I've always felt the main advantage of jump jets in the game was that you could turn freely and, for the most part, ignore terrain.
The tabletop rules with the hex maps and the turning makes it really hard to circle anything, so JJs are a heavensent for getting into someone's back or maneuvering into a shooting position in rough terrain. They give you a lot of mali for shooting too.
To translate that to the game 1:1, it should
a) really rock your window while jetting, as opposed to make you hover like a little feather and give you BETTER aim
act fast... the whole thing should really fire you around (this would also make it harder to hit you in the air, which would be another point: in TT you can't get hit better while jumping, although thinking about it, that is probably unrealistic, unless it really does look like a jump and you can maneuver in the air)
c) be difficult
d) make you turn speed in the air faster than on the ground
However, I think if they do that, it would make JJs overpowered, probably.
Playing the MW games, I mostly put JJs out to get space as well. The maps didn't often have terrain that needed jumping, and the Singleplayer campaigns often had bugs in the mission objectives and your teams AI that would result from taking shortcuts when you COULD pull them off.
In Mechcommander however, Jumpjets were pretty amazing. I heavily disliked having to take a mech on my time that didn't have jumpjets, since it meant you could never take your whole team through shortcuts or make them evade up cliffs and over rivers.