I think by offering a counter play mechanism to LRMs they'll be easier to balance and this feature would offer better gameplay balance and feel for the player on the receiving end of LRMs.
I also feel the direction and implementation of AMS should be reworked to static percent reductions and apply no bonus to nearby team mates or a very low reduction. Having it effect nearby team mates is just asking for a balance nightmare for PUGs vs Premades. Having a static reduction would also open up smaller payloads opposed to boating. AMS could then be balanced by ammo (60 @ 1 tons with 1 ammo used per missile shot down).
Currently it's too difficult to balance LRMs because they are homing weapons and the damage values have to be adjusted accordingly. By implementing this you would balance out homing by applying player skill / awareness on the receiving side.
The idea isn't to nerf LRMs, it's to provide counterplay which in turn let's you BUFF and BALANCE the weapon.
Guys I know this makes it easy mode, that's the whole point because LRMs aren't exactly the hardest weapons to use. You just gotta fight easy mode with easy mode, then LRMs can be balanced better without so much crying since you should've been able to get under cover.
Edited by zeroLuck, 31 May 2013 - 08:45 AM.