oldradagast, on 07 June 2013 - 10:32 AM, said:
I wish they gave out a small bonus whenever somebody played a trial mech. Might give folks more incentive to give them a whirl with an added reward for playing "hard mode" so to speak.
Well the heat threshold I've been advocating for might actually make trial mechs much more viable. Consider this and remember that we're using an example number for simplicity:
Fact. On MWO for every heatsink you add, you increase both your heat dissipation rate (cooling power) and your heat threshold (maximum heat you can take at once).
Fact. STD heatsinks increase both dissipation and threshold by a set amount. "Double" (1.4) heatsinks increase this by 1.4* the set amount. True double heatsinks in the engine increase this by 2.0 times the amount.
Fact. The mathematical formulas forthcoming are used by the game. But the amount of 'dissipation' and the amount of 'threshold' are going to be simplified.
Let's say that the "amount" is 5 points dissipation, 10 points threshold for the sake of simplicity.
- 1 STD heatsink = 5 points dissipation, 10 points threshold.
- 1.4 "double" heatsink = 5*1.4 = 7 points dissipation, 10*1.4 = 14 points threshold.
- 1 True Double Engine heatsink = 10*2 = 10 points dissipation, 10*2 = 20 points threshold.
Seems fair, right?
- 10 STD heatsinks = 50 points cooling with 100 points heat threshold. Seems fair, right?
- 6 TDE heatsinks + 4 "1.4" DHS = 88 points cooling, 176 threshold.
- 10 TDE heatsinks = 100 cooling, 200 threshold.
Wait, we only have 10 heatsinks in all 3 cases!
What happens if we stuff as many as can be done with a standard 275 engine in terms of double heatsinks!
- 40 STD heatsinks = 200 cooling and 400 threshold. Build.
- 11 TDE + 11 "1.4" DHS = 187 cooling and 374 threshold. Build.
This is starting to get insane!
Seen this several times in many matches:
6 ER PPC stalker shoots twice, starts back up and shoots again. Waits 3 seconds. Starts up shoots again. That's 60 damage and (since PPCs wait 4 seconds) 60 damage (shutdown, wait 3 seconds, takes 1 second to start up) 60 damage.
That's 180 damage down the line in 12 seconds. Tabletop turn is 10 seconds; essentially the MWO stalker has annihilated 3 tabletop Atlases in a single turn and will only need to sit there for another 6 or so seconds to cool back to zero.
We're going to create a Stalker with an XL 340 engine, 19 TRUE DHS, and 6 STD PPCs (much lower heat) in Megamek (digital Tabletop) to see how this works. Summary.
- Stalker fires 6 PPCs. Generates 60 heat. Sinks 38 heat, increases heat to 22 (of a 30 point cap).
- Mech shuts down for 2 seconds.
- Piloting skill roll failed. Mech falls over. Receives damage. Pilot himself gets injured. Stays conscious.
Megamek's detailed responses:
Note that standard PPCs in Tabletop is 10 heat per PPC. MWO PPCs is 8 heat. TT heat threshold is 30, though the sinking is instant. 60 heat, sinks 38, gains 22. That's 73.33% heat and he got a premature shutdown.
Now with ER PPCs the same Stalker in a different test.
- Stalker fires 6 ER PPCs. Generates 92 heat. Sinks 38 heat, increases heat to 54.
- Mech shuts down for 7 seconds minimum before turning back on; would then still be at 90%.
- Mech falls over. Receives damage. Pilot himself gets injured. Stays conscious in this test (usually he's knocked out).
- Spends rest of second turn getting up.
What if instead...
- 1 STD heatsink = 1*X points cooling. No increase in threshold.
- 1 DHS = 2*X points cooling. No increase to threshold.
- If you have STD heatsinks, you get Y threshold.
- If you have DHS, you get 1/2*Y or 3/4*Y threshold.
- But since you get double cooling, DHS is still superior.
- Yet, because of the higher threshold with STD heatsinks, there's a practical reason to use them if you favor high alpha builds and want to use them without shutting down on the first shot; it'll just take you a LOT longer to cool down.
- Alpha builds have a lot more risk to them, but still yield the same rewards. Large number of them will phase out. The ones who still use them will treat it as a "challenge."
- We just balanced a crapload of builds and changed the meta to more balanced (or at least lower heat) builds.
Edited by Koniving, 08 June 2013 - 07:26 AM.