The orion's arm angles are at a 45* which would make it difficult for them to implement horizontal arm targeting.
In game mechs more or less all have arms at 90* to the ground
The same thing happened with the hunchback: the image below has hunchback's arms at a 45% angle. however, the current model of the hunchback has arms at 90* angle. they had to go back and readjust hunchback's arms.

I hope they are spending the extra time figuring out a way to code for obliquely placed arms. and not remodeling the orion to have 90* arms. cuz it looks cool like that in the concept art.
One of the posters mentioned that the method for doing this is called linear interpolation. Maybe its time to look into that.
a way to code these 2 joints to work like a ball socket joint. It would definately be important for current and future mechs with oblique arms (since it would be boring if all mechs had 90* arms)
Edited by Tennex, 07 June 2013 - 05:15 PM.