I figured I'd start my own thread after hijacking the other 3d print thread so showcase my work on MWO's mechs and other 3d prints related to battletech. For these projects I'm using the MWO game files as a start off point and i make modifications where appropriate considering alot of detail in the game files comes from normal maps which translate to a flat surface when printed. In some cases the detail is too small to worry about like for the Table Top miniatures
First off we have my first lance of TT size miniatures. (old pics for those who have followed the other thread)

The highlander is 4.5 Cm high or almost 2 inches (without the antennae) I should have these printed sometime around may 11. My next lance will consist of the black jack and the stalker (I havent decided what others i'm going to do next.
Also While i'm waiting for the miniatures to arrive I've started work on a bigger project.
Basicly its a catapult Toy. Fully poseable with full articulation and a cockpit interior, and most likely a canopy that can be opened.

In order to make this look good when printed at this scale I'll have to add alot of detail thats done with normal maps in the game versions as physical geometry.
Here is a pic of the work i've done on the leg assembly. If all works out as I planned the knee joint will have 8 positions in which it will lock. Combine that wil a foot and a hip which will have the same but also have a twist joint in them it will most likely have poseability that rivals most toy's on the market today. My target size is roughly 10 inches for this catapult.

As you can see I also modified the geometry to be higher resolution at the knee joint. Mostly because it looks better but also so the knee can rotate more freely without scratching and grinding over the other surfaces.
As soon as I receive my prints I'll post photo's
All critique's and comments are very welcome.
P.S. I'm trying to figure out what the pilots point of entry is in the catapult. At first I thought the canopy flips open but there is some geometry there that would block it from doing that. Any speculation on what it is? Maybe some of the developers can comment?

Edited by Sentinel373, 07 June 2013 - 04:34 AM.