Melissia, on 07 June 2012 - 05:32 PM, said:
I'm a stay at home Dad, I live in Canada where we have had a female PM in the early 1990's and at present we have several Provincial Premiers who are women and that's a non issue. Atleast here in Canada if you are qualified to do the job you have a chance of getting it regardless of gender. Yes there are a few old school people out there but even they will eventually succumb to the passage of time. No it's not perfect, no it's not fair and all I can say is a weak "But", But things are moving in the right direction and the imbalances are being eliminated. Even same sex couples are welcomed here and can even get married and adopt children. I hope you flip the bird to those who are idiots, expose them in their community and then just come play with us. In MWO, a Medium laser is a medium laser and does the same damage no matter what the gender of the finger that pulled the trigger is.
Oh, I am also retired military and I remember that we never wanted to fight against female soldiers, not an honor code thing it was just that women are so damned unpredictable that we were a little scared, but just a little