LT Satisfactory, on 21 May 2013 - 03:14 PM, said:
No crap right? WYFH!?!?!?
You only make SMALL, single changes that way you can measure what you did and how it effects everything.
Boosting missile damage would have been good.
Boosting misisle speed would have been good.
Either one would have made them more playable and silenced the whiney babies who can't fight mech battles but like to sit back at the HQ and press buttons.
But instead we get faster AND harder hitting missiles WITH orbital accuracy AND splash damage out the ***?? And as a BONUS ECM was made useless to boot.......
Leartes said:
Seriously guys, have you even played the game? Sure it is a pain and sure you don't want to leave the house without ams at the moment, but it is really really fun (says the guy not playing lrms) at the moment. Battle is much less the brainless zerg horde than yesterday. People spread out a bit, take cover and try much much more to flank. Not saying it should stay the way it is, but this is not ZOMG unplayable.
Yeah, I've played it....played it all last night, about an hour this morning and just now an hour after coming home from work. I will tell you straight up, just about to uninstall. Not sure what games you have been playing, or what kind of super AMS you have. Spreading out and taking cover? For christ's sake WHY? Cover is useless. But here's how every game I have played has gone.
Drop in, walk out a bit, see a raven pop over a cliff, see the tag laser, and then watch 200 missiles decend on my mech at the speed of light with the first INCOMING MISSILE warning barely finished bfore I am blown off the map and killed. My AMS might fire off 50 rounds and kill one or two missilesFor those of my team lucky enough to survive a few more minutes I can see about 4-5 LRM boats grouped together on the other side of the map waiting for spots and TAGs to just pull that trigger again.
Missiles were fine before, like I said, maybe a damage bump (a SMALL one), or speed up the flight that would be fine and sure, you needed TAG and NARC to make them ubber deadly, you needed concentrated teamwork......but that's the point, nothing should be the ONE weapon that dominates the battlefield just by firing it. now we still have TAG and NARC, and ECM is useless, and missiles are just a one shot, always hit super weapon.
Hey, here you go, I am whiney and mad that gauss rifles have a 4 second cooldown and a range drop off, it's a Gauss...there should be NO penalty to damage for range and should fire every .2 seconds....and should do 30 damage....yeah, then it would be cool and super powerful.....let's do that.

Edited by Thumper3, 22 May 2013 - 05:11 PM.