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Another Base Race Post, Yay!

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#21 Sadist Cain


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Posted 02 June 2013 - 12:16 PM


They havn't changed the ******* concept since they started developing the game, it's had about 30secs of thought put into it and should be trached along with the auto detect screens that display nothing!

wtf are we capturing? where we landed? standing around to capute it.... jesus people open your dam eyes, it takes two lights to **** and entire team in seconds by playing standwarrior and not firing a shot, maybe we should make it the only way to win a game, see how much fun that is.

View PostFrisk, on 02 June 2013 - 04:15 AM, said:

I won't watch this, but the 1st 8 secs seem to be on par with HKO.

You sir are a ****, trying to call people soft from your high horse on a 15 min-a-match poxy cryengine game when you wouldn't know rewarding/agonising lengthly painful gameplay if it smacked you in the face, the video is right and when there's **** all counter play to fight against the lone spider (outside that of everyone standing at base, with no reason to do so half the time)

View PostWraith 1, on 31 May 2013 - 11:57 PM, said:

Believe it or not, I actually love base races.

If I'm in my dakkaphract, I throw caution to the wind and try to rack up as much damage as I can before the match ends. I find it amusing to topscore by solo charging the entire enemy team.

If I'm in one of my Jenners, there's a much higher chance to get killed in one hit, so I just run to the point and watch all the beautiful rage.

And then I drop into a fresh match 2 minutes later. Counting the time it takes to restart the client and change my loadout to a gaussaphract. No big deal.
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And here's the kind of ******* PGI is catering for, well done

Edited by Sadist Cain, 02 June 2013 - 12:29 PM.

#22 TB Freelancer


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Posted 02 June 2013 - 01:08 PM

I prefer a good fight, but every now and again, we'll set the game to assault, load up on fast mechs, do a few capping runs and smalk talk the other side for letting it succeed. Those nights are fewer and fewer now that most teams seem better at responding to it.

To be honest I haven't seen a lot of base caps lately, most teams seem too smart to let it happen. The last time I did notice one though, I couldn't help but totally rub it in. Frozen city, 3 of us on their cap and the their entire team between their cap and the crashed ship, many quite literally less than 300m away. Not one turned back to get us off or break the cap.

Seriously! They knew exactly where we were, we were well within weapon range, but they chose to ignore us, throw the match and QQ about it.

I've said it several ways, dozens of times. But if you're going to ignore how the game actually works and mindlessly deathmatch, you're going to run into more than your share of bitter losses. The fault isn't in the game, its in a mirror.

#23 Frisk


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Posted 11 June 2013 - 02:36 PM

View Post****** Cain, on 02 June 2013 - 12:16 PM, said:


They havn't changed the ******* concept since they started developing the game, it's had about 30secs of thought put into it and should be trached along with the auto detect screens that display nothing!

wtf are we capturing? where we landed? standing around to capute it.... jesus people open your dam eyes, it takes two lights to **** and entire team in seconds by playing standwarrior and not firing a shot, maybe we should make it the only way to win a game, see how much fun that is.

You sir are a ****, trying to call people soft from your high horse on a 15 min-a-match poxy cryengine game when you wouldn't know rewarding/agonising lengthly painful gameplay if it smacked you in the face, the video is right and when there's **** all counter play to fight against the lone spider (outside that of everyone standing at base, with no reason to do so half the time)

And here's the kind of ******* PGI is catering for, well done

I'll tell you that I'm an *******, I don't need you to do that. If you get ********* about base races an IQ >70 would lead you to defending a point and popping that spider you cited in your rage post.

Show me dat ELO.

#24 Kiiyor


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Posted 11 June 2013 - 06:41 PM

View PostGuernica, on 31 May 2013 - 01:57 PM, said:


Why is base capping a thing? Why does it exist? IS IT FUN? Maybe, if your THAT GUY! Is it an interresting tactical feature of the assault mode, NO IT ISN´T, stop lying to yourself. Is it something we invented in the golden days of PC gaming back in the 90' and we can´t bring ourself to admit itś a really ****** neolithic thing to have in a modern game (yes it is). Is it incredibly dumb and lazy for a developer to spend countless hours developing a ( I think othervise great) game, and then giving it a game mode wich sucks more balls than my ******* grandmother did back in the 20´ down by the docks? (YES IT IS). Running around the borders of a map to reach the enemy base with 50% chanse of either running in to the enemy and dying instantly or winning the game without firing a shot is not FUN. Did somebody say tactics? No you can´t effectively use tactics with people you just met for the first time 5 secs ago and the only way to communicate with is via a chat window, and everybody knows that in a game like this strength in numbers is the primary strength, so splitting up usually means defeat.

....um ok you probably all heard this before, but I feal it needs repeating.
How about while we wait for something more interresting we get a mode without base capping? (gasp, a mode with just shoothing the other team, how archaic!!)


Capping is mostly fine. Really. It gives lighter mechs some purpose, and actually adds another element of strategy to the game. The trouble is that most pilots bury their heads in the sand about it, and either ignore it when it starts happening to their base, or rage about it because they accepted a top speed of 40kph so they could cram eleven gauss and 12 medium lasers into their atlas. Think of it as paper, fast scissors and slow *** rock.

If you drive a slow, overgunned assault, you gain the ability to control the battlefield through the virtue of your horrendous firepower. The light pilots opposing you then gain the ability to ignore you and control the battlefield through capping.

I understand this tradeoff and have accepted it. You just need to accept it. It's like being stuck in the rain, cold and wet; as soon as you accept the fact that you are cold and wet, it's a lot easier to deal with.

If I could change anything about the mechanic, it would be to tailor cap times to individual maps. Smaller maps should have the cap speed as it is, while larger maps should have cap and resource gathering time increased. IMHO, of course.

#25 Bilbo


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Posted 11 June 2013 - 09:15 PM

View PostTB Freelancer, on 02 June 2013 - 01:08 PM, said:

I prefer a good fight, but every now and again, we'll set the game to assault, load up on fast mechs, do a few capping runs and smalk talk the other side for letting it succeed. Those nights are fewer and fewer now that most teams seem better at responding to it.

To be honest I haven't seen a lot of base caps lately, most teams seem too smart to let it happen. The last time I did notice one though, I couldn't help but totally rub it in. Frozen city, 3 of us on their cap and the their entire team between their cap and the crashed ship, many quite literally less than 300m away. Not one turned back to get us off or break the cap.

Seriously! They knew exactly where we were, we were well within weapon range, but they chose to ignore us, throw the match and QQ about it.

I've said it several ways, dozens of times. But if you're going to ignore how the game actually works and mindlessly deathmatch, you're going to run into more than your share of bitter losses. The fault isn't in the game, its in a mirror.

In my humble opinion, it's much more enjoyable to cap bases with Atlai. :)

#26 BigMekkUrDakka


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Posted 12 June 2013 - 12:06 AM

pff easy, say in team chat "stay at base and kill cappers" if u team follows ur suggestion it will be most easy and hilarious win for you
if they don't just go with them and try to get as much damage and kills as u can before game ends one or other way

#27 Shae Starfyre


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Posted 12 June 2013 - 08:06 AM

I shoot base campers regardless of what side they are on unless it is a tactical advantage to making more c-bills and exp; but to win via cap or lose by doing nothing NETS THE SAME AMOUNT OF CBILLS AND EXP give or take a few credits.

#28 General Taskeen


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Posted 12 June 2013 - 08:25 AM

When I'm bored, I just cap. It defeats min/max stomper games since the balance is atrocious. "Har dur, capper, fight like Warrior, come die like Man, Harp Dorp, Me Want Stats!"

Edited by General Taskeen, 12 June 2013 - 08:26 AM.

#29 Caviel


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Posted 12 June 2013 - 03:04 PM

View PostBilbo, on 11 June 2013 - 09:15 PM, said:

In my humble opinion, it's much more enjoyable to cap bases with Atlai. :)

1. If you get capped out by a Steiner scout lance, you truly deserve the loss.

2. Base captures are only about 20% of the victories in Assault, and something like 1% where no shots are fired, per PGI's released stats.

3. With the weight balancing you get stuck with at times, two light mechs may have base capture as the only viable way to help their team win the match. Would you rather try and get the cap win, or just throw yourself onto the Assault mech meat grinder when the rest of your team is wiped out and lose?

4. If it was not for base capture, there would be no reason to take anything but 8 Assault mechs as mobility goes right out the window. Victory would be to whoever brought the biggest bag of weapons to the fight, really. That would be far more boring IMO.

Is it really that hard to designate folks to defend if needed, or if no-one steps up in a PUG match, take it upon yourself to do so?

#30 Thumper3


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Posted 12 June 2013 - 04:24 PM

View PostCaviel, on 12 June 2013 - 03:04 PM, said:

4. If it was not for base capture, there would be no reason to take anything but 8 Assault mechs as mobility goes right out the window. Victory would be to whoever brought the biggest bag of weapons to the fight, really. That would be far more boring IMO.

It seems like there are more than a few people here who think that sounds just dandy. Forget STRATEGY, they just want to shoot big robots. I am sure PGI will include a button masher game mode for those that just want to walk to the center of a grid and battle till someone dies.

View PostCaviel, on 12 June 2013 - 03:04 PM, said:

Is it really that hard to designate folks to defend if needed, or if no-one steps up in a PUG match, take it upon yourself to do so?

Based on these and other posts......evidently it is. :)

#31 Frisk


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Posted 12 June 2013 - 04:45 PM


Edited by Frisk, 12 June 2013 - 04:47 PM.

#32 Sephlock


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Posted 12 June 2013 - 04:49 PM

Posted Image


Edited by Sephlock, 12 June 2013 - 04:50 PM.

#33 Fabe


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Posted 12 June 2013 - 04:59 PM

View PostSephlock, on 12 June 2013 - 04:49 PM, said:

Posted Image


did anyone even at least try to go back to defend?

Edited by Fabe, 12 June 2013 - 04:59 PM.

#34 Sephlock


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Posted 12 June 2013 - 05:42 PM


#35 MeiSooHaityu


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Posted 13 June 2013 - 07:58 AM

Base capping is a mechanic that works fine in Assault IMO.

It draws forces away from the line, allows the match to end if somone is hiding shut down, allows a gimped mech to do something, and it punishes a team that gets drawn out too far away from their base and don't respond to the threat.

People get upset with it because it isn't a straight fight, but most just ignore the base cap message until it is too late. Then they get all upset and angry...well, why didn't you do something about the base cap?

Even on a PUG team, watch the base a bit. You see somone rolling in, either fight them off or report it to your team and get somone to help you respond.

Basically, pay attention to the base (since it IS part of the game mode) and protect it accordingly. Just don't whine about it.

#36 Sug


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Posted 13 June 2013 - 04:46 PM

You and this guy need to get together


2 Base Assault games make zero sense. If my team takes your base and your team takes our base.....dont' we each have a base now?

#37 Fajther


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Posted 13 June 2013 - 05:29 PM

Differences in the game play make things more interesting. Search extracreditz, differences in kind. in youtube. Even if many people dont like them mwo is better for having them.

Edited by Fajther, 13 June 2013 - 05:29 PM.

#38 Sephlock


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Posted 13 June 2013 - 06:29 PM

View PostSug, on 13 June 2013 - 04:46 PM, said:

You and this guy need to get together


2 Base Assault games make zero sense. If my team takes your base and your team takes our base.....dont' we each have a base now?

Simmons: Hey.

Grif: Yeah?

Cut to Simmons (maroon armor).

Simmons: You ever wonder why we’re here?

Cut to Grif (orange armor)

Grif: It’s one of life’s great mysteries isn’t it? Why are we here? I mean, are we the product of some cosmic coincidence, or is there really a God watching everything? You know, with a plan for us and stuff. I don’t know, man, but it keeps me up at night.

Simmons: ...What?! I mean why are we out here, in this canyon?

Grif: Oh. Uh... yeah.

Simmons: What was all that stuff about God?

Grif: Uh...hm? Nothing.

Simmons: You wanna talk about it?

Grif: No.

Simmons: You sure?

Grif: Yeah.

Simmons: Seriously though, why are we out here? As far as I can tell, it's just a box canyon in the middle of nowhere. No way in or out.

Grif: Mm hmm.

Simmons: The only reason that we set up a Red Base here, is because they have a Blue Base over there. And the only reason they have a Blue Base over there, is because we have a Red Base here.

Grif: Yeah. That's because we're fighting each other.

Simmons: No, no. But I mean, even if we were to pull out today, and if they would come take our base, they would have two bases in the middle of a box canyon. Whoopdee-*******-doo.

Grif: What's up with that anyway? I mean, I signed on to fight some aliens. Next thing I know, Master Chief blows up the whole Covenant armada and I’m stuck in the middle of nowhere, fighting a bunch of blue guys.


#39 Xiao Youngblood


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Posted 13 June 2013 - 09:36 PM

As far as I can remember, when reading the books way back. There was this concept of strategic victory or tactical victory. A team can achieve both, it could also turn out both teams could have a different type of victory. I would enjoy this two level of victories to come into play with CW. just a tought on a rant

#40 Frisk


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Posted 15 June 2013 - 08:41 PM

View PostFabe, on 12 June 2013 - 04:59 PM, said:

did anyone even at least try to go back to defend?

I've won numerous games where only I stayed back and we won the "cap race" simply because of it. Personally I like being out gunned, it's a great time for heroics.

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