I feel like we've had this discussion before...
Joseph Mallan, on 08 June 2013 - 03:47 AM, said:
Fisrt, GAU-8 is an Auto Cannon, not a Machine Gun. Second The PGU-14 is a Depleted Uranium penitrator with High Explosives added for better levels of excitement.
It is not a Bullet. And thus the GAU-8 is not a Machine Gun.
stjobe, on 07 June 2013 - 12:05 AM, said:
In today's nomenclature, sure. But a 'mech-mounted "Machine Gun" in the BattleTech Universe is nothing at all like a "machine gun" in today's parlance. It is, in fact, what we today would call a (rotary) autocannon.
As for the BattleTech Autocannon, according to the fluff it is a development of the Rifle, which in turn is a development of modern-day main battle tank guns like the 120mm smoothbore gun on the M1A1. Funnily enough, the Rifle family of weapons have a -3 damage modifier against 'mech armour, meaning that the Light Rifle cannot damage 'mechs at all - and still the Machine Gun does 2 damage against 'mechs.
So a weapon derived from modern-day tank guns cannot damage 'mechs, but the MG can. Make of that what you will - to me that means that MGs aren't anything like what we today would call "machine guns", and any arguments based on real-life machine guns or real-life armour fails by default.
The current distinction between autocannon and machine gun has absolutely zero bearing on what's called an autocannon or machine gun in the 31st century.
Joe, I know you know enough BT lore to know the AC is a development of the Rifle, which in turn is based on modern-day tank guns. It's not a scaled-up version of what we today call an autocannon.
Likewise, what's called a MG in BattleTech doesn't seem to be a scaled-up version of what we today call a machine gun; since they're more powerful than Light Rifles (who are developed from modern tank guns).
In short, 1000-years-in-the-future-and-in-space-weapon A and B have no real connection except their name to the weapons you played with in the military.