Khan Ignotus, on 24 May 2013 - 12:27 PM, said:
Do not get your hopes up ladies. Triple AC 20 will not be possible on this mech if the developers wish to keep the placement of hard-points canon.
According to this record sheet I have found, the dual Machine guns are apparently located in the legs, one in each. The developers, if they even plan to put this variant out, would have to either implement weapon hard points in the legs or change their location. As you all know, AC 20s have never, and will never fit in the leg of any mech.
(Had to upload two images due to not being able to capture the entire page of the variant all in one).

the MG points on one of the cicadas where based on the legs too unless I'm mistaken and they moved them, also a lot of the mech variants used to have lasers on they're backs and they where moved to the front as well.