Cannibal713, on 04 June 2013 - 01:09 AM, said:
Seismic sensor might be too powerfull when compaired to the other modules which are garbage. A workable solution that would accualy make sence would be seismic detection range determined by the weight of the detected mech, ie. a 100 ton mech can be detected at 400 meters, down to 250m for 25 toners. It would make sence for larger/heavier mechs to be easier to detect, and lighter mechs are more reliant on stealth. I just hope it doesnt get nerfed to useless, I think it makes a nice passive counter to ECM.
It would make
sense for something weighing 25 freaking tons, stomping around on 2 legs, to be
stealthy? Are you freaking kidding me?
I tried to warn them, but no one would listen when I said that anime would rot our kid's brains.