The way it work right now is borderline ********. What we get right now are situation like this with this awful awful system.
''Aaaaaaw crap my close range mechwarrior is useless on this map, damn.''
''Crap my 25kph atlas will take forever to go any where on this map, damn''
''Look at that, half the team are lights, damn''
''Full team of atlas? Trolololol... (your base is being captured) DAMN!''
''Im wearing my artic camo in a forest, damn''
Really? Thats what is happening right now and it a pretty stupid way of setting up matches. No, weight based matchmaking wont fix that either. Instead of letting players(custumers) actually sort their problem out you threat them like complete imbeciles. There is nothing that communication and understanding can't solve.
Instead if player get to choose from small pool of mechs they pre-entively equiped before the match start you will actually see more varied and balanced teamfights. Of course if some guy ready up 4 slow assault mechs he only get to choose from these four, he might like that gameplay but in the long run people will complain about him when the team need a light and it will change his mindset.
So the way I see it, to make my idea more comprehensive.
The player start his game.
Once in the garage(main screen) he select 4 mechs that are ready for battle.
He press the launch buton then the map load.
Ingame he get to choose, for a limited time, from his 4 mechs which one he will use for that battle. (Players are randomly placed in a list which decide who get to choose first) (if a player is afk the others players get to choose for him which mech he should use)
Once everybody have selected a mech, the game start.
You can even add a maximum weight to the match so everybody can't all choose assaults. If the last players can't choose a mech that dont exceed that weight limit they either get to spectate or leave the game and join another one.
It would actually work a lot like it does in MOBA games.
Edited by BlackIronTarkus, 01 June 2013 - 05:55 PM.