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What Do You Aim For At Enemy Mechs?

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Poll: An undamaged mech is appearing in your sights, where will you likely aim? (386 member(s) have cast votes)

Undamaged Mech is getting in your sights, where to you aim (if it doesn't have any known weak spots)?

  1. Head (49 votes [12.69%] - View)

    Percentage of vote: 12.69%

  2. Center Torso (231 votes [59.84%] - View)

    Percentage of vote: 59.84%

  3. Side Torso (62 votes [16.06%] - View)

    Percentage of vote: 16.06%

  4. Leg (15 votes [3.89%] - View)

    Percentage of vote: 3.89%

  5. Arm (1 votes [0.26%] - View)

    Percentage of vote: 0.26%

  6. Other (28 votes [7.25%] - View)

    Percentage of vote: 7.25%

What is your strategy regarding hit locations?

  1. Systematically disable weapons, limb by limb (17 votes [4.40%] - View)

    Percentage of vote: 4.40%

  2. Go for the Center Torso unless special weaknesses are known (XL Engine, Hunchback's weapon hunch, legs of light mechs) (295 votes [76.42%] - View)

    Percentage of vote: 76.42%

  3. Going for the legs (11 votes [2.85%] - View)

    Percentage of vote: 2.85%

  4. Headshots (28 votes [7.25%] - View)

    Percentage of vote: 7.25%

  5. Other (35 votes [9.07%] - View)

    Percentage of vote: 9.07%

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#21 Kifli


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Posted 04 June 2013 - 05:53 AM

other and other ....it have a lot factors involved. Maybe side torso armour are off or almost out legged. Also it depends of mech If I see a hunchback I ll shoot always to left shoulder to make it almost unarmed..... Or may be a much only showing one part because he hide bad.....

#22 Karl Streiger


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Posted 04 June 2013 - 06:16 AM

Without any idea... as you should know I go for the center.... if i have the idea to see XL - or its is a hunch or the stalker from the flank i go for side..

sometimes for the legs...but in 7 out of 10 occassions i go directly for the center. - or when it feels right for the head

Edited by Karl Streiger, 04 June 2013 - 06:16 AM.

#23 Thorqemada


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Posted 04 June 2013 - 06:17 AM

OMG, Players allways hit the CT - PLS NERF PLAYERS PGI!!! MISSILE!!!


#24 Skunk Wolf


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Posted 04 June 2013 - 06:26 AM

AC40? Legs, people just love to stow ammo in the legs. *boom*

LRM boat? Legs again. *boom*

Splatcat? Legs. *boom*

Light mech? Center tor....Legs. *Oh Noes!!!11!*

Awesome? Head, Miss hits CT

Atlas? Head, Miss hits CT

Stalker? Head, Miss hits CT

Jagermech? Head, Miss hits CT

Catapult? Head, Miss hits CT

Hunchback? Torso Weapons Pod.

Anything with an Extra Liability Engine? Anywhere on the torso.

Edited by Skunk Wolf, 04 June 2013 - 06:27 AM.

#25 madMAx666


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Posted 04 June 2013 - 02:34 PM

I always have a good laught when some high alpha build decides to "quickly" shoot off my legs (assault legs mostly). My mechs always have as much leg armor as max. arm armor, so there you go.
I can count the times someone succeeded in taking out one of the legs on my assaults. And still a stationary assault is as good as a slow moving assault.

#26 One Medic Army


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Posted 05 June 2013 - 12:36 AM

I love people who go for the legs. Mine are fully armored.

Many time I have been saved death by someone who went for my legs rather than my torso.

#27 Karl Streiger


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Posted 05 June 2013 - 01:59 AM

View PostOne Medic Army, on 05 June 2013 - 12:36 AM, said:

I love people who go for the legs. Mine are fully armored.

Many time I have been saved death by someone who went for my legs rather than my torso.

Same here...but i have started to reduce armor form the arms...can't remember when i lost them for the last time....must be arround CB...or when I attacked a column of 6 guys...that were not able to kill me....

#28 BookWyrm


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Posted 05 June 2013 - 07:22 PM

Aim for their pride, frazzle em a bit, say something good-natured about how their AC/2 tickles or their mother aims better. Throws em off:)

#29 Kidjal


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Posted 05 June 2013 - 09:44 PM

When im using rapid firing ballistic weapon like the AC2 & AC5 combo & UAC5...I usually destroy both side torso of the enemy mech and let my teammate deal damage on the other area. Destroy enemy's guns first and if lucky, I can kill enemy mech that uses XL engine much quickly. For hitting light mech, center torso or legs are my top priority.

Edited by Kidjal, 05 June 2013 - 09:48 PM.

#30 Clit Beastwood


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Posted 06 June 2013 - 03:06 PM

i shoot them either in the junk or in the bum

either way its CT

sometimes I shoot mechs in the face; it's amazing how quickly an atlas lased in the cockpit will start backing off

#31 Naqel


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Posted 07 June 2013 - 01:44 PM

I'm not sure if that's still part of the game, but I go for the legs to get better salvage.

Unless I am already damaged/directly engaged and know the enemy to have an XL engine.
The moment there's risk of me being the guy that blows up, I either run, or go for the weakest spot.

Edited by Naqel, 07 June 2013 - 01:44 PM.

#32 Bagheera


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Posted 07 June 2013 - 08:58 PM

If I can help it - rear side torso (ct if I don't expect an xl).

Edited by Bagheera, 07 June 2013 - 08:58 PM.

#33 TungstenWall


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Posted 07 June 2013 - 09:55 PM

As a TDK pilot, I find that side torsos are easier targets than center ones. Many of my targets (50%) carry XL engines, and the ones who don't the most of them carry half their firepower on one side or the other, that or their only way to fight at short/long range (Streak array/Gauss/est.)

Going for side torsos is kind of my upbringing in a way.

Despite my COMs using STD engines, most lights/Cicadas I run into run XL engines. Most enemies that can run me down use XL engines. As a Light Striker/Flanker I aim to remove as much firepower as I can from the enemy (usually mechs using XL engines). In the situation that they do not have an XL, I still took some firepower away from them.

Edited by TungstenWall, 07 June 2013 - 10:05 PM.

#34 MustrumRidcully


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Posted 08 June 2013 - 08:35 AM

View PostNaqel, on 07 June 2013 - 01:44 PM, said:

I'm not sure if that's still part of the game, but I go for the legs to get better salvage.

Unless I am already damaged/directly engaged and know the enemy to have an XL engine.
The moment there's risk of me being the guy that blows up, I either run, or go for the weakest spot.

Salvage is still in the game, but of course you need to win to get that. (Which is why it can be dangerous only to look for potential salvage rewards in your killing methods... If it costs you a win...)

#35 Oppresor


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Posted 08 June 2013 - 03:25 PM

Most of the time I am happy to actually be able to hit the enemy unit, especially if its a light like a Spider. I carry an LBX10 Scattershot specifically to increase my chances of hitting fast movers; generally this works well, at least until it jams or runs out of ammo.

Given time to line up a shot (I am primarily a Sniper and have the 4x zoom upgrade) I will try for a head shot with my ERPPC, however things have to be perfect for this and most of the time there not.

My weapon of chose would be and has been in previous versions of MW the Gauss Rifle. The problem is that in MWO it has been nerfed so badly that it's now pointless; this is why I have turned to the ERPPC. In theory, the Gauss should be the ultimate sniper weapon, able to take down an unsuspecting Spider, Raven or commando with one good head shot.

#36 egreSS


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Posted 09 June 2013 - 12:43 AM

I was gonna list a specific item but to be honest it really varies depending on the target. Of course I'll try to get a headshot when I can but I won't waste time trying to headshot an XL dragon circling a buddy 100m off.

#37 One Medic Army


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Posted 09 June 2013 - 12:55 AM

When in doubt: shoot it in the crotch.

#38 Zorengeto


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Posted 09 June 2013 - 04:01 AM

I pilot a Raven with 2xAc/2. Going for nothing but the torso, over 100Ac/2 rounds in a minute and that is equil to 200 points of damage at the least, assumbing they all hit and someone just sits there and lets you hammer away at them, its really good for mid-range rapidfire sniping from a high and low vantage point.

I usually carry at least 300 rounds of Ac/2 ammo so that I can at least potentually do 600 points of damage.

Edited by Zorengeto, 09 June 2013 - 04:04 AM.

#39 John MatriX82


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Posted 09 June 2013 - 07:42 AM

When I can I try to help me out with informational warfare to see the target's loadout asap, so I rely often on the target info module and eventually combine it with the adv. sensor range. When one or both aren't available I try to make sacrifices to bring in a BAP.

This because I find critical (for myself) to acquire the target status asap, so that if it's clear it holds an XL engine (due to their loadout) then I don't waste much time for the CT if the target is fresh and go for the side torsoes, or I know where to shoot to cripple the foe.

General rule is: target is fresh and I have a proper build (like 4 PPC) -> headshot. I search this first on catapults then stalkers/atlases. Highlanders tend to be a pain to hs since they keep jumping around, Awesomes are usually easy to core so I don't bother too much to try to one shot them also because the hitbox is rather small. If I miss it's always a CT hit and then there's nothing bad in trying to have some luck.
Heavies/mediums are more difficult, so generally I go directly for the CT or side torsoes when I smell xl, this on Cataphracts, that I find nearly impossible to headshot and Jagers aren't so impossible but side coring them is easier.. Cents and HBKs sometimes aren't that hard to headshot, but with PPCs reload slowed down it's safer to try a CT rather than risk to miss a shot.

Target isn't fresh or isn't a critical priority -> cripple the most damaged part, this for RT of atlases (or LT for D-DCs with lots of missiles), RT for highlanders, side torsoes for stalkers, RT for HBKs and so on.

Lights: when possible I try to hit the ct to core them out and leave the cheesy internals for others, otherwise I go for the legs.

#40 RobinSage


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Posted 09 June 2013 - 01:38 PM

It very much depends on the class and loadout of each mech I fight so why not list them?

I don't aim in the same spot, it depends by mech.

Assaults: Atlas is always RT side torso, no matter what its loadout.
Awesome: Rear anywhere
Highlander: Right Side anywhere, the Right Arm or Right Side Torso where the PPC's are.
Stalker: Side torso's will make them drop fast.

Heavies: Catapults- cockpit everytime
Cataphracts - Side torsos or Legs if they have ballistics that aren't gauss
Dragons: just shoot the thing in one spot, doesn't matter where it'll blow up.
Jagermechs: In the back, or side torsos (i wish there was more armor on these on the torsos)

Mediums: anywhere on any class. Mediums are dead.

Lights: Legs, period. then alpha their cockpits after legging for complete mech death satisfaction.

That's what I aim at. I kill a LOT.

But right now, with the hit detection all over the place, some weapons hitting for 0 damage. It doesn't matter what you hit, just hit it often because many shots are not even being recorded as hitting right now.

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