Goose, on 28 May 2013 - 01:09 PM, said:
8-5 is probably the minimum for a game to be considered close.
Sportsmanship? You mean like that shown when a basecap happens?
If it was a close game, but you died early? Now we're testing your sportsmanship …
And this thread is here 'casue it's systemic of how Elo is failing us.
You really think that? How about the games where the end result is 8:0 or 8:1, but all the remaining players on the winning team are completely critted and just a small laser hit away from being destroyed? We have had thet a few times in competitive matches and I can seriously say that it was a GG if we won or lost.
This isnt COD where one hit can take out an opponent. Here it is cumulative and focused damage which does the job. Once one mech is down, it is easier for the team with more mechs to take down the opponent which means that the end score dos not relect any personal single player skill.
If you feel that the honorific polite GG is to rub salt in your wounds, then you are absolutely wrong. Its much like saying good bye when you leave... not doing it is an insult to the enemy team and akin to ignoring their efforts and time spent.
EDIT: Although I do draw the line at AC2 macro users... but that is a different story and my personal opinion.
Edited by Rushin Roulette, 29 May 2013 - 12:08 AM.