after the last patch that introduced the new terrain movement and overheat damage there has been a huge increase in AC 40 Jagers as far as I noticed. Because I'm not min/maxing my stats are solid but rather average (55% win rate) so my ELO shouldn't be too high, so I was quite surprised by this change. Pretty much 70%-80% of the Jagers I encounter are running around with double AC 20s (often 2-3 per team). That usually results in city fights being over rather quickly 'cause most of the time the team with more Jagers simply uses a route that has lots of cover and forces people into fights within 300m range and the matches are often over within 3 minutes (thanks to the Jagers).
Am I the only one who noticed this? Have AC40 Jagers become so powerful that they dominate close range fighting while PPCs dominate anything above 300m? Discuss.
Edited by Ragnar Darkmane, 05 July 2013 - 05:29 AM.