I disagree, but I appreciate an honest opinion given without edge.
pow pow, on 13 May 2013 - 06:49 AM, said:
sorry but I truly despise capping in this game. Purely due to the big distances and amount of time to get to places without things happening. And I just don't understand the mentality of light pilots who don't fire a single shot whole game, thinking they are some sort of badasses by being able to outmaneuver or outrun much slower opponents (especially on the larger maps).
This is the mentality of the light pilot who starts capping a base without firing a shot(at least in my case):
In stepping on their base and threatening to exploit their weakness and cap, I force at least some of them to change their current course. That maneuver alone has far more impact on the course of the match than any assault mech carrying my mech's weight in weaponry. In the event that they ignore it and don't react to it at all (and are mutilating my team), then I must enforce the requirement to react in the future.. and capture the base.
pow pow, on 13 May 2013 - 06:49 AM, said:
I log this game to ride robots and shoot lasers. If i don't see things go boom boom in a match I generally had a bad/boring game...
I log this game to have a drastic impact on the match, whether that involves pewpew zapzap boomboom or silently forcing their hand.
pow pow, on 13 May 2013 - 06:49 AM, said:
Lights are great in fights.... meds needs some buffs, dunno what exactly but they are generally much easier to kill in anything. So you should stick with your lance and assist them in whatever role you have when they go looking for a fight. Remember, we don't launch to go have a smoke and a walkabout.
I don't think lights are great in fights, too easy to leg them and kill them now. Buffing mediums either makes them heavies or lights..
Not all of us launch to charge the enemy and fight to the death in a straightforward brawl.. that's the realm of assaults and heavies. We have mediums and lights for a reason, I don't think that reason is to face off with someone who has you outweighed in weaponry alone.
pow pow, on 13 May 2013 - 06:49 AM, said:
To me capping is the same as trolling and you surely can't be having fun, running on your own to cap Also it takes very very very little skill to outrun/outmaneuver a much slower guy in a massive map.
I would say actually sneaking to the enemy base, avoiding detection, and dealing with whatever they send back takes just as much skill (or more) than lumbering in a heavy/assault and fighting straight up. And it certainly has more impact on a match.
pow pow, on 13 May 2013 - 06:49 AM, said:
Don't get me wrong, i am not talking about tapping the base here, or running to distract, or bait. I have no problem with that and usually encourage it. However, even tapping in larger maps will most often lead to capping cuz it takes forever to get back and is no fun at all.... whoever taps/caps he would have not fired a shot the whole game and for the others... it would have been an unfair/imbalanced fight.
One does what they have to do, I personally don't agree with the 2 minute fast cap, but I would rather a light mech go and at least start capturing- than trying to fight a heavy or assault which is a matter of time before being legged and finished.
If the enemy doesn't react, (this is where he must be in contact with his time) then win it by cap if needed.