Sarah Hero Mech And Cancer Research Fundraiser
Posted 07 June 2013 - 02:07 AM
This entire forum and thread is here to DISCUSS. All I'm hearing out of you in the face of legitimate concerns is 'STOP DISCUSSING THINGS! YOU'RE NOT REALLY TRYING TO HOLD A CONVERSATION YOU'RE JUST TRYING TO CAUSE TROUBLE!'
Leave the damn thread if you are not going to contribute. Seriously we can shoot the **** in game and always have our fake rivalry but this is a sensitive topic. You are bringing down the basic level of common decency we should all be upholding in Sarah's name.
Posted 07 June 2013 - 02:09 AM
Huge, on 07 June 2013 - 02:07 AM, said:
Because those flaws exist in your imagination. It's a plan that hasn't even been outlined in detail.
Do you have any criticisms that don't include "What if PGI..."?
Posted 07 June 2013 - 02:12 AM
1453 R, on 07 June 2013 - 02:05 AM, said:
It's a passionate issue for both of you, I can see that, and I can understand why. But come on. This doesn't help Sarah, nor does it help her family, nor does it reflect well on any of us.
Pretty much, what I just wanted to write right now.
Keep this thread civilzed. Let's wait until we get further informations from PGI/IGP on how this is supposed to work, before we throw accusations. If you have concerns, you may voice them. But you should not try to force others to embrace them as well.
Posted 07 June 2013 - 02:38 AM
Emotions are running high on this topic, but this is no reason to turn this thread into a personal vendetta against each others viewpoints.
Posted 07 June 2013 - 02:46 AM
Huge, on 06 June 2013 - 10:25 PM, said:
Say 100% of the proceeds goes to a charity. Even say that the overhead costs and out of hand variables are eaten up by PGI. Such as royalties for the Cry engine. Which are contractually obligated to get a cut of any micro transaction from any game using their software.
What about the cost of the mech itself?
All Hero mechs have a set price of 75MC per ton. So we already can roughly figure that the Sarah mech would run actually 2,625MC. If they use the same standard. This amount means having to buy the most basic MC bundle three times (1250x2=2,500MC. Must grab deal again) or going up to the next level instead of donating a specific amount. Which brings up the next point.
What about the cost of the MC being used to purchase the mech?
If you've done the math. You will notice that the price of MC is not static, but becomes cheaper as you purchase larger amounts. The lowest investment is 1250MC for $6.95. Or roughly 1.80MC per cent. The other end of the spectrum is the 25,000MC for $99.95 which will net you 2.5MC per cent.
So which standard will PGI use? Will they donate the lowest MC per dollar or the highest? If they do not set it at the highest value they would be making up the difference in their own pocket. This then brings up the issue of them once again assuming the cost themselves or just passing it over and hoping no one notices?
Not to mention the mech bay it will have to reside in. Will that be given out for free or will that be another angle of profit that will funnel additional funds into PGI all for the sake of a cancer victim?
So many damn variables that do not work well with their current transaction system when dealing with a charity case like this. I truly hope they scrap the entire idea and give us a simple, free, easily created, and tasteful cockpit item. Something we can adorn to honor Sarah in a respectful way and then have an external link to give directly to a Sarah fund or cancer foundation of the Family's choosing. The player's hearts may be in the right place. PGI's as well but these is just so much potential for this to be a morally corrupt and PR shitstorm situation. They'll have to bend quite a few rules and make some unprecedented changes as well as absorbing additional costs. Whole thing is a bit too complicated for my liking.
i agree with this, please read.
no matter how good the intention, people can always misconstrue the idea. i agree, it potentially can be bad press.
Posted 07 June 2013 - 03:01 AM
I know people have concerns, and I know everyone wants to be heard, but insulting each other is not how to go about this. As soon as anyone throws an insult, everyone starts to see that person in a dimmer light, and I don't want that happening to anyone here.
Please, please, just keep it civil here. Thank you.
Posted 07 June 2013 - 03:15 AM
They've already done it once with the PC Gamer skins. So we know it is possible and they have experience. A minimal amount would be set to unlock but any amount above it would be accepted.
Just have to keep it from being a direct line to PGI, then them giving it out on the back end. Need to divorce the ingame payment system from the donation application. Plus then it allows PGI to bring the free baked cookies for the cause without having to hold the kitty and mail it off themselves. Also bypasses any extra hands that would demand a cut for using MWO as the vehicles of transfer.
Posted 07 June 2013 - 03:56 AM
No Sarah Mech = No money for Cancer Research.
Sarah Mech = Money for Cancer Research.
I honestly fail to see how motives come into it. So what if greed is PGI's motive or getting new kit is the motive of a player? Who cares? The money is still going where it needs to be going.
The claims that people don't want to support a company which is profiting over a dead girl are all well and good, but I assume all of you put petroleum in your cars on a regular basis? I assume you all wear clothing with, "Made in China/Thailand/Taiwan <insert other country where child labor and exploitation is rampant>" on the tag. Most of you probably have iPhones/Pads and Samsung Galaxies? Where's your outcry about all the exploitation and death-profiteering that goes on in those industries while you type on computers built in factories that have higher suicide rates than some entire countries?
Posted 07 June 2013 - 03:58 AM
Huge, on 07 June 2013 - 03:15 AM, said:
They've already done it once with the PC Gamer skins. So we know it is possible and they have experience. A minimal amount would be set to unlock but any amount above it would be accepted.
Just have to keep it from being a direct line to PGI, then them giving it out on the back end. Need to divorce the ingame payment system from the donation application. Plus then it allows PGI to bring the free baked cookies for the cause without having to hold the kitty and mail it off themselves. Also bypasses any extra hands that would demand a cut for using MWO as the vehicles of transfer.
We don't have an answer yet. Pgi is still working on their end of things. I can't see them not taking every effort to make this work as intended, though. These are issues that come up when dealing with any charitable event, and are issues that have come up a couple of times within this thread. They are known.
We have to wait and see what they do. Yes, I know there are ample opportunities for this to go sideways, but I have to believe that they will keep it from doing so. It's too important a cause.
The "Donation App" idea has been discussed a few times, and is not a bad idea in theory. I don't know the internal logistics, however. I also don't know if that could be a permanent option, as we'd like to see this being available for the life of the game.
I'd really appreciate everyone avoiding mudslinging or direct insults, please. We are all above that, and this is too important.
@1453 R and Egomane, Thank you for calming things down some. :-)
Posted 08 June 2013 - 12:10 AM
Let's try to get perspective here guys. This is an effort to remember a five-year-old who battled ******* cancer and one of her joys was playing/watching her pappa play MWO. Don't bring any tollishness (of which I have plenty) or arrogance (of which I have plenty) or assholishness (of which I have plenty) into here. Remember that there's a family in undescribable pain, and that we as a community might help to lessen this pain. ****, I'm crying as I write this because I have a daughter. Think of fathers and mothers who play this game. Don't desecrate this memory because you think a corporate entity is going to **** this initiative. Just trust that people who work are people too, and will understand this pain and this feeling, and realize that your own selfish imaginings account only for terrible, selfish people. I believe that people can rise above your petty imaginings. I believe that this is something that can stand as a fitting memorial for a tiny, beautiful, brave gaming girl. Don't **** with that, you ********. Stop flaming and belittling, start understanding that we, as a community have hope that people understand each-other. You might think the worst because you're disillusioned and alone. I know too many people to believe that. Be quiet and go home. Allow this work of love to continue without your vulture squabbling.
We are trying to remember and memorialize a little girl who fought and lost. She loved Mechwarrior. What better way to remember her than as a fighter?
I have gone on too long. But I feel strongly here. Those of you who aren't parents or haven't faced cancer don't understand the depth of the pain involved, or the amazing love that comes from memorials that are truly well-meant.
From everything I have seen, read, heard, or implied, this is meant as a true memorial to a brave girl. If you see a money grab, I am truly sorry for your depressed and vile view of humanity. But for God's sake, don't **** on this thread and let the parents see how little you care for their child.
P.S. If PGI does this wrong, I will personally end all financial relationship with them. But I believe that they are people, and feeling, intelligent people, and I give them the benefit of the doubt. You should try that--it makes you so much happier in the long run.
Posted 08 June 2013 - 01:03 AM
On a side note of the costing posts I read above it would have to be averaged rather then setting a high or low. Averaging is realistically the only fair way to play it, lest you end up in the two black-and-white conclusions mentioned. As for the Mech bay it fills, as far as I'm concerned; if you're happy to support this little girl's memory you're happy to buy yourself a Mech bay. It's 300MC. Lets be honest, it's not going to put you out of house and home.
I highly doubt PGI would have the gall to abuse this situation as a cash-grab. I think we all need to take a step back and realise that no matter what they do, it will be in the best interests of all involved. Look at the unified movement of the community in relation to this event, look at how PGI now wish to help how they can. It would be a direct affront to all of us if they were to even consider handling this in a negative manner - worse yet the family.
While I'm sure many of us are happy to mock and question PGI about their sense of integrity based on other aspects of the game we're all here for, this is not something they can trivialise or overlook. Their whole community is behind this idea of showing our full support for this poor girl, Sarah, and her family who are now, no doubt, suffering immeasurably.
I realise that it's not my place to stick my nose into the quarrels of others we all need to just relax and trust PGI to do the right thing by all parties involved. After all, we as a whole community are willing to give our support to the family of this girl and in turn any poor judgement will not go unnoticed outside of here. The same said we can also use this unfortunate event to help raise cancer awareness outside of this community through our actions and hopefully move other people to donate to their local Cancer Foundation (I personally donate a few hundred a year to the Kids With Cancer Foundation Australia). Sometimes it takes something like this to move the hearts of others.
I think the majority of us knows the pain of losing someone to cancer and none of us can ever fill the void left in this family's heart. But with any luck we can ease their suffering by showing our utmost support.
Edited by KelesK, 08 June 2013 - 01:39 AM.
Posted 08 June 2013 - 07:12 AM
Posted 10 June 2013 - 07:26 AM
I believe that PGI will not do what you are saying Huge, I believe they would want this situation to be as pure as possible because the last thing they would want to do is anger the fighters of cancer.
Posted 10 June 2013 - 08:15 PM
Posted 10 June 2013 - 11:32 PM
Posted 11 June 2013 - 05:03 PM
Posted 12 June 2013 - 05:03 AM
Posted 13 June 2013 - 11:11 AM
I'd definitely buy Sarah's mech in her honor.
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