Jump-Jet Shake Feedback
Posted 28 June 2013 - 07:09 PM
Pft, you're just trolling now.
Posted 28 June 2013 - 10:15 PM
@ deaconw, and pgi regarding patches.---> logic does not exit to suit YOUR needs, or wants at all. to use logic so (for solely ones own benefit) makes you a classic charlatan a man of many words but of little substance. these badly formulated arguments (in a classic sense) have the wrong premise my friend. logic is a formal way of thinking that allows for the consideration that our own human wants needs and emotions are biased in of themselves, and as such everything can theoretically be analyzed and then correct context applied to derive appropriate conclusions and opinions.
i petition that we formulate an official post in this thread and spam it all over the forums for PGI that lists this issue, with others and offers real corrections for these problems instead of just butchering the game every patch.
this is important because
1: it is clear and apparent that with issues like the "shaking" or "why is pinpoint alpha still the single most dependable build period? isn't there room for anything else?" that pgi falls flat on its face, for whatever reason whenever a game issue comes up, the response is game+hacksaw=new meta with possibly some old meta to abuse.
currently the meta is very messed up soley because is a single counter that works well against any mech (pinpoint alpha long or short range, flying or not), these are my thoughts
- Weapons lets look at them
ER LL - good for some builds but not nearly good enough to compete with ppcs as an alternative (which is what they are) as a generalized weapon for any mech past 1 or 2, which is sad because ERLL is a cool weapon. its damage and range are fine but it needs to have a little more advantage on the ppc because its a duration weapon vs a pinpoint weapon and it its smaller size and weight are already balanced by its shorter range and lesser likely-hood of a 100% contact shot and both are high heat weapons, so strictly speaking ERLL are a niche or "concept" weapon most of the time.
ERPPC - god on earth if used correctly, otherwise is a good way to blow your mech up or get cored by a light, using 2 or 3 can make you godly, 4 and more is almost unnecessary, even before the heat adjustments was never really a "good" idea. ERPPC are high range high damage high heat pinpoint weapons in TT and in MWO. some would say erppcs are overpowered still, and they are in many ways mostly because of its profile as a weapon, in this game ERPPC need to be slowed a little. even in mech 3 and 4 ppc's required a little more skill to use than in MWO because they weren't insta-hit cannons (the guass is supposed to be that right?), they traveled at a reasonable velocity, i second that ERPPCs have their velocity reduced to a level that reflects its value in the game, i see players (dont quote me) saying they are like 2000m/s? and that 1200 would be reasonable? i think around 1200m/s sounds right, in at least the sense that they need around a 30-40% reduction in velocity. that alone would balance erppcs, make you have to actually lead your target, make ERLL a real alternative and make them a skill weapon once again for the niche pilots.
Flamer - idk about this one, personally but i think it should be "useful" because its in mechwarrior and in this game.
LPL - good leave as is
ML - good, maybe give us a ERML
MPL - see LPL
SL - give it a slightly faster cycle time, only lights even rock it usually. so make it a little more "useful" longer range lower heat alternative to the SPL.
TAG - . is to much of a dice role to use it if you aren't a light working with an LRM boat or an LRM boat. but i think that the other "enhancements" you can use overshadow it alot in an unbalanced way,TAG vs modules+art+BAP+elite combo, tag admittingly being the "crème de la récolte" of the lrm boat cheese.
AC10 - see LPL
AC 2- - good if not abused - macroing should simply not be allowed, that would balance it, no other change would be needed at all. and it should be bannable offense. the newbs and veterans to this game should never have to experience the macro mech, whatever "flavor of the month" it ends up being, it is sad that ac2-s are the macro weapons with the ultra 5's. i know its fun and funny to play but its stupid and it is a game breaking flaw that makes every other AC jag build pale in comparison range+rate of fire+ammo advantage+know how to use=cheese ur jag against the wall. "just because i macro"=admitting i have no skill.
AC20 - see LPL
AC 5 - see LPL
Guass - see LPL
LBX10 - needs more choke bad, really bad, sadly it needs to fall into the role of the supercrit cannon version of srms. because most of the other ac are a better deal, plain and simple.
MG - see flamer
UAC 5 - see AC 2
LRM5-20 - godly if used right, ams is a good counter. fix the matchmaker so LRMs are balanced by having the amount of lrms on each team about even, it should match build to build rather than skill, because then skill will be the deciding factor instead of who has the better mech, everyones mech is matched for its build and balance against a mech almost just like it, not exact but close. in weapons profile and weight, this would balance LRM boats. similarly make sure if one team has an LRM boat, dont let the other team simply have a bunch of AMS instead of the real deal. lrms are only balanced if both teams have a chance to use them.
narc - useless fix this now, its so useless words cannot even express.
srms - i second the damage buff. brawlers are losing to ppc's/guass combos all the time even in brawling. fix this now plx
ssrms - lose the auto home, buff the damage back to srm value, add different ammo types, add a leading reticule that shows where to lead for your dumbfire missles (look up streaks if you dont believe me) and whalla balance.
EQ -
SHS vs DHS - SHS are inferior to DHS in 99% of builds, this is normally true in mechwarrior so idk what to say
BAP - good leave as is
CASE - um?? these exist? i honestly have exaclty 0, i find them absolutly useless in 100% of my builds (33 atm)
ECM - good leave as is
JJ - usefull kinda, on the spider/jenner, but extremely painful to use on any mech. i pose what i saw another say, and is very true, why does your cockpit shake on the inside, but not on the outside? why does your reticule shake when its guided by your eye? why does it seem like the shake is mostly just "punishment" for using JJ? and does not directly relate to pop-tarting or high pinpoint alpha at all? why dont JJ allow you to ascend to level 2 or 3 terrain like they would in TT?
Upgrades - good leave as TT values
mechs -
too many to list, mostly if weapons and matchmaking was balanced, mechs would likely be very balanced as well.
Matchmaking - blows chunks usually. i just dont understand why you dont have a battle grid or a faction menu or something that allows some OTHER form of control over your mechwarrior carreer than earning loyalty points and randomly dropping into matches. or why we havent had the ability for teams to challange each other or for the same players to play a few matches together for fun or any other real option then dropping randomly, it just seems absurd if this is the only way we will ever challange other mechwarriors. the totally random nature of this game is not really apealing. PGI do you even know what you are doing with the matchmaker? beside the shiny shiny flashy flashy? who is in charge game rules and logic? why is this like a total conv mod of counterstrike, except instead of hostages its a base to cap, its that same @## clown with the auto snipe, he is here too, just here he doesnt have to earn that autosnipe first, he can just buy it.
cant think of anything else, but we should arrange the best proposals and a full list of REAL issues related to game balance, real suggestestions to ensure that CW is amazing and not a flop, and a real solution for the relative uselessness of so many mechs and mech varients. adding more weapons, and restoring JJ is a good start i think.
we should do this to actually make this a fun balanced game to play, where skill matters most, and above any simple advantage of firepower or overpowering force that tactics, preparedness and skill (not just tactics and BOOM) should rule the day. then formallize it and spam PGI with it until they listen to reason. all the other winers whined until they get their way, and look what it gives us, crap.
Posted 29 June 2013 - 12:17 AM
PGI has created this meta from terrible planning.
You dont have a founders badge so im not sure how long youve been with us but PPC's used to travel much slower, they also generated more heat. These 2 combinations on top of the horrible hit detection made PPC's very unpopular.
To counter this PGI first increased its travel speed, then decreased the heat, then fixed net code + ECM disruption.
This leaves us with the PPC's we have today.
To highten the affectivness of PPC's, SRM's have had there damage reduced from 2.5 to 1.5.
SRM's being the complete counter to PPC's ( SRM's where only realy affective at 100m due to there spread, PPC decreases in damage below 90m ).
Now, jj's used to get you off the ground real slow so PGI introduced an instant boost when your jj's are first fired off. This gave birth to the poptart.
+ coolent flush for and double heat syncs.
In order to bring ballance to the game we have now may seem like a tough thing to do barring in mind it has taken PGI months to address these issues yet i feel a real simple approuch can be taken.
In stages, ( use beta for what its for and test small changes rather than changing 3 things for one system at a time ) introduce more heat for the PPC. Im not sure what the numbers where to PPC heat prior to them getting there reduction but with all the above systems that are pro for the PPC prehaps revert them to there old heat consumption or somewhere close.
This alone should see more PPC boats shutting down more frequently and would detere players from using them.
If however this is not the case, and the boating continues then prehaps slowing down the travel time of the PPC to somthing like a guass will further detere players, if not it will obviously decrease players ability to hit things at a great distance.
Whilst introducing these changes simultaneously increase SRM damage to further encourage players to move from the PPC's. As stated abouve small increases in damage could be given to SRM's over a periode of time to ensure a degree of ballance ( 1.7, 1.8 maybe down to 1.6 if damage proves to great.)
After a couple of month of us testing these new changes, PGI can than see if further changes need to be made such as heat scaling when firing 3 + PPC's for example. This may even see the OP poptart as not so OP without having to **** EVERY JJ USING MECH IN THE GAME !!!
Just my 2 cents, no one from PGI will see this and they'll probably intoduce some half baked idea to deture players from using PPC's that will probably brake another 4 or 5 unbroken things.
Posted 29 June 2013 - 07:00 AM
I've mostly understood the rationale behind PGI's balance changes, having to make due with imperfect tweaks to fix complex problems, but this time it just makes no sense whatsoever. They literally went "oh no, we massively overpowered PPCs and underpowered SRMs; I know, let's nerf jumpjets!" (lolwut?)
Ironically, in some ways the fix actually makes balance worse, because fast brawlers were bad enough before, but since many of them rely on jumpjets to be effective at maneuvering, and faster movers with jumpjets got screwed the hardest, this actually moves us further from viably balancing snipers.
My fear, however, is jump jets and poptarts were becoming such a scapegoat, that PGI makes a lot of people happy breaking them even if it does actually make game balance worse (or at best, doesn't make it better). Poptarts were very public thing everybody loved to hate and blame for everything from ugly children to global warming. That being the case, my fear is that now that they've bandaided the symptom, they'll never take the effort to actually go after the fundamental problem. Brawlers are still underpowered, we're STILL playing snipewarrior online, PPCs are still no-drawback BFG uberguns, and light fighters are now mostly terrible.
It doesn't help that the biggest proponents of this fix in this thread seem to be so much more interested in "punishing" poptarts than actually getting the game balanced, that they'll troll and attack anyone who disagrees with it, without even addressing any discussion of overall game balance, just to further that crusade and disrupt any meaningful conversation on said balance that might threaten it.
Edited by Catamount, 29 June 2013 - 07:14 AM.
Posted 29 June 2013 - 11:40 AM
Let me remind you that PPC's still had most of the buffs they do today back then minus the ECM dissruption and the cool shot. JJ also worksd as they did before they got nerfed and you would see a small amount of players poptarting in there phracts.
The best ballance to any game is a rock papper scissors effect. Poptarts cover would get rushed by hunchbaks/jenners with a few SRM 6 or 4 packs. Splatcats would get taken out before they got a chance to do any thing from PPC and LRM's. And those slow PPC boats with no scouts reporting enemy movement would get oblitterated real quick by that sneaky combo of an ECM light with his pall/palls in a SRM tottin medium or heavy.
Fun times, you could run so many different and viable builds. Yet the cries on this forum, by this comunity who have never partaken in an 8 man and know nothing of how an organised team may play, are PGI's main priorety. The stupid. And in doing so have lost a great deal of competative players, whole units have openly stated they will not be playing this game until they fix it.
Posted 29 June 2013 - 05:17 PM
Posted 29 June 2013 - 11:07 PM
sgt scout, on 28 June 2013 - 07:08 PM, said:
That would be a factually incorrect statement on your part. I absolutely believe it does affect some people.
Both, thx.
Posted 30 June 2013 - 02:49 AM
well played Deake. well ******* played.
I feel dumb for paying him any attention at all now.
I think we need PGI to fix jump jets at their core now. This Jump Jet shake was just the latest splash in the face to us JJ pilots, really.
The RVN4X drags in the air still, and the CTF3D feels like it has better lift and acceleration with JJ than the light mech does. Maybe geometry or engine physics come into play, I don't know. It's just never a good thing when your patrons start to become plagued with doubt. When they tell us they can do no more, when we all know the truth is they would rather not do more. When they tell us it's "fixed" and I'm looking there, pointing at the still broken thing. That is a breakdown in the engagement of the relationship, where it's your game now, not our game.
Jump jets are 60% of why I play this game over anything else. After the first nerf I consoled myself with being a Spider pilot. My Ac2 Spider, and passable air time still allowed me to do what I used to do with a Raven or a Jenner, ( There are Jenner pilots, and there are Jenner PILOTs. I wasn't great, but I've seen wizards who could ******* fly. And I've seen people who consider single jet bunny hoping the full extent of what Jumpjets should do.), where a fast aerial harassment game was a reality, not a fantasy. This shake nerf basically spoils ballistics. But oh that doesn't affect more than a few mechs. Jennys with their medlasers are untouched. You even get a few who come in here and say everything is fine. Oh we like the jumpy graphic decal flying all over our screen, it reminds us of realism and immersion, somehow.
And then the other contingent, who is just glad to see poptarts go away. It didn't affect their game as much either, they might dabble with a jet now and again, for Xmas, or perhaps the wife's birthday. But their game of Big Damn Robots is mostly untouched. So who is affected? Those of us just hanging on. I'd damned bored of my Atlases, sold my Highlanders, currently petting a Hunchback and Ac40Jagoffmeister. Probably master the Hunch4Punch, so I have to tool around in the others for a bit. That will divert me, but that's not why I love the game. I like fast light and mediums (and Atlases), and I like Jump Jets. That's when this game comes alive. Slow walking tower defense gets old when that's all you've had for 2 years.
Here's a sex analogy. This game is frustrating. When it doesn't have to be. It has everything it needs to be amazing, but if it doesn't follow through, it will only make you frustrated. It looks good, it moves great, but why isn't it working?!?!
Edited by ArchMage Sparrowhawk, 30 June 2013 - 05:00 AM.
Posted 30 June 2013 - 03:06 AM
At least you can say that the lack of a single sincere proponent of this fix speaks to just how bad it really is.
Posted 30 June 2013 - 03:21 AM
Posted 30 June 2013 - 05:23 AM
Catamount, on 30 June 2013 - 03:06 AM, said:
Ironic statement, considering that that is exactly the reason I have doubted the veracity of some of the complaints on this thread.
I am absolutely a sincere proponent of the *effect* of this fix (the elimination of the "all jumpsnipe all the time" meta. And I am not alone. I am also a proponent of changing it so people don't get ill as long as PGI prevents the return of the jumpsniper poptart meta (as I have stated multiple times). Which begs the question of why people still want to argue with me about it...unless their desire is simply the return of the jumpsnipe meta. But I digress. Was I over the top earlier in this thread? Yes. And I stated as such. It will be interesting to see just how widespread this problem is when the climb angle changes go in, as this change is giving JJ mechs a "buff" in necessity.
BTW, just as data, I was completely destroyed yesterday by an awesome Spider pilot who jetted around me almost the whole time...In this change that has supposedly broken JJ use (as some have claimed). That dude had skill. I also spectated another match where a similar thing happened to an Atlas. Do I think JJ use overall is much less? Yes. Do I think that is a problem...not sure yet.
Posted 30 June 2013 - 06:23 AM
First, would you have any problem with poptarts returning as the balanced, niche role they should be, or do you oppose all poptarting in the game, period?
Second, would you be open to trying alternative fixes to the OP poptart meta, removing screen shake and putting in other balance changes to see how they work, or do you think screen shake should remain, no matter what?
Posted 30 June 2013 - 09:51 AM
Ilithi Dragon, on 30 June 2013 - 06:23 AM, said:
First, would you have any problem with poptarts returning as the balanced, niche role they should be, or do you oppose all poptarting in the game, period?
It all depends on the definition of "poptart", I suppose. Jumping mechs shooting? No, not at all. Especially not for light mechs. But anything over 50 tons should have significant penalties for doing it, IMO. In fact, now that there is a skill-based limitation to it's effectiveness, I have tried it out myself in the Quickdraw frame(although I tend to fire on the move, not just standing and jumping). So that makes me a poptart now, I suppose
I absolutely think other balance changes are needed (such as convergence, which is feeding the high alpha meta right now, but PGI is going to try and fix it with heat...wrong approach IMO) but I also believe there needs to be an effect on a mech that is jumpjetting. One idea that has merit that was posted in this thread is leaving the screen shake but stopping the reticule shake completely and simply making the reticule area get bigger (ie, less accurate shots) while airborne as it appears that the divergence of the two shakes (the screen versus reticle) is what is driving a lot of the discomfort. I say this based on what some people have posted in this thread.
Posted 30 June 2013 - 09:57 AM
How frustrating do you think it will be to have such a large portion of your mechs and a large part of the game un available to you unless you put your eyes through some serious strain. And yes, the terrain thing sounds great and will be sure to change much in terms of gameplay. It will also be a huge buff to jj's as you stated.
Take note though that although alot of people do complain about not being able to hit things in a light due to the jj shake, my grip is with it physicaly affecting me, as many other players have reported. I have absolutely no problems in taking a spray and pray approuch on trying to hit my target whilst air born. Yet the jj shake has absalutly nothing to do with that. The reticle bounces at a speed that can not be humanly tracked. Perhaps it can be predicted ? Well even if it could the shot is still randomised meaning even if you triggerd your weapons on the exact time the cross hairs are over your target, your shot could still go wide.
With this being the case what is the need for jj shake ???
Players not affected by the shake ....... can you see fine ??? can you predict how far away from the ground you are and land in your desiered location when air born in a light mech traveling a fair distance? Can you jj over a building in order to attemt to spot enemy movement from 500m+. Are you able to identify roughly how many mechs and what they are?
I can do these actions, but to do so i must focus on a certain location. That location i am focusing on bounces around eraticaly with absalutly no pattern or easing. maybe its the 30fps average my rig can handle that makes the jj shake seem like a barrage of images rather than a fluid engine/jj rumble.
My point is this. What does jj shake do to those who it does not affect ? What is the point of it ? what is its importance of affecting aim when its tottaly out of the players control to begin with ? Why have it and why hasnt it gone ???
Posted 30 June 2013 - 10:23 AM
Why am I still posting in this thread? Because I care about the topic and the handy tool for the forums keeps track of threads I am interested in. I also want to make sure there is a counter opinion to the "bring the old meta back" kind of posts. PGI has a reputation for ignoring the will of the community on this forum for imaginary majorities (i.e. 3PV). My motivation is not to grief or troll people here. My motivations are 2-fold:
1. I love this IP. From TT forward. Really anticipated this game and want PGI to succeed...but not at the expense of dumbing this into just another CoD clone with stompy robots. I also don't want the same mistakes that damaged MW4 multiplayer to reappear here. In short: I have passion for this game. Not my particular playstyle only...THE GAME.
2. I have a significant financial "investment" in this game. More than any other game I have ever played. I am blessed to have a decent job so the money isn't a hardship but the hundreds (yes hundreds...go ahead and laugh) of dollars I have put in this game cause me to have an attachment to what happens with the game. That is normal human nature and I won't apologize for it. In short: Financial involvement makes me very interested in what happens with this game.
Ultimately, passion and financial involvement mean I care a great deal about MWO being successful and for what I believe the best vision for the game should be. I believe my passion and financial involvement give me a right to advocate for what I believe is the right vision for the game. So I will advocate for that vision strongly and PGI provides these forums to do so. I will also react strongly when I see posts by people who strike me as someone who doesn't really care about the game beyond the next month advocating game-breaking changes. Have I made bad calls on the assumption of motives part? Sure...this is the internet, miscommunications happen all the time. But I'll admit them when I feel I have been proven wrong (see my conversations with MonkeyCheese on this very thread).
At the very least, some of the comments directed at me, while rude and childish, have inspired me to reset my own tone because I admit it was raw at points. For that, I thank you, even if your intent was to **** me off, I am going to turn it into something good. Peace.
Posted 30 June 2013 - 10:29 AM
sgt scout, on 30 June 2013 - 09:57 AM, said:
And, as I have stated several times, I hope they can find a solution that eliminates the physical effect on the few who are experiencing it without allowing the jumpsnipe meta to return.
Posted 30 June 2013 - 11:23 AM
Can we all agree that PGI has been "fudging the dog" on MWO, pretty much since OB started? I have had this discussion with many folks, and we all pretty much agree that just before they went OB, that the game was in the most "fun" state.
Posted 30 June 2013 - 11:38 AM
DeaconW, on 30 June 2013 - 10:23 AM, said:
Why am I still posting in this thread? Because I care about the topic and the handy tool for the forums keeps track of threads I am interested in. I also want to make sure there is a counter opinion to the "bring the old meta back" kind of posts. PGI has a reputation for ignoring the will of the community on this forum for imaginary majorities (i.e. 3PV). My motivation is not to grief or troll people here. My motivations are 2-fold:
1. I love this IP. From TT forward. Really anticipated this game and want PGI to succeed...but not at the expense of dumbing this into just another CoD clone with stompy robots. I also don't want the same mistakes that damaged MW4 multiplayer to reappear here. In short: I have passion for this game. Not my particular playstyle only...THE GAME.
2. I have a significant financial "investment" in this game. More than any other game I have ever played. I am blessed to have a decent job so the money isn't a hardship but the hundreds (yes hundreds...go ahead and laugh) of dollars I have put in this game cause me to have an attachment to what happens with the game. That is normal human nature and I won't apologize for it. In short: Financial involvement makes me very interested in what happens with this game.
Ultimately, passion and financial involvement mean I care a great deal about MWO being successful and for what I believe the best vision for the game should be. I believe my passion and financial involvement give me a right to advocate for what I believe is the right vision for the game. So I will advocate for that vision strongly and PGI provides these forums to do so. I will also react strongly when I see posts by people who strike me as someone who doesn't really care about the game beyond the next month advocating game-breaking changes. Have I made bad calls on the assumption of motives part? Sure...this is the internet, miscommunications happen all the time. But I'll admit them when I feel I have been proven wrong (see my conversations with MonkeyCheese on this very thread).
At the very least, some of the comments directed at me, while rude and childish, have inspired me to reset my own tone because I admit it was raw at points. For that, I thank you, even if your intent was to **** me off, I am going to turn it into something good. Peace.
I agree with a whole hell of a lot of what DeaconW says here. I really hope there can be a good solution that balances the needs of motion sensitive folks like myself with the previous overabundance of poptarts. For myself, the reticle shake isn't any sort of issue, and maybe not even the way the cockpit shakes, but the way the view of the terrain beyond both of those is so crazy. I think if the view of the terrain outside the cockpit glass were to be smooth and predictable, that in my case, the reticle and possibly even the cockpit itself could bounce all over the place like Pamela Anderson on a mechanical bull.
Not unlike how it currently behaves when in cockpit. The camera view of the terrain itself is nice and smooth when walking/running/turning etc, while the cockpit itself sways lightly, or sometimes shakes when hit, and prior to the patch nothing had given me trouble other than the occasional crazy Jenner or Spider pilot I've observed after dying (and even then it's not nearly at the level I currently experience when piloting my own lights).
P.S. Deac, no need to feel shy about the "hundreds"...I'm right there with you man. And I'm sure in both our cases it's a by-product of the passion and excitement we have for this IP. Very well put Cap'n.
Posted 30 June 2013 - 11:57 AM
Now I'm fumbling my way around proving how much better suited I am to the "supporting" roles of the other 3 weight classes.
Posted 30 June 2013 - 12:06 PM
Rip Snorgan, on 30 June 2013 - 11:57 AM, said:
Now I'm fumbling my way around proving how much better suited I am to the "supporting" roles of the other 3 weight classes.
Just remember the cardinal rule for atlases: Your job is to get shot, so your team can blow up the enemy while they're shooting you.
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