At the end of the day, its a trial mech. And that mech is also a stock mech.
Everyone complains about trials being crud because they aren't optimized, and neither can they optimize them.
Fine, it does have too few H/S and too little armour, but its NOT a front line fighter. Its a support mech.
Designed as an anti-aircraft platform and long-range fire support unit, the JagerMech was intended to correct several perceived faults of the original Rifleman. While it does address the Rifleman's heat issues and limited ammunition, it does so at the cost of significant armor protection. Carrying only a miserly six tons of standard armor, the JagerMech is very vulnerable to return fire. In its favor, the long range of its autocannon, combined with the excellent Garret D2j targeting and tracking system (made famous by the Rifleman), make it a prime choice for anti-aircraft work. The range of its autocannons also allow it to engage many enemies without suffering return fire, and when stationary it is able to fire all its weapons without heat build-up.
why can't folks take a second and look at what it was meant to be and quit complaining because of what its actually not.
In a stock game, this would more than hold its own in a balanced match where balance is achieved by not having a team full of what you currently see running around.
Stocks vs "optimized" mechs will never be fair in this game. Think I need to re-read the notes on UI2.0 as I think i missed something based on what you put about trial system being abandoned.
Edited by chewie, 12 May 2013 - 10:50 AM.