Pgi, Please Don't Buff Mg's Again
Started by GingerBang, Jun 06 2013 07:24 AM
146 replies to this topic
Posted 09 June 2013 - 08:58 AM
A fictional universe where an MG does 2 damage like an AC/2 only at short range
. BT Tanks and Battle Mechs use same armor types, therefore both weapons do their listed damage within their range. That's just the way them BT facts roll.

Posted 09 June 2013 - 09:18 AM
I have said it before and I will say it again. MGs in TT do 2 points of damage per round. Now we can argue about why it should or shouldn't be doing that given real world examples, but that is all semantics and irrelevant.This is a game and as such balance takes priority over realism. Currently MGs are trash and a number of mechs are also trash because of it. Any one who says MGs are good and shouldn't be buffed are just a bunch of trolls, that, or they are really that dumb and should have their head examined.
Buffing MGs to 1.0 damage, cutting their ammo amount by more then half, and removing their crit damage bonus would make them viable, which in turn make the ballistic oriented Raven, Spider, and Cicada also useful, as well the creation of more mech builds.
This is a game, I aint got to explain sh*t on how this would work in the real world, only how it would work to make weapons, mechs, and the game, more balanced.
Buffing MGs to 1.0 damage, cutting their ammo amount by more then half, and removing their crit damage bonus would make them viable, which in turn make the ballistic oriented Raven, Spider, and Cicada also useful, as well the creation of more mech builds.
This is a game, I aint got to explain sh*t on how this would work in the real world, only how it would work to make weapons, mechs, and the game, more balanced.
Edited by Coralld, 09 June 2013 - 10:23 AM.
Posted 09 June 2013 - 10:15 AM
Pezzer, on 09 June 2013 - 08:26 AM, said:
^This is why I don't understand MG buff-activists. The Mechs in this game might as well be wearing Gundamium and they think modern conventional weapons can pierce that crap. The answer is no, I'm sorry.
It's mostly the anti-MG-buff crowd that continue to harp on how modern-day machine guns can't penetrate modern-day tank armour. Most of us who wants to see the MG buffed keep saying over and over again that space-MGs firing at space-armour have very little to do with real life.
But that only gets us another round of "lol a .50 can't kill an Abrams, herp derp".
It's not a modern-day machine gun.
It's not firing at modern-day armour.
It's as powerful as an AC/2 in the rules that govern this universe.
It does 2 damage to 'mechs, and kills 2-12 infantry per 10s.
Those are the facts. Undisputable. Still people harp on and on about how their "military training herp derp machine guns don't kill tanks lol".
It's sad, really sad, that some people aren't able to realize that a fantasy universe doesn't need to be an exact copy of real life. Apparently they have little issue with walking bipedal fighting machines standing 20m tall and weighing 100 tons (ground pressure anyone?), they have little issue with cannons getting shorter range the more damage they do (it's the exact opposite to how they behave in the real world), they have no issue at all with rail guns and weaponized lasers (none of which exist more than in experimental stages), fusion reactors doesn't faze them (though we're very far from realizing one in reality), nor does neuro-helmets (magic) or a fighthing machine that shuts down under its own heat (would never leave the prototype stage); but their suspension of disbelief gets absolutely shattered by something called a "machine gun" if it can do damage to that walking 100-ton hunk of space-materials.
Can someone explain that to me, because I'm flabbergasted at how a rational person can accept all those things but not something called "machine gun" that can do damage to something called "ablative armour".
Posted 09 June 2013 - 10:32 AM

Posted 09 June 2013 - 03:24 PM
Zerberus, on 09 June 2013 - 05:50 AM, said:
*raises beer stein* :)
my MG suggestion:
weight: 0,5 (+- 0)
ammo: 1000 (-1000)
DMG: 0.1 (+0,02)
range: 180-270 (+60)
Heat/s: 0,33
cooldown: 0,1
crits remain the same (maybe slight buff +1% each)
if u compare 2 MG's to the med pulse laser...
weight: 2
ammo: -
DMG: 6
range: 180-360
Heat/s: 1,33
cooldown: 3
...the MG's would do about the same damage (more with crits but lower range) and produce slightly less heat but take two critical slots + one slot for ammo, two hardpoints and they dont have unlimited ammo.
its not a bullet :)
Posted 09 June 2013 - 04:02 PM
GingerBang, on 06 June 2013 - 07:24 AM, said:
They rock. They do tons of damage to internals already. Any more and they will be a small laser without a heat penalty. Machines have always been nothing more than a spare tonnage filler. I think all the CoD players hear the phrase machine gun, and think of the damage they do to human flesh, not tons and tons of steel armor. a machine doesn't do {Richard Cameron} to a solid steel wall. Why do you think the US Army has anti-tank artillery, and not just 6 guys with M249's.

Four Machine guns with 2000 ammo cant kill a STOCK Commando at 200m. I got its armor to orange/red
Wtf are you talking about? 4 small lasers kill a stock commando in seconds.
Machine guns need a massive buff, as its supposed to be on par with a SLas for damage...
Posted 09 June 2013 - 07:06 PM
Your silly confession bear 1) is the wrong use of the meme and 2) is horribly inaccurate. While MG's may have been good in other MechWarrior titles, it's better to just outright destroy a target who has cored components than try and face tank them while spraying them with bullets. They should just be taken out entirely, but seeing as how they are already implemented, just leave em here as they are.
Edited by Dreamslave, 09 June 2013 - 07:30 PM.
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