares uses a unique tripodal chassis to support the 'Mechs weight bridging the gap between the biped 'Mechs and the quad 'Mechs. The Ares has its roots in the Rhodes Project and was first fielded sometime after 3132. Although the manufacturer of the 'Mech remains unknown intelligence has pointed to an Ares factory being located on the world of Kaus Australis in Prefecture I of the Republic of the Sphere. This intelligence, as well as the potential of the Ares was strong enough to provoke both the Lyran Commonwealth and Clan Nova Cat to raid the location in search of this factory.
While there has been a great deal of hype surrounding each version of the Ares 'Mechs, they have roughly the same amount of weapons as can be loaded onto a 100 ton chassis and are outgunned by some Assault 'Mechs dating from the 3060s. One unique aspect of these 'Mechs is that they are manned with three personnel.
As part of an experimental project, only a few selected MechWarriors can operate this 'Mech. It is also notable that, as a secret project, most of those MechWarriors are the research scientist's children or family and some also received training since their very childhood.
Omega is canon, Ares is kind of a murky canon as we really don't have any real 'official' write ups on them (yet...). The Orca was an April's Fools joke.
Omega, is pretty damn cool to me at least. I still play the clicky tech game for fun, but the Ares are a little bit absurd even for me, but i still have them!
MagnusEffect, on 05 June 2012 - 07:19 PM, said:
I already said it; I KNOW ALL OF THIS. I read it all. The circumstances as to why Terra fell were stupid and contrived. It never should have fallen in the first place. Then... after it fell, everyone was like "oh noes, the crazies control the cradle of humanity and all its resources... well lets NOT do anything about that. No... lets wait around for awhile so they have time to reinforce their position and utilize said resources".
Yeah... like i said, the whole story arc was ******* retarded and (EDIT: in regards to the Jihad, specifically) manufactured to legitimize Dark Age.
But I waste my time here. There is no unringing that bell with some of you people.
*putting headphones on*
The entire quote above is an opinion and therefore holds no validity in an argument.
When it comes right down to it the only thing that matters is that the line developers have said it will happen / has happened.
Don't like it? Fine. Your opinion and you are more than welcome to it.
Want it to change? Get a job at Catalyst and write something better for it, if you think you can.
Aethon, on 06 June 2012 - 01:00 AM, said:
It's not all bad after 3067. Some cool factions that had been crapped on all through the timeline finally got some good writing after 3065. I also dislike a few of the technologies that were introduced after that time, but it didn't ruin Battletech for me.
Dark Age is where things really went pants-on-head stupid, IMHO. It no longer resembled Battletech at that point, and Wizkids didn't give a crap about canon. It was nothing more than Wizkids' half-hearted, careless attempt to immediately cash in on their new IP. They may have made money running our beloved franchise into the ground, but they certainly didn't do Battletech or its fans any favours.
I can agree to the didn't care about canon part, the entire system really has to be looked at as its own thing with out any relation to CBT, although some of the designs they have actual stat sheets for are kind of impressive. The ZEUS-X they have are just way to expensive though. I hate XXL engines with a firey passion of a thousand suns.
Alex Wolfe, on 06 June 2012 - 06:31 AM, said:
It's a reboot. Good thing about reboots is that you can take the good stuff from the source material, and jettison the parts where people writing it had brain farts/were drunk/ran out of ideas/tried one-upping in desperation/simply had ideas that didn't turn out as good as they seemed. Canon is not wholly untouchable and holy, it's not enlightened truth, it was written by people who had some awesome ideas and some not-so-awesome ideas. The spirit of the whole can be preserved without recreating every single bit.
No need to take all the suck with all the cool. No need to repeat past mistakes.
PGI can make the bad things go away.
Nope, not a reboot.
Alex Wolfe, on 06 June 2012 - 07:07 AM, said:
Redesigned mechs, timeline with player involvement with new facts that didn't appear in previous works (which means that, if it's not a reboot, it's retroactive continuity), early access to pulse lasers and similar tech... things are changing already.
Those things make it a reboot as far as I'm concerned. No need to force hated stuff down the players' throats.
Pulse lasers were recovered in 3037 by House Marik. 12 years before MW:O is set. Plenty of time for them to be introduced into regular house units and proliferated throughout the Inner Sphere.
wanderer, on 25 July 2012 - 12:29 PM, said:
Loathe it or like it, MW:DA is canon- and that's straight from the people who do the TT game. They don't like some of the stuff handed down to them by WizKids, but they have to work with (around) it.
And no amount of fan-rage will change that. It IS worth noting that Catalyst is seriously considering skipping ahead to the post-DA era after the Jihad, which means we'll be seeing the 32nd century sooner rather than later.
Yeah, I am glad they have decided to just skip over it as it has already been covered (granted poorly by WizKids), so here is to looking foreward to seeing what Catalyst can do with the brand post Dark Age.
Edited by Evinthal, 25 July 2012 - 01:16 PM.