I think that the damage mechanic exists because of a danger of group devastation from LRMs. While you were working in tandem with that LRM atlas and it meant you had to replant every salvo, imagine the danger in an orgainized team with 3 LRM boats. It wouldn't be 40 missiles guided in unerringly to target, it would be 100, 150, even 200. Despite the damage popping the narc off, a coordinated group launching thier missiles together could truly be devastating if the narc had NO damage limiter/drop off feature. No matter how much that targeted mech got under cover, ran and swerved, it would be as though it was being painted with a big bullseye for EVERY missile mech... for volley after volley.
I think you may see something valid though, the mechanic is triggered at too low a point. A single mech who personally carries NARC and missles, or a team where one is dedicated to NARCing/tagging, the other firing... keeps exposing that tagger spotter again and again for just the pay off of a single salvo.
Perhaps if one could set it up so that only damage from missiles is counted in knocking off a Narc Beacon, because it's "EXPLOSIVE" rather than pin point? Otherwise if you NARC a target in the CT, but 40 points of damage is done to the left leg of that mech.... does it make sense that NARC falls off?
It seems to me, opinion only, that the damage limiter/drop off mechanic should really be a deterrent to the mass team exploitation of a single NARC lock by many LRM boats on that target. If they are not coordinated to a T, the NARC beacon signal will be lost while some missiles from a team of LRM boaters are still enroute to the target... whereas if a single spotter/LRM team are working together, perhaps more like two salvos should be managed off an NARC lock, from the LRM member of the pair.
I think this would be a way to address it, up the damage limit to something like 60 and see if you can make it apply primarily to missiles damage and perhaps ballistic... or require all the damage to actually be on the location the NARC actually STUCK to... so that shooting the right foot of the Narced mech, or thier shield arm, won't detach it easily.
Edit: Posted this as others were replying, I see some similar themes there, LRM damage only counting... or perhaps missile damage only counting, since SRMS are supposed to be effected too. Also the bit about pin point weapons not counting vs the drop off threshold. Perhaps splash damage was meant to be a way to differentiate missiles from other damages, that could have applied against the Narcs... not that it matter now though. (Read Sarna again before quoting the whole SRMS are only dumbfire rockets thing again - if that's your reaction to this mention to SRMs and NARC.)
Edited by Mad Porthos, 03 June 2013 - 09:01 AM.