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Lrm Direction And Cover Indicator

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#1 zeroLuck


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Posted 31 May 2013 - 12:33 AM

Would it be possible to implement an arrow pointing at the direction where missiles are coming from so you can choose cover appropriately. You could even expand on it to change colors from red 0% -> yellow >25% -> green ->50% chance to cause missiles to miss. During the LRMpocalypse one of the biggest issues I had was that I felt cheated when standing behind cover that I thought should stop the missiles but did not.

I think by offering a counter play mechanism to LRMs they'll be easier to balance and this feature would offer better gameplay balance and feel for the player on the receiving end of LRMs.

I also feel the direction and implementation of AMS should be reworked to static percent reductions and apply no bonus to nearby team mates or a very low reduction. Having it effect nearby team mates is just asking for a balance nightmare for PUGs vs Premades. Having a static reduction would also open up smaller payloads opposed to boating. AMS could then be balanced by ammo (60 @ 1 tons with 1 ammo used per missile shot down).

Currently it's too difficult to balance LRMs because they are homing weapons and the damage values have to be adjusted accordingly. By implementing this you would balance out homing by applying player skill / awareness on the receiving side.

The idea isn't to nerf LRMs, it's to provide counterplay which in turn let's you BUFF and BALANCE the weapon.

Guys I know this makes it easy mode, that's the whole point because LRMs aren't exactly the hardest weapons to use. You just gotta fight easy mode with easy mode, then LRMs can be balanced better without so much crying since you should've been able to get under cover.

Edited by zeroLuck, 31 May 2013 - 08:45 AM.

#2 Tennex


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Posted 31 May 2013 - 02:11 AM

Direction indicator would be nice. Youd think that if there is a lrm warning theyd also know which dieection its coming from

#3 Gelion


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Posted 31 May 2013 - 02:20 AM

I like everything except for the ability to see whether you are in cover or not. That would be difficult to create due to if numerous people were firing from different angles, and would detract from what have now become fairly useless missiles... again. They should buff the damage, and an argument in another thread is interesting that the amount of lrm's you can 'boat' is equal to the number of missiles tubes on a mech.

#4 El Bandito


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Posted 31 May 2013 - 02:26 AM

Sure, lets please the easymode crowd more. LRM tracking is already fixed and LRMs in general are not worth the weight. This game is not another spoiled generic FPS shooter with grenade indicator.

IMO, we don't even need Betty telling us about incoming missiles. Just a series of beeps will do.

Edited by El Bandito, 31 May 2013 - 02:35 AM.

#5 Mr 144


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Posted 31 May 2013 - 02:28 AM


It's not like cover, movement, AMS, slow flight time, lackluster damage, and huge minimum range is anywhere near enough to offset LRM uber-ness...let's point me in the direction of good cover so I don't even need to look around!

I have a better idea...let's completely remove the incoming missile noob-crutch warning entirely.

Mr 144

#6 Chavette


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Posted 31 May 2013 - 02:33 AM

Direction is a good idea, but I doubt its feasible for the server to calculate a cover from every single volley per tick.

#7 AnnoyingCat


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Posted 31 May 2013 - 05:45 AM

Wa? Making LRMs even less appealing are we?

#8 CravenMadness


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Posted 31 May 2013 - 05:50 AM

Well, if the game makers and the unhappy sods who want to sit at 1000 and snipe at everything without fear of reprisal make lrms useless enough, eventually not even the die-hard fans of the weapon system will take any and it will become a 'lol I'm retro' toy for the trolls to sport.

#9 Mechteric


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Posted 31 May 2013 - 06:05 AM

LRMs are already pretty hard to use against enemies that typically hug cover or jump snipe. Unless LRMs get to the point where they actually do decent damage again I don't think its wise to do this.

#10 Vodrin Thales


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Posted 31 May 2013 - 06:16 AM

I don't think LRM's are strong enough weapons to justify this sort of thing.

#11 zeroLuck


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Posted 31 May 2013 - 06:56 AM

The idea is not to gimp LRMs more but to provide opportunity to better balance them. Like I said in the post, my biggest gripe during LRMpocalypse was the not knowing when cover was being provided.

Multiple LRM launches would have multiple arrows telling you where they're coming from.

The reason I want this is because LRMs are homing missiles and when you have homing weapons players will always cry foul because "skill" level is removed. To compensate for that you provide the person being shot with the "skill" opportunity to cause said homing weapons to miss. The person being shot would then have less of a reason on blaming the weapon and more reason to blame themselves for lack of gameplay.

#12 The Strange


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Posted 31 May 2013 - 07:20 AM

When I hear the missile warning, and I am not engaged already, I tend to look up and pan around, to see where they are coming from. Then I can choose my cover. If you are too lazy to even look around real quick, then you deserve to get hit by them. Why is it that everyone wants the game to be so easy.

Maybe we could have missile autopilot engage, and the mech will automatically find the best cover for you and drive you there.

#13 zeroLuck


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Posted 31 May 2013 - 07:24 AM

Calculating cover shouldn't be too difficult because missiles have a defined range for their angle of attack. Cover check would just use those same angle ranges from your mech's position to determine cover effectiveness.

#14 Maliconus


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Posted 31 May 2013 - 07:27 AM

View PostzeroLuck, on 31 May 2013 - 06:56 AM, said:

The idea is not to gimp LRMs more but to provide opportunity to better balance them. Like I said in the post, my biggest gripe during LRMpocalypse was the not knowing when cover was being provided.

Multiple LRM launches would have multiple arrows telling you where they're coming from.

The reason I want this is because LRMs are homing missiles and when you have homing weapons players will always cry foul because "skill" level is removed. To compensate for that you provide the person being shot with the "skill" opportunity to cause said homing weapons to miss. The person being shot would then have less of a reason on blaming the weapon and more reason to blame themselves for lack of gameplay.

This feature is already in game its called situational awareness. Maybe the should be an indicator for when a Poptart fires their Jump Jet so I can take cover. REALLY !!

#15 Kitane


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Posted 31 May 2013 - 07:44 AM

I think a LRM avoidance assistant should be an unlockable pilot module. People need as much defense against such no-skill weapons as possible.

Whenever you see INCOMING MISSILES warning, you can press Alt+Q for your mech to head to the nearest most effective shelter. The premium version would add automated torso twisting to distribute damage to least damaged components.

#16 MaverickGTO


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Posted 31 May 2013 - 08:05 AM

why do so many people in this game want thisPosted Image instead of having a game that is a challenge and more fun to play

#17 Appogee


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Posted 31 May 2013 - 08:23 AM

View PostKitane, on 31 May 2013 - 07:44 AM, said:

I think a LRM avoidance assistant should be an unlockable pilot module. People need as much defense against such no-skill weapons as possible. Whenever you see INCOMING MISSILES warning, you can press Alt+Q for your mech to head to the nearest most effective shelter. The premium version would add automated torso twisting to distribute damage to least damaged components.

LOL. An anti-LRM autopilot.

#18 Hotthedd


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Posted 31 May 2013 - 08:26 AM

How about we have a "Mama Mech" that magically appears whenever LRMs are inbound and holds your mech's hand and protects you?

Seriously. This game should move towards the "more skill needed" side, and away from the "make it brainless" side.

#19 FireSlade


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Posted 31 May 2013 - 08:49 AM

I have not seen a reason for them to add a cover calculator. I find it highly easy to hear "Incoming Missiles!" then look for the white missile trails and look for cover. You do not even need to hide from the missiles. Just break the lock and move 2 feet to the side and they all miss. I ran my CAT-C1 all week dealing out 200-600 damage depending on how stupid the enemy was to stay in the open and even with all the LRM boats I was not killed by missiles. Personally a I would love a solid tone better than "Incoming Missiles!" that repeats when there is no volley and has you looking for a second volley. As for indicators that tells you where the missiles are coming from and an amount of cover indicator, I cannot see a reason why we need it (it is like 3rd person). For those having trouble with LRMs it is more important to find out who is targeting you than where the volley is. The missiles cannot track you if there is no radar lock; that being said they will head towards the last spot that you were at when they lost the lock so remember to keep moving. If you cannot get to cover in time spread the damage by twisting as the missiles hit even with splash aiming for the CT, doing this it makes it that much harder for them to get a kill with LRMs costing them more missiles. Also those boating LRMs are easy kills because they have little to no back up weapons; under 180meters they are easy prey. With all that being said, if you follow those guidelines LRMs will not be a huge threat and you will have an easier time. Just remember that they are a support weapon, like artillery, and their job is not to kill but to keep the enemy less mobile (having to hide in cover) and to soften them up so that direct fire mechs can kill them not so much you (hence why boating LRMs is a bad and stupid idea, dump a launcher and bring more missiles).

#20 Petroshka


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Posted 31 May 2013 - 09:00 AM

I don't understand why people are griping about LRMs being easy mode. I've run numerous experiments with others trying to maximize the potential of LRMs, using TAG, NARC, UAVs etc. sneaky spotting tactics, etc. and the only result i've seen is that the LRM players are much less efficient than when running a direct-fire mech. Even a lighter direct-fire mech. I definitely don't want LRMs to be some kind of god weapon, but at this point they are not even worth their weight and slot requirements.

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