Everything in the mechwarrior world is about strategic, tactical, or political advantage(outside of solaris). Mechs are painfully expensive machines to commit to an objective. This is has been the primary focus of every mechwarrrior title... objectives: goals of strategic, tactical, or political importance on wide scale. Mechs and killing them comes second in nearly every way. If you make the objective the focus of the game, tactical choices (taking different routes, defending the base or your dropship) become key.
Right now NONE of that has a significant reward compared to killing the enemy.
I can think of a game mode I'd call "Raid": It's similar to Assault in many ways.
Team A:
Objective A: Destroy the refinery. Scaling rewards with damage done(DPS better than alpha, favors light/medium mechs)
Objective B: Defend the dropship: (favors heavy/assault mechs)
Objective C: Make it to extraction point(dropship) in 15 minutes or less. Scaling rewards with number of mechs alive.(mobility favors light/medium mechs)
Objective D: Kill enemy mechs Only activates if you lose objective B.
Team two has the following objectives, which only open up over time, or as certain objectives are achieved.
Objective A: defend the refinery (favors heavy/assault mechs) until reinforcements arrive (15 minutes)
Objective B: destroy the enemy dropship/extraction point (favors fast/strikers/dps builds)
Objective C: Survive: Scaling rewards with number of mechs alive.
Objective D: kill all enemy mechs: Only activates after achieving objective B.
This kind of a game mode would need ony the added functionality of tracking damage done to a static object to really achieve the basic goals. Everything else is theoretically already part of the game modes in some way shape or form.
Edited by Prezimonto, 08 May 2013 - 05:07 PM.