Merchant, on 07 June 2013 - 11:20 AM, said:
Also of all the Hunchbacks, it has been noted the 4J has the worst hunch of all making it easier to hit.
Cannot say any positives as I have not gotten to try the 4J I built in smurfy's lab focusing on 2LL + 1LRM20 letting it fight at long range never getting in close where it would be hit easy.
Speaking of LRMs, the 4J is nowhere near a Trench, the latter can go arount with a XL inside much easier, with more benefits thanks to the huge amount of speed gained (you can easily do 2xALRM15 with Xl 280/300 while in the 4J you're stuck to a 260) and in a much less suicidal way than the 4J.
It's still better than the 4G, but falls very behind Trenchs, Cents and the other HBKs.
And remind that the 4J has 20 tubes, not 10. Cents have 10 tubes, while trenches have a total of 30. There are "motivations" to why I own 4SP/4P/4H and not the 4J/4G