I brought up my Be a Hero challenge experience because I love the Spiders, and that showed my dedication to it. Only one other person in the top 10 in the Light category didn' t run a raven. That was Wispsy, and he ran a Jenner.
There is one rule for running this build:
Don't be stupid in it or you will die.
My build is not for a noob at playing the spider. I myself sometimes suck at piloting it and die quickly. That is because I am still learning all the various intricacies of the build. Even then, I get at least 250 damage. You play it more like the scout in tf2, try not to get shot and you can do a ton of damage.
My build is crazy and takes alot of skill, but the reward is High.
Those are all valid concerns Cubivorre, I will try to address them as best I can.
The lack of armor is a problem at times, but when in doubt, bug out! For heat generation, typically you get 3 shots before shutdown. You also have the option to chain fire, which keeps heat down and actually really helps in the close up knife fights. The one Jump Jet is my least favorite part of the build, but with some inertia opjects can be climbed quickly, it is just a different playstyle. You can still soar through the air, just not as far
I do miss Jump Jetting through the air EVERYWHERE though. In my build, it is more like hopping and recharging. So, my typical run is try to fire 3 shots into a mech, overheat behind cover, then move locations. This uses the terrain as your armor so it is less important. In one "volley" you can do a whopping 60 Damage! Ideally you are never pinpointed as to your location as well, and that takes some practice.
The goal is to stay from 700-800 meters from the enemy, but often simply staying with the group will allow you to not be targeted.
This build is not for the faint of heart, or someone who wants to keep their Kill Death intact as you will die alot at first. But what you will find as you get better at playing it is that quite often you are still the last person alive on your team, and you can finish off the other team
This mech build has the steepest learning curve in the game in my opinion, but the payout is great!
Here is the advantage over other similar mechs.
This build is the only build with 2erppcs. ecm, Jump Jets, and goes 151kph. ppc Cicada has Armor, speed, ecm and weapons but no JJ, ppc jenner has JJ, Armor, weapons but no ecm, ppc raven has Armor, ecm and weapons but no JJ. My build puts you on the same firepower as most of those builds and allows you full arm movement which none of the rest have, very useful for flying through the air with 2 ERPPCS
Ultimately, you do have the advantage one on one with any mech, but I would recommend staying away from groups of lights. That is standard on a spider anyway though.
Edited by Talimar1, 18 May 2013 - 10:36 AM.