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Ask The Devs 37 - Answers!

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#141 Svalfangr


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Posted 13 May 2013 - 06:50 AM

View PostJakob Knight, on 04 May 2013 - 07:27 AM, said:

Iron War: What is the official reason to why the catipults cockpit is so large, when most other mechs had theirs reduced? A: If you are meaning hitbox - the head hitbox is similar to other Mechs.

I -really- hope this was an oversight. It is demonstrable and proven that the Catapult hitbox for the head is much larger than, say, an Atlas. The hitbox on a Catapult covers the entire 'cockpit' area, or roughly 25-30% of the forward-facing torso profile, while the Atlas hitbox is limited to a single 'eye' window on the right side, barely 5-10% of the forward-facing torso profile. This is known and can be proven in any Testing Grounds match with lasers.

Now, what he might have meant was "The Catapult hit-box conforms to other mechs in that the hitbox is determined by how many windows and where those are, even though we do not limit how much the pilot can see of the battlefield in the same way". That would be a correct statement, as the Atlas pilot is not restricted to only seeing out of the left side of his/her cockpit only, as the hitbox and viewport configuration should force them to do, leaving a blindspot on the right side. Instead, they are provided a full frontal view of the battlefield, without the same large hitbox the Catapult has to accept to gain the same effect.

We can only hope this is something another Dev will recognize someday.

Actually if you pay attention to the perspective in an Atlas you are in fact looking out of the left eye.

Just fyi

#142 Blue Footed Booby


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Posted 14 May 2013 - 04:45 AM

View PostProsperity Park, on 10 May 2013 - 04:11 PM, said:

Whenever I think about what I'd like for MW:O's in-game music, i keep thinking of a Hybrid between Left 4 Dead, and Halo...

I love how L4D's dynamic music works. It really builds the mood, but I think part of why it works so well is because of how finely tuned and controlled L4D is. Part of that is Valve being exceptionally good at what they do, but part is the fundamental design of the game, and in particular the linear campaigns and AI director. I don't know how well it would work in an a more "traditional" team shooter like MWO. More importantly, I don't know if the insane amount of testing and iteration that goes into such a system would really be worth it for a game that's not anywhere near as reliant on tension and mood.

Honestly, if there were music I'd likely turn it off pretty quickly. If I'm pugging I'll be playing my own music, and if I'm in a group there'll be no music so I can hear the voice chat.

RE: Destructable Environment
I want it so bad I can taste it. It would greatly add to immersion and totally solve the problem with sightlines in forest colony. It could literally just be the tree model popping loose from the ground accompanied by snapping and rustling sounds.

I'd also looooove for windows in buildings to break when hit. Individual ones would break for lasers or small balistics, but whole sides' or entire buildings' windows would blow out for missiles or heavy balistics. I can understand this being a final polish sort of thing, but I think it'd add so much to immersion and sheer wow factor that it'd be better to do sooner rather than later. It can be as simple as spawning some glass particles, playing a sound effect, and replacing the texture and spec map for the window with black.

Ideally the cars, trucks, etc in River City would smoosh when you step on them.

As pretty as the building destruction in Mech Assault was (you could not only break windows, you could tear off cladding and knock down entire structures) I think it might be more work than it's worth, at least for now. There'd be a lot of modeling to do.

Sidenote: why the hell does my browser's spellcheck not work in this edit box?!

#143 Shimmering Sword


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Posted 14 May 2013 - 11:18 PM

View PostMrArmagedon311, on 10 May 2013 - 08:35 PM, said:

One thing I really think should change is the hard points. If Mechwarrior Online is supposed to be based off of Battletech then make it Battletech. You should only be limited by weight and tonnage. Theres a way to beat every build.

Would you also like to roll dice to see if your shots hit? Have a small laser penetrate all your armor and blow you up at random? Fall over often while taking fire? Randomly get black screened if you fall or take a cockpit hit? There's a lot of things from tabletop that absolutely do not work in this game, so nothing should be required. A MP game should be balanced and fun before it tries to be authentic.

Also QQ to all the people complaining that light mechs need more purpose. I do just fine in my Jenners.

#144 Divergentsolace11


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Posted 16 May 2013 - 06:45 PM

approximately when will the Blackjack be coming out, and how much will it cost?

#145 Thomas Covenant


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Posted 17 May 2013 - 04:06 PM

View PostKoniving, on 05 May 2013 - 08:30 AM, said:

Ravens = Koniving.
Posted Image
Shots taken by Lordred.
Perfect Screenshot thread

my new wallpaper

#146 Koniving

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Posted 17 May 2013 - 05:12 PM

View PostThomas Covenant, on 17 May 2013 - 04:06 PM, said:

my new wallpaper

I'll try to field him more often for more shots. Requested colors and pattern? I have Woodland, Fractal, standard. Lots of colors (except purples, not yet).

#147 Thomas Covenant


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Posted 17 May 2013 - 05:27 PM

View PostKoniving, on 17 May 2013 - 05:12 PM, said:

I'll try to field him more often for more shots. Requested colors and pattern? I have Woodland, Fractal, standard. Lots of colors (except purples, not yet).

Sorry. More a fan of the whole situation.

#148 Thomas Covenant


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Posted 24 May 2013 - 01:38 PM

View PostProsperity Park, on 10 May 2013 - 04:11 PM, said:

Whenever I think about what I'd like for MW:O's in-game music, i keep thinking of a Hybrid between Left 4 Dead, and Halo...

I'd like it to sound like this


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