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Don't Say "gg" Or (Good Game) If It Wasn't

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#101 Rushin Roulette


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Posted 29 May 2013 - 12:05 AM

View PostGoose, on 28 May 2013 - 01:09 PM, said:

This is Teh Internet, and saying "GG," or any of it's variants, when it was a blow out is an insult.

8-5 is probably the minimum for a game to be considered close.

Sportsmanship? You mean like that shown when a basecap happens?

If it was a close game, but you died early? Now we're testing your sportsmanship …

And this thread is here 'casue it's systemic of how Elo is failing us.

You really think that? How about the games where the end result is 8:0 or 8:1, but all the remaining players on the winning team are completely critted and just a small laser hit away from being destroyed? We have had thet a few times in competitive matches and I can seriously say that it was a GG if we won or lost.

This isnt COD where one hit can take out an opponent. Here it is cumulative and focused damage which does the job. Once one mech is down, it is easier for the team with more mechs to take down the opponent which means that the end score dos not relect any personal single player skill.

If you feel that the honorific polite GG is to rub salt in your wounds, then you are absolutely wrong. Its much like saying good bye when you leave... not doing it is an insult to the enemy team and akin to ignoring their efforts and time spent.

EDIT: Although I do draw the line at AC2 macro users... but that is a different story and my personal opinion.

Edited by Rushin Roulette, 29 May 2013 - 12:08 AM.

#102 Kaio-Kerensky x10


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Posted 29 May 2013 - 12:15 AM

View PostRushin Roulette, on 29 May 2013 - 12:05 AM, said:

EDIT: Although I do draw the line at AC2 macro users... but that is a different story and my personal opinion.

Why? They're hilariously bad.

gg close

#103 Flcn


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Posted 29 May 2013 - 02:21 AM

GL HF and GG regardless of the outcome is just a polite way to thank you for playing and showing respect.

If you get offended by a gg in a 8-0 you missunderstand it...

In every game i played reagrdless how i got owned or how i owned the enemie Team GG is just good manner...

#104 Kmieciu


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Posted 29 May 2013 - 03:00 AM


#105 Frisk


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Posted 29 May 2013 - 04:33 AM

View PostNeverfar, on 28 May 2013 - 03:26 PM, said:

I'm glad I could be of service to the Militant Apathy Brigade (if you're offended that people "put thought into things", please go read a book). Yet it's kind of weird that you cared enough to respond.

Nice condescending sniveling you're doing there, too. I don't care what Clan ~~~xxxLEETD00DZxxx~~~ was doing back in Quake 1, either. A bunch of puffed up arrogant self-declared "elite" gamers that are apparently hurt that "gg" seems stupid to a lot of the rest of us.

I edit all the time. "I don't expect you to understand". The battlecry of hipsters everywhere, too.

So bitter.

Let's clarify a few things:
You edit because you're bad at grammar.
You fight about dumb things on the internet because you're pathetic.

The (lowest) common denominator are people complaining about "gg," (see anything 'Neverfar' posts) regardless of when and how it is used, you are the problem. Not the people using GG and who really cares anyway? (aside from Neverfar)

The stupidity on this board is < 9000.

#106 Volume


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Posted 29 May 2013 - 05:09 AM

I say it if I lose.

I will respond with one if someone on the losing team says it, but I will not say it when winning unless a couple members of the losing team say it first.

Generally speaking, I have other, more in-depth comments to make at the end of a match, but yeah.

I come from the Starcraft school of thought on this.


Edit: That said, Starcraft is generally much more competitive than this game, and generally played in 1v1 situations or arranged 2v2 situations. Truth is, most people probably feel less inclined to say gg in a game like this, with random queue 8v8 games, where the blame of losing is naturally and easily shifted to other players rather than themselves.

Then again, most people playing MWO aren't playing it like a sport. They're playing it like a game, and it's not a huge deal to type two letters or not type two letters. The main problem is people need to be humble in victory and not gloat about their ego or supposed skill in their 8-0 domino-effect win. It's very hard, especially for a non-arranged team, to come back from being one or two 'mechs down. There's no catching-up mechanic, making the margin for error much lower if you're trying to win, and making the punishment for ineffective/afk members of your team much higher. There's no respawning, etc. It's inherently frustrating to the losing team because of how the game is mostly about how many 2v1 or 3v1 situations your team can create, or how much damage your team can deal without taking any before regrouping to initiate again.

The point I'm trying to make is that individual skill does not affect a win or loss as much as it would in other games you tend to say "gg" in. I still say gg but I can understand why some people wouldn't want to, especially after a steamroll.

Edited by Volume, 29 May 2013 - 05:19 AM.

#107 HybridTheory


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Posted 29 May 2013 - 05:50 AM

sigh.... I say GG every game at the end regardless of win or not... regardless of how bad the score turns out. I also offer up "happy hunting" at the beginning most of the time as a friendly gesture. Can we PLEASE focus on the actual issues in game and not the minor problems of if "GG" means "im being an *******" issue? When I play an ice hockey game should I not say good game when I shake their hands in a stomp? Am I being a total ***** in that situation? Sorry.... :D

#108 HybridTheory


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Posted 29 May 2013 - 05:54 AM

View PostVolume, on 29 May 2013 - 05:09 AM, said:

I say it if I lose.

I will respond with one if someone on the losing team says it, but I will not say it when winning unless a couple members of the losing team say it first.

Generally speaking, I have other, more in-depth comments to make at the end of a match, but yeah.

I come from the Starcraft school of thought on this.


Edit: That said, Starcraft is generally much more competitive than this game, and generally played in 1v1 situations or arranged 2v2 situations. Truth is, most people probably feel less inclined to say gg in a game like this, with random queue 8v8 games, where the blame of losing is naturally and easily shifted to other players rather than themselves.

Then again, most people playing MWO aren't playing it like a sport. They're playing it like a game, and it's not a huge deal to type two letters or not type two letters. The main problem is people need to be humble in victory and not gloat about their ego or supposed skill in their 8-0 domino-effect win. It's very hard, especially for a non-arranged team, to come back from being one or two 'mechs down. There's no catching-up mechanic, making the margin for error much lower if you're trying to win, and making the punishment for ineffective/afk members of your team much higher. There's no respawning, etc. It's inherently frustrating to the losing team because of how the game is mostly about how many 2v1 or 3v1 situations your team can create, or how much damage your team can deal without taking any before regrouping to initiate again.

The point I'm trying to make is that individual skill does not affect a win or loss as much as it would in other games you tend to say "gg" in. I still say gg but I can understand why some people wouldn't want to, especially after a steamroll.

Easy Frisk... this is flame filled. Regardless of how you feel we need to be more controlled... MWO is in a state of decay and ripping hard on people for their opinions only scares people away from the game if they are new.... that said... I do agree with your general point... QQ about people saying GG is not an issue that should even be here

#109 DeaconW


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Posted 29 May 2013 - 06:00 AM

View PostVolume, on 29 May 2013 - 05:09 AM, said:

The main problem is people need to be humble in victory and not gloat about their ego or supposed skill in their 8-0 domino-effect win.

I totally agree, but as this thread has shown, there are plenty of low-self-esteem, self-deluded "sportsmen" around who don't have a measurable amount of humility or graciousness.

#110 Rushin Roulette


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Posted 29 May 2013 - 06:08 AM

Either that or there are a bunch of buthurt kiddies who will be agrivated no matter what and will think through some self dilusional view, that anyone who types GG is automatically gloating and flashing their E-peen around... Even though it has been explained often enough in this thread that this is not so and that it is a gesture of respect (so quite the opposite to what you are thinking that it means).

Seriously... do kids nowadays have a problem with people being polite as well?

First world problems like this are really good for the popcorn producing industry....

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#111 Kraven Kor


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Posted 29 May 2013 - 06:10 AM

Basically, if the match was bereft of any childish smack talk or people griping at each other about this or that, no insults, no spammed team of cheese-builds... it was a good game win or lose.

If I say "GG" - I mean it. I mean that the match was fun, even if I lost, and something struck me enough to bother to type 2 characters into global chat at the end of the match instead of just clicking exit to jump into the next.

It means I either saw someone play well or do something smart or hilarious. It means I either felt useful and felt that I accomplished something, or it might mean I was owned so hard that I had to give someone props (if only to avoid beating myself up over it.)

If you are offended by it? That is your problem, I'm sorry.

That said, yes, there are times where it can seem insulting and there are people who intend for it to be insulting, whether every time or just on those rare trolly occasions.

The only thing that matters is how you perceive the comment. And you can go on being hurt by :words: on the internet, or you can choose to instead see it as the gesture of Good Sportsmanship that it should be.

#112 White Bear 84


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Posted 29 May 2013 - 06:22 AM

View PostRushin Roulette, on 29 May 2013 - 06:08 AM, said:

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Just chillin, eating some popcorn, enjoying the good game..

#113 Edson Drake


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Posted 29 May 2013 - 06:34 AM


People who got rofl-stomped by people who say GG feel like they are rubbing it in
GG it's a grey area in terms of when to say it how to say it and the meaning behind it, its different for everybody
Freedom of speech comes in so people can say GG when ever they want to
You can make GG more personal by actually typing it differently (i.e, great game. nice work. that was fun, good fight. etc)
Sometimes you will say GG because you thought it was a good game, remember there could be someone who feels just like you do right now and might think "no it wasn't!"

I feel it's more like this. I do say GG once in a while when I really feel like it was a good game, but some players really abuse it. Something that happened to me for example.

In a conquest game, there was only a Spider/Raven left, they were outcapping us by a lot, we were at about 180/200 and they were over 500 with almost all bases capped. While my mates were un-capping I went after him, with my Misery.
He didn't noticed this for some reason so I was getting near him. At about 550 points for him he started spurting "GG". Yeah... at 550.

I shot an AC20 on him. He died, then I shouted "GG".

Now, please. Don't do this kids, it's not cool at all.

#114 SteelyDan


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Posted 29 May 2013 - 02:58 PM

View PostRushin Roulette, on 29 May 2013 - 06:08 AM, said:

Either that or there are a bunch of buthurt kiddies who will be agrivated no matter what and will think through some self dilusional view, that anyone who types GG is automatically gloating and flashing their E-peen around... Even though it has been explained often enough in this thread that this is not so and that it is a gesture of respect (so quite the opposite to what you are thinking that it means).

Seriously... do kids nowadays have a problem with people being polite as well?

First world problems like this are really good for the popcorn producing industry....

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I agree...
I Start each game with "o7" and a "gg" at the end, win, lose or WTFPWNSTOMP...
Some players feel this is insulting?
Sorry, this was shown to me a long time ago, that people remember and help the respectful players, a lot better than, the ragers, and the whiners...
To Rushin... nice Pic! :)

#115 Sephlock


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Posted 29 May 2013 - 03:05 PM

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*Puts Asbestos underwear on*

#116 Sephlock


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Posted 29 May 2013 - 03:20 PM

#117 Paula Fry


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Posted 29 May 2013 - 09:08 PM

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#118 Just wanna play


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Posted 30 May 2013 - 02:52 AM

View PostPaula Fry, on 29 May 2013 - 09:08 PM, said:

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lol thats just creepy as ****

#119 Tekadept


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Posted 30 May 2013 - 05:21 AM

View PostNiko Snow, on 30 May 2013 - 03:42 AM, said:

I typically say "Greetings, good luck and have fun!"
Just don't want to upset the Great Lakes Haemophilia Foundation.

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#120 Opus


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Posted 30 May 2013 - 05:31 AM

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