A tiny bit of background for those that don't know. I have 3 HBK's,, dragon (same as the trail one) No upgrades, but the entire basic boxes unlocked. And a catapult which i barely have used, and i really want to get a XL300 for, but the bloody things are like 5m) i also only have three mech bays clear, So which ever i pick i will buy 3 and level them to master level. Money is tight now, so no more bays for me.. so what ever i pick is what i will be using for the next few months which is why i am really torn.
I do like to ground and pound, and want something different to my HBK's which i play as short ranged fighters, but movement being key. I typically back up assaults, or help capture in conquest, or base protect often. But i think it is time for another type of mech for a different play style.
I am looking at the highlander 733, and the atlas AS7-D-DC I really like missiles and ballistics so both seem pretty well suited to me.
I notice the weight is 10 tons difference, and one has jump jets.. I would like to know how the speed differences are, and the torso twist differences.
Another plus if i go the atlas route, one of them comes with an XL 300 engine that i can eventually use in my catapult.
But the highlander also has jump jets, looks really cool, and is a tad bit smaller.. and might really be fun to play as sort of a super high damage hit and run HBK.. to me i think of it sorta like a HBK on steroids. perhaps not so much hit and run, more... Lumber and Pop, then retreat to cover.. But in some ways, maybe a similar game play that i have been using.
There is part of me that says.. Maybe i should get the Both, and see what i like, and use that final mech bay on a raven.. I really would like to try the whole Spotting/scouting/capture thing.. and i really LOVE ravens, since way back in mech 3..
Soo.. how about a poll.. (i would make a post poll, but i can't figure out how)
DO i buy
A, three highlanders starting with the 733
B, three atlases, starting with the D-DC
C, Or get both, and toss in a raven for good measure and For get about unlocking anything past basic for a few months and just save massive C-bills till i get more bays.
So what will it be??
Edited by JC Daxion, 15 May 2013 - 06:23 AM.